Archive for March, 2008

will this hurt or help him

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 24, 2008 9 Comments

Thoughts?  I don’t know how this hurts him when it comes to independents.  Personally, it is par for the course with Johnny.  All hat and no cattle.   When it comes down to it, he votes right in line with the party.  Sort of like Chuck Hagel, Warner and the rest of the pathetic lot of […]

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and now a word from your pResident

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 24, 2008 0 Comments

I apologize if I have gotten away from this…. I like to tell people when the final history is written on Iraq, it will look like just a comma because there is — my point is, there’s a strong will for democracy.” ,  “The problem is the government cannot be trusted to enrich uranium because […]

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The Incredible Shrinking Republican Base, or

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2008 25 Comments
The Incredible Shrinking Republican Base, or

Who Wants to Be a Republican? This article in today’s NJ documents the increasing weakness of the DE Republican party, noting the serious shift in voter registration from R to D this year. It seems that much of the reasons for the shift are a perception of more excitement on the D side (both for […]

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This is Like Nixon’s Erased Tapes

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2008 5 Comments

Looks like the White House is now claiming that computer hard drives that may have contained the missing emails from 2003 to 2005 have been destroyed. If nothing else, these guys need to be brought up on charges of violating the executive records act. What sort of shrill response would there have been if suddenly […]

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Easter Dinner: Turkey or Ham?

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2008 21 Comments

Sure, it isn’t healthcare or the war, but which is your preference for Easter dinner?  I picked up a smoked ham from Durhams BBQ (Fletchwood and Elkton Roads) last night.  I cannot describe how good a nice freshly smoked ham is. Happy Easter, from DelawareLiberal.Net.

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A FauxNews Clip I Can Actually Watch

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 22, 2008 4 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] Of all the people to defend Obama and attack Faux News, It is hard to believe that Chris Wallace was the one.

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Fundraising Drive – Autism Society of Delaware

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 22, 2008 2 Comments

Greetings Delaware Blogosphere!  We have been asked by a friend of the blog to put up a widget to support a fund-raising walk for the Autism Society of Delaware.  Please notice the widget on the right and consider clicking on the “Donate” button. Many people don’t know that Delaware is a hotbed of autism research […]

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Entitlement Reform

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 22, 2008 1 Comment

It has gotten bad.  The economy is in a shambles, well-respected companies are being consolidated into oblivion, people are working harder for less buying power.  The culprits in some of these cases are entitlements. CEOs, CFOs and the like all feel that they are entitled to tens of millions of dollars as a payment for […]

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I agree with Al Mascitti

Filed in National by on March 21, 2008 30 Comments

If you by letting John Couger into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame you open the door to a lot of second and third tier rockers. Mellonkamp (sp?) had maybe two good songs. So why not Eddie Money? Why not Gillbert O’Sullivan? Where does it stop? The National Association of Sports Writers, or whoever […]

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ATHF at Nancy’s

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 21, 2008 1 Comment

Hey, it’s always a Good Friday when there is an Around the Horn.  Check out Nancy’s version.

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Filed in National by on March 21, 2008 2 Comments

OBAMA is a politician lest you forget people….

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Did Anyone Else Hear This Drivel?

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 21, 2008 43 Comments

On the way into work this AM I heard a Republican DE lawmaker Joe Fitzgerald of the NCC Chamber making some point about how unfair it was to business owners to raise the minimum wage. The quote was something like ‘Let’s face it, the price of everything is going up these days and some of […]

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Maybe if they got better jobs they wouldn’t be poor

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 21, 2008 1 Comment

An analysis of government data by The Washington Post found that prices have risen 9.2 percent since 2006 for the groceries, gasoline, health care and other basics that a middle-income American family has little choice but to consume. That would cost such a family, which made $45,000 on average in 2006, an extra $972 per […]

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