This is Like Nixon’s Erased Tapes

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2008

Looks like the White House is now claiming that computer hard drives that may have contained the missing emails from 2003 to 2005 have been destroyed. If nothing else, these guys need to be brought up on charges of violating the executive records act.

What sort of shrill response would there have been if suddenly 2 years of Bill Clinton papers had gone missing. The right would have been screaming that Vince Foster had been murdered and Bill was covering it up.


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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    It’s like the torture tapes.

    I think the wise investor would by stock in companies that manufacture paper shredders and which cleanse hard drives of all stored information.

    The Criminal Bush Presidency has much evidence they need to dispose of before they leave office and Obama becomes President.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I’m sorta disappointed that the White House didn’t try to pin the missing hard drives on Sandy Berger. THAT would have been a creative excuse. This is waving a red cape in front of Congress that they should grab and charge these fools.

  3. Duffy says:

    “What sort of shrill response would there have been if suddenly 2 years of Bill Clinton papers had gone missing.”

    Like the Rose billing records that were missing for 2 years?

  4. anon says:

    No doubt Tom Carper is working on a retroactive immunity bill as we speak.

    Facciola proposed the drastic approach of going to individual workstations of White House computer users

    That is not drastic at all; that is exactly the next place to look if you can’t find it on the server.

    The first think we need is an injunction banning the destruction of any hard drives until they have been forensically searched for the emails.

    Not that Bush cares about injunctions.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Like the Rose billing records that were missing for 2 years?

    Since what was found in the WH closet were copies of these records (AFAIK the originals are still missing), perhaps we should start asking BushCo to look in his closets for the copies of these drives.