Worst Campaigns In Modern History

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 1, 2008

If the Rudy Guliani primary campaign is regarded as the worst primary campaign in modern history, then the John McCain Presidential campaign seems like it is on a trajectory to be the worst Presidential campaign in modern history.

For a man who that bills himself as “straight talker” he’s been racking up the reversals, denials, and clarifications like Mike Castle compiles novelty check photo ops.

FSP’s Frank Knotts laments the situation here.

Dana points out the latest screw up here.

Xstryker talks about some Gen Election Matchups here.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Meanwhile, you have to be impressed with the sharpness of the Obama campaign.

    MyDD lays it down.

  2. Brian says:

    Obama is getting better and better. I am impressed with his campaign staff.

  3. Joe M says:

    How was Giuliani’s worse than Thompson’s?

  4. jason330 says:

    Thompson’s was pretty bad, but Thompson was never really the front runner.

    Take a look at this graph. IOWA

    from the minute Thompson annouunced he was on a downward slide.

    Guliani was the front runner through October.

  5. Pandora says:

    If Reagan was the teflon President, then Obama is made of rubber. Attacks don’t merely slide off him, they bounce back at the attacker.

    I’ve never seen anything like it.

  6. jason330 says:


    I have the image of a Judo master in my head. Attackers come at him with knives and sticks and he shifts he weight while turns his shoulders and those attackers go flying through plate glass widows.

  7. Pandora says:

    Great image. His campaign is really amazing, and he’s just so damn cool under pressure. His response to the “flag pin” and “hand on the chest” issue was damn brilliant! No wonder Democrats are excited. We’ve been waiting for someone to turn the tables on these bogus attacks for years.

    We’ve grown use to Democratic cowering. Normally when a Dem has his patriotism questioned they go out and buy 1000 flag pins and wear them all at once.

    Obama is a breath of fresh air!

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    “Obama is getting better and better. ”

    Last Night on Bill Maher’s program Christopher Hitchen’s made a shrewd observation on the show.

    He said (I’m paraphrasing liberally here) the thing about Obama is that he palpably gets better the further he goes on the race; he matures as a candidate right before our eyes. That shows he is the kind of person who is capable of rapid growth and we can, therefore, expect him to do the same as President.

  9. liz allen says:

    The tactics that will be used against Obama are all over the net! From the flag pin, the picture in native costume, are all just chatter…easily disputed. The worst is yet to come…the vicious,ugly lies that are coming are the dirtiest poltricks ever used on a candidate in modern times. Be prepared with some ready factoids, am sure Jenson will have a few in his playbook!

  10. xstryker says:

    His rapid response team is amazing. Check out his response to Hillary’s 3AM ad, made basically hours after hers hit:


  11. Dominique says:

    I’ll leave you guys alone to express your Obamalove in private. If I could dim the lights, I would. Let me know if any of you need a towel or a cigarette when you’re done. Or is that just cuddle time?

    hee hee.