McCain Gets Trounced By The Dem Regardless

Filed in National by on March 7, 2008

Xstryker has the state by state breakdowns via SurveyUSA.

Bottom Line: Clinton Wins big Over Mcain. Obama destroys McCain.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. X Stryker says:

    Obama leads or is really close in all kinds of crazy states, like the Dakotas, Carolinas, and Alaska. Also 2 out of 3 CD’s in Nebraska, which splits its EVs by congressional district.

  2. jason330 says:

    Those states don’t want another Bush term.

  3. Brian says:

    Obama would win by a landslide, but can we please start to change Delaware too…

  4. X Stryker says:

    Coattails, Brian. Coattails.

  5. Brian says:


  6. Pandora says:

    Last night the talking heads on MSNBC were fascinating. The tide is moving again. The “monster” comment was big, only… Tucker ripped the British reporter apart. Matthews spoke about the higher standards of the Obama campaign. Keith ran through the list of Clinton attacks on Obama, and played Hillary’s excuse for not firing anyone and why she was allowed to call names. All in all what started out as a bad news cycle morphed into a positive for Obama.

    But my favorite? McCain is an angry, uncontrollable old man. Everywhere I looked someone was showing the clip of McCain arguing with a reporter. His anger issues were all the talk. But, hey, wasn’t this one of the tactics Bush used against him in 2000?

  7. Brian says:

    grrr. when the xanax does not work…grrr….

  8. cassandra m says:

    Polls like this are not especially predictive just yet, but this one is really interesting for what it seems to say about Hillary. It looks as though she can deliver on those states that already have a fairly institutionalized Dem machine. Obama puts into play more of the mountain west and the west. He also creates more swing states (Texas!) than does Clinton.

  9. cassandra m says:

    I was really sorry to hear that Samantha Power resigned from the Obama campaign. She is one of the truely interesting and innovative foreign policy thinkers on the Dem side. And the world would certainly not miss Harold Ickes, but I guess it is OK for denizens of Hillaryland to just call names.

    If you haven’t read it, Power’s book, A Problem from Hell is simply fantastic.

  10. June says:

    MSNBC is the only channel I’ve seen that mentions Clinton’s people went to the Canadians with the same story about NAFTA (wink, wink). Clinton continues to criticize Obama about it but he doesn’t mention that her people did it too. Why?

  11. Steve Newton says:

    “Clinton continues to criticize Obama about it but he doesn’t mention that her people did it too. Why?”

    Because Obama has set himself up as the victim of negative campaigning who remains presidential and stays above that kind of partisan fray. It’s a strategy that will appeal to his new, young voters, but is dangerous in that eventually, most studies show, negative campaigning works.

  12. June says:

    Obama leads Clinton in Wyoming -3:30 p.m.

    With slightly more than half of the counties reporting, the Illinois senator is coming out ahead. Voter turnout exceeds expectations in the sparsely populated state.
    By Robin Abcarian, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer