Mike Castle Supports Giving lawbreaking Phone Companies immunity and Torture…

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 14, 2008

But thank god there are less of him in our country and more people with spines. Barely though…

The House Dem leadership’s surveillance bill just cleared the House by a vote of 213-197 with 1 vote of present. 12 Dems crossed the aisle to vote against it.

The bill has stricter privacy safeguards than the Senate’s version — and of course does not contain a provision granting retroactive immunity for the telecoms’ participation in the administration’s warrantless wiretapping program.

go here to see Mr. Torture in the Nay column if you don’t believe me. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN broke ranks. When push comes to shove Mike Castle is bush’s bitch people hopefully you are seeing a pattern.

Mike Castle has to be the worst person in Delaware this week. Supports torture and Companies that break the law. Wow, and we can’t find someone to run against him?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I can’t wait for McCastle’s statementon this. I bet $100 it contians at least one “however” and two “bipartisans.”

  2. Pandora says:

    But… but… but… he’s a moderate! Isn’t that what everyone says?

    It is so time for him to go.

  3. Brian says:

    What a shame, I would like to know why he felt this was a good idea and hope he releases a public statement to that effect.

  4. donviti says:

    doesn’t anyone try to get a quote from this guy on anything he does?

  5. jason330 says:

    I tried for about two years and kind of gave up.

    If we did a “tag team” thing I might be up for trying to get him to comment on something.

  6. Carper will vote right along with this scam. Shame on our antiConstitutional congressional delegates (Mr. Carper in advance).

  7. anon says:

    Carper will vote right along with this scam.

    Actually he already did, on the Senate version of the bill. Now it will be interesting to see how he votes on the bill that came out of the House… because the only difference is the new bill doesn’t have telecom amnesty.

    If you have been keeping score, Carper voted for the Senate version of the bill which included telecom amnesty.

    But when the Senate amnesty bill got to the House, they killed it and sent back a new bill which contains the same language as the Senate bill only… without the telecom amnesty.

    Pelosi, Hoyer, and Conyers engineered some procedural razzle-dazzle that left Repubs sobbing and gasping for air (see dKos for a brilliant explanation).

    Watching C-SPAN today was a treat to see Dems acting like a real Dem majority.

    Icing on the cake was they timed it all just before a two-week break. And yes, Harry Reid is keeping a pro forma session so we don’t get any Heckuva Job recess appointments.

    Now when the Senate votes on the House bill, they will be clearly voting up or down purely on telecom amnesty. Tom Carper, we are watching.

  8. If you have been keeping score, Carper voted for the Senate version of the bill which included telecom amnesty.
    yup. I knew that Carper voted on the Senate version and that is why he gets the advanced, projected boooooo.
    I put up some interesting links that describe what exactly Pelosi and Reid have executed with FISA to date. GREAT stuff that will definately need Carper’s support. Will he support my rights to privacy? I am not holding my breath.

  9. david says:

    Good for Mike and Tom.

  10. liz allen says:

    Torturin Tom always has been, always will be a republican. Why don’t the democrats begin now to find a replacement!

    If he could, he would publicly support McCastle he would.

  11. X Stryker says:

    Call me an optimist, but I’m betting Carper votes for this. He would vote for the version with the telecom amnesty, too, but I can’t believe he’d vote AGAINST this bill just because amnesty wasn’t in there. If he does, we need to go FULL ON NUCLEAR against him the same way we do against Castle.