Archive for February, 2008

Windpower = Jobs

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 2, 2008 20 Comments

My friend anon wrote me and pointed out a great article about windpower jobs.  The bottom line of the article is that Windpower techs are in great demand and that wind companies are literally being banned from training classrooms because they are offering the students jobs before they graduate. What does this mean to Delaware?  […]

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I’m f@ing Matt Damon

Filed in National by on February 2, 2008 3 Comments


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Parking Logistic for Tomorrow’s Obama Rally

Filed in National by on February 2, 2008 14 Comments

I’m coming up Rt 13 and plan on getting to Wilmington with the family around 10:00 and looking for parking in any of the pay lots on French, Orange or King Streets which should get us to within 3 to 5 blocks of Rodney Square. If that fails, “plan B” is to drop the passengers […]

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Art at the DTC

Filed in National by on February 2, 2008 2 Comments
Art at the DTC

I went and saw Art this past Thursday.  It is a 3 man performance now playing at the DTC on Wilmington’s waterfront. It was a pretty damn good play.  The actors are amazing.  Apparently the play recieved a Tony in 1998 when it was on Broadway.  Alan Alda was one of the actors at the time.  Essentially […]

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Worst Person in Delaware Vol. 1 #3

Filed in National by on February 2, 2008 12 Comments

Spoiler alert: The Worst Person in Delaware is not Tom Carper this week. My apologies to everyone who set his or her alarm clock in order to read about Carper’s latest outrage. Worse: Christine O’Donnell who this week dropped her gender discrimination suit. Now when I heard this I thought that her statement was going […]

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Superbowl Predic[k]tions

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 1, 2008 10 Comments

I just saw this excellent link on HuffPo and it reminded me that I wanted to shoot out a post to discuss the Superbowl, as it is the narcotic of the masses. My prediction is a repeat of the 1986 Superbowl (Chicago v. New England).  That year, N.E. got all of us excited that they […]

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Coulter’s Effusive Praise for Hillary Clinton Is Genuine

Filed in National by on February 1, 2008 96 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] I hate Coulter but she makes some good points here.

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Great Obama Mailer In My Mailbox

Filed in National by on February 1, 2008 12 Comments
Great Obama Mailer In My Mailbox

If these are going out to all the Super Tuesday States Obama’s team is kicking ass! What I really liked about this mailer was the fact that the interior content makes a stong case for Obama as the man who can win against the Republicans. “Gallup Poll: Obama More Electable than Hillary” “Becuase he brings […]

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Around The Horn Friday: Super-Duper Friday Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 1, 2008 28 Comments

I don’t know about you, but super duper Tuesday is one of the dumbest names of an event in the history of events. Now I really hate the MSM. With the primary looming, people are weighing in left and right. On the left, the Obama camp is so happy that Tommywonk has endorsed Barack that […]

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A Present

Filed in National by on February 1, 2008 0 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] Happy Birthday Chuckles.

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“Terror!!!! Everybody!!!! LISTEN UP!!! TERROR BITCHES !!!!”

Filed in National by on February 1, 2008 49 Comments

That is a paraphrase from a quote by Tom Ridge in 2004. His job was to basically go around yelling terror and getting all the wingnuts in such a panic that they would come to think that George Bush was the savior of the nation. And Boy did it ever work. We still have some […]

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The Worst Person in Delaware

Filed in National by on February 1, 2008 2 Comments

Find out why Tom Carper is the worst person in Delaware tomorrow at 7:00 am. (Set your alarm clocks if you have to.)

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