Iraqi Troops Still Not Up To The Task

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 4, 2008

The New York Times is reporting that during the recent Basra offensive, over 1,000 of the Iraqi soldiers deserted during the fight.  This is good news for the Bush admin, since they don’t need to stand down until Iraq stands up.  I wonder if that will ever happen.


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  1. Rebecca says:

    Remember the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? For more than five years BushCo has pushed the American military, the American economy, and the American taxpayer to keep doing the same thing over and over. Thousands of lives lost, tens of thousands of our military maimed, and billions and billions (sorry Carl Sagan) of dollars peed into the sand.

    The American voter is waking up — 82% of them in last poll.

    McSAME is toast.

  2. anon says:

    That 82% who think we are on the wrong track will probably elect overwhelming Dem majorities in Congress. But that doesn’t necessarily translate into a Dem President.

    McCain still has that inexplicable appeal to independents and crossover Dems. To win, Obama has to break that down. I haven’t yet seen that his team can do that. And he needs to start soon. Huge Obama rallies with his arms up in the air, and calling for bipartisanship, aren’t going to do it.

  3. jason330 says:

    I don’t understand why these troops were not properly motivated by the pre-battle pep talk: “Why we fight for Haliburton!”

  4. liz allen says:

    shite is not going to kill shite! they are all united in one thing…get the US occupiers out of Iraq, with their oil in tact to build their own country. Bremer the moron let the 5th largest army in the world (remember thats why GHBush before attacking in 1992)…go to baathification, now the ignorant uneducated shite are running the place, while the brain drain sunnis left the country.