Question of the day

Filed in National by on April 15, 2008

Would you let your 15 and 11 month 16 year old daughter leave school 20 minutes early to take the dart bus to her new job at the Dairy Palace? 

If you were the owner of the Dairy Palace would you hire this child? 

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hiding in the open

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I had a full time job at 13. This was back when they worked us 14 hour days in the coal mines using equipment that would tear your arm off if you blinked too slow.

  2. donviti says:

    back when school wasn’t important…

  3. Disbelief says:

    You should remind her that eating the frozen ‘product’ (I don’t think their ice cream ingredients ever went near a cow) is antithetical to hotness.

  4. Disbelief says:

    Did the phrase “antithetical to hotness” sound a bit effeminate?

  5. anon says:

    If I was a kid first thing I’d do is get a ride from a kid with a car so I didn’t have to go on the stinky bus.

    But as long as she calls when she arrives, no problem. You gotta let go sometime. And make her call from the store phone, not the cell phone. Remember the store isn’t going to call you if she doesn’t arrive.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Well, obviously, the age is not an issue as that is legal working age within limits.

    HOWEVER, I would seriously take the time to see if said employment requiring an early dismissal from school (outside of vo-tech arrangements) is actually legal. I’m thinking hell no (I haven’t taken the time to research, obviously).

    DV – If that were my daughter (I have 14 years and 11 months to get to that same juncture) and her employer insisted on her having an early dismissal, I would tell that employer to kiss my arse and a few other things.

  7. donviti says:


    so you are ok with your daughter bailing 20 minutes early from school then? Just checking

  8. Rebecca says:

    Depends on what she will be missing during that twenty minutes; if it’s a study hall then sure, if it’s Geometry class then no way. The job experience will be good for her as long as it doesn’t interfer with real academics.

  9. anon says:

    Bailing 2o mins early? How many days per week? Depends on what your school says. If that is customary for that grade in that school, sure why not.

    On the other hand, there are other jobs that don’t require you to bail early. Maybe probe into why she is so anxious to work at this place. Is there somebody there she wants to hang with?

  10. Rebecca says:

    Oh, BTW, my first job was as a Christmas Gift Wrap Girl at J.C. Penney when I was 15 and 9 months. Had to get a special child labor permit from school. What I learned was that I didn’t want to spend my life as a Gift Wrap Girl. My grades improved dramatically the next semester.

  11. anon says:

    Does she know about Dave Burris’s idea to pay her less than minimum wage?

  12. anon says:

    or was it maybe the other Dave’s idea

  13. Pandora says:

    No… to leaving school early.
    Yes… to the job.

    My son is 14 (today!) and he will be working at the beach this summer.

  14. Andy says:

    Depending on what last period is maybe
    Possible to make arrangements with school to make this ok ???
    DART bus no problem might be better then putting another 16 year old on the road should be a good experience
    Job definitly yes

  15. X Stryker says:

    Actually, the last 20 minutes of Geometry Class (AKA Sequential Math 2) when I went to high school were irrelevent to me. I was a very fast learner and could have easily aced that class without those 20 minutes – I usually used them for sleeping anyway.

    So I guess what I mean is that it depends on the student as well as the class.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Pandora, my daughter is exactly half of your son’s age. Happy birthday to both of them.

  17. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and Dairy Palace? You have got to be kidding… Why the hell would they need her to be there before school lets out? If she was leaving early to go work at something with a future (work-study, for example), fine. But an ice cream shop, fuggetaboutit.

  18. anon says:

    I used to hitchike from high school to my job busing tables at a coffee shop. Can’t remember if I left early or not. My parents didn’t have much to say about it; I needed the damn money and saved it for college.

  19. Disbelief says:

    Did you make more money hitching or busing?

  20. G Rex says:

    I agree with Pandora; No to leaving school early but yes to having a job, just as long as she’s not stripping like that 12-year old girl in Texas.

    Oh, and while I never worked in the coal mines like Dis (who must be a Yorkshireman) I did get up at 6 every morning and bike a few miles to work on my neighbor’s farm when it was time to bring in the hay. I was one seriously buff and well-tanned 15 year old!

  21. donviti says:

    you’d make many republicans proud.

    too bad you weren’t a page

  22. Pandora says:

    Geek, Happy Birthday to your daughter! Wow, two tax day babies! August is such a romantic month!

  23. Dana says:

    If it’s a single-shot thing, yeah; if it would be a recurring event, nope, Dairy Palace will have to wait.

  24. donviti says:

    isn’t letting your kid out of school early sending the wrong message, especially for a $6/hr job?

  25. Pandora says:

    Totally wrong message! Education is the priority, DV. My goal for my kids is this: Get a good education and… move out!

  26. liz allen says:

    Glad to see some Delaware teens are actually getting jobs at the beach. For the last four years…someone down there made a contract for eastern European teens. They were told there would be housing…got here…no housing. Some came to get money for college, most went home more broke than when they came. Extras they thought would be included are not, so many were spending money they should have been saving for living expense. My daughter worked at the beach, after the first summer, she discovered that waiting tables was not in her future and she applied for college in the fall. She thought it was a great life experience.

  27. donviti says:

    dairy palace is in New Castle liz…