Mike Castle Supports Torture…

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 12, 2008

The House just voted down an attempt to override the President’s veto of the intelligence authorization bill late last week. The final tally was 225-188 (with five Republicans voting for the override and three Dems voting against) about sixty votes short of the two-thirds needed.

How can we not get someone to run against this guy?

If you don’t believe me click here to see Mr. Castle voted…

You sire are a disgrace to this state. I think we have a worst person nominee…

So Republicans stood strong behind the president. Almost all Republicans, including Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC), have agreed with his take that robbing the CIA of its battery of “enhanced interrogation” techniques (which have included waterboarding and inducing hypothermia) “could cost American lives.” Of course, a number of military officials and the FBI have a different take.

The bill would have restricted the CIA to the Army Field Manual’s guidelines for interrogation

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    One could say that the GOP’s love of all things Medieval (authoritarian religious practices and torture) could cost American lives too.

    Fvckers can’t see the damn forest for the trees…

  2. jason330 says:

    Party line hack.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Hey! But thinking I’m Jack Bauer makes me perform better in bed!

    – Mike C.

  4. liz allen says:

    Why do Delawarean’s believe this guy is a moderate? He is nothing but a political hack, who votes with Boosh 95% of the time. He’s old, sick and shouldn’t run again.

    Karen Hartley-Nagle will trounce him on his votes, that are against the majority of the citizens of Delaware!

    Check out who his “supporters and donors” are, is there any wonder why he continues to vote against us, and for them.

  5. disbelief says:

    It just boggles the mind that in the entire State we don’t have one decent Dem or Independent to challenge Castle. We make fun of the GOP that they can’t find a Governor, but we’re almost in the same boat.

  6. Rebecca says:

    We’ve got a strong candidate in Chris Bullock. He’s doing all the right stuff. Watch for his financial report for the first quarter.

  7. David says:

    I got another form letter from him today and now I’m really scared. He said that the terrorist are coming to get me and that if I don’t give up my constitutional rights I don’t stand a chance. He says that if the government can’t listen to my calls and track my email and monitor my bank account that I’m just asking for trouble. Oh yea…then he said he knew just what to do. Vote Republican! Thank God for those form letters…know I’m not so lost.

  8. jason330 says:

    Mail from Miek Castle? I’d love to get one of those letters. If you can scan it, I’ll give you some “DelawareLiberal Bucks” (no cash value) to send it to me.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Sometimes Castle deigns to send me one of those form letters too. But I Do Send Letters (very civil ones!) and have Working Assets for phone service and they send some in my name.

    They are eye-rollingly condescending.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    Another item, do any of you read The Washington Monthly? Not Kevin Drum’s blog, but the real magazine.

    This month is dedicated to a variety of discussions repudiating torture from many POVs. I think that many of these essays are available here. This is valuable reading and worth the price of the mag at your local newstand.

  11. David says:

    I send them all letters, at least weekly. In the last year I have gotten three or four responses. Just so happens that the two from Castle were the exact same letter. But it’s good to know he’s “keeping my views in mind” while he legislates.

  12. I kept telling Karen Hartley-Nagle to run like Darcy Burner. I sent her a bunch of Darcy’s slamming YouTubes so she could appreciate how effective a good, solid video clip could carry a message but I haven’t seen anything out of that camp yet that will effectively show Castle up just by being what he clearly is not: a clear advocate for the populace.