Clintons feeling the love, Andrew Sullivan Style

Filed in National by on March 10, 2008

The Clintons are comfortable with this polarisation. They need it. Even when running against a fellow Democrat, they instinctively reach for it. Last week, in response to the Obama camp’s request that they release their tax returns, Clinton’s spokesman called Obama a new Ken Starr. For the Clintons, all Democrats who oppose them are . . . Republicans. And all Republicans are evil.

And evil means that anything the Clintons do in self-defence is excusable – even playing the race card, and the Muslim card, and the gender card, and every sleazy gambit that the politics of fear can come up with. This is how they have arrested the Obama juggernaut. It’s the only game they know how to play.

One is reminded of the words of Bob Dylan: “And here I sit so patiently / Waiting to find out what price / You have to pay to get out of / Going through all these things twice.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Sully really captures the truth about the Clintons in this column.

    The media are marvelling at the Clintons’ several near-death political experiences in this campaign. Hasn’t it occurred to them how creepily familiar all this is? The Clintons live off psychodrama. They both love to push themselves to the brink of catastrophe and then accomplish the last-minute, nail-biting self-rescue. Before too long the entire story becomes about them, their ability to triumph through crisis,

    This is so true. And the media is so unaware that they are being played like a whore house piano on fleet week.

  2. Pandora says:

    I am so sick of Hillary playing the “woman” card. Is that going to be her strategy when dealing with the world leaders? “I couldn’t get resolution with the French, Chinese, Iraqis, not because I failed, but because I’m a woman and, therefore, persecuted.”

    She goes on and on about the strides made in women’s rights, and then negates them at every opportunity by asking for special treatment.

    “It’s not fair,” is her mantra. “Why aren’t you asking Barack tough questions?” ” They’re picking on me!”

    I have two children. Needless to say, I hear these words everyday, and deal with them appropriately.

  3. donviti says:

    good Navy reference Jas…..

    I’d prefer to say being played like a Phillipino in a game of “who smiles first”

  4. Rebecca says:

    I’m sorry but I still don’t get this “experience” thing that she’s getting away with. Being First Lady doesn’t count as experience, unless tea parties and showing your face at events makes you experienced.

    She offended everyone she worked with on the Health Care project, then there was Travel-Gate, and White-Water-Gate, and by the second term they were furiously back-peddling on the two-for-one meme because she’d done such a great job of putting her foot into everything during the first four years.

    Why isn’t somebody calling her out on the experience issue? Obama can’t but surely the press could.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Oh wait, our liberal press is probably going to forget about all this unless or until she’s going up against McCain.

  6. Steve Newton says:

    “And the media is so unaware that they are being played like a whore house piano on fleet week.”

    Do you really think so? I tend to think the media is eating this up; it’s making ratings and driving advertising. Originally the media thought the Dems would settle on a nominee first, leaving the GOPers to a brokered convention; now its simply reversed.

    The media not only won’t kill Hillary, if Barack gets TOO close to putting her away before the convention, they’ll turn on him.

    Frankly, for the media a Clinton-McCain contest would be much more fun to cover because it would be (a) dirtier and (b) closer.

    I guess what I’m saying is I agree with you that they’re NOT covering it; I just disagree about WHY.

  7. cassandra m says: looked at Obama’s and Clinton’s claims of experience and found them to be largely correct — even though they broadly counted experience as any public service work apparently. CNN and others have been debunking the foreign policy experience that Clinton claims — her work in Kosovo and Northern Ireland in particular. Robert Reich himself notes that Hillary was definitely not arguing against the NAFTA content (only its schedule which would step on her health care initiative), and there is plenty of other debunking of this vast trove of experience that could certainly be woven into a claim that the details of Hillary’s experience are about as correct as “I did not have relations with that woman.”

    More interesting to me, though, is the perpetual internal drama of her campaign. Today’s NYT article does paint a management picture of somebody we’d like to see the back of pretty quickly and that is a real worry.

  8. Pandora says:

    Worry? Isn’t that a female trait? Hillary doesn’t worry, she ponders.

    I, however, am very worried.

  9. disbelief says:

    Cassandra’s link above “perpetual internal drama” is worth a post of its own.

  10. jason330 says:

    This bit from that link…

    Again and again, the senator was portrayed as a manager who valued loyalty and familiarity over experience and expertise.

    …reminds me of someone…but who…?

  11. donviti says:

    get your own blog dis 🙂

  12. Al Mascitti says:

    That’s what was so ironic about comparing Obama to Bush — she’s the one whose never-apologize, never-acknowledge-error personality most closely resembles the dauphin’s. Of course, she adds that little soupcon of persecution complex that makes the dish uniquely her own…