Crazy Question here but

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 9, 2008

aren’t some of these people the same people that W courted in 2000 and 2008?

One is demographic. He didn’t carry the groups he often has trouble with — white women, Latinos, the less educated. The other is tactical. Clinton attacked him, and the attacks worked.

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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra m says:

    David Brooks is still an ass.

    W did carry some of these folks (famously security moms) and others he was still working at (Latinos). The difference this time is that the repub brand is rapidly losing its value and plenty of folks are tired of the substitution of God, Guns And Gays for real governing.

    It’s that he has never explained how this new politics would actually produce bread-and-butter benefits to people in places like Youngstown and Altoona.

    This is exactly wrong. Obama makes this quite clear ever time he stands up to speak — it is the partisan gridlock that stands in the way of bread-and-butter benefits. Minimize the hyperpartisanship and you can actually move forward on some issues.

    And you can’t look at the current electoral map without noticing which candidate will basically no choice but to work in a hyperpartisan atmosphere.

    Don’t forget that Brooks himself often laments the hyperpartisanship in DC, but largely when he is lamenting the current state of repubs or some cherished bit of repub failed policy.