Remember that AWESOME terrorist bust up in Miami

Filed in National by on April 16, 2008

I am pretty sure that every news agency had it on as “Breaking News”

Not one, but 2 mistrials later…Again, Govt’s Kooky Cult Terrorism Case Goes Bust

See, spying on Americans really does pay off

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hiding in the open

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  1. Pandora says:

    Bet the headline for this is much smaller than the one that ran when they caught the “terrorists”.

  2. Jason330 says:

    July of 2006 is the key fact.

    4 months prior to Bush’s re-election. It was all about THE TERROR!!!

    As I recall, Ryan S of the Delaware wingnut-osphere used the “miami plot” to call for building a border fence.

  3. Brian says:

    Government Employee: I am hunting de’ wraskiwy terroris…..

    Bugs Bunny: er’ uh’ what’s up doc….

    Government Employee: Oh, I got you now terroris….

    Bug Bunny: Not so quick doc, what are ya’ schmozzing for a bruisin’

    Government Employee: See dat’ de’ terroris, thwetened me….

    Bugs Bunny: Er’ Uh’ doc where you uh’ listenin’ to my phone calls?

    Government Employee: Why sure….

    Bugs Bunny: And what pray tell did you hear?

    Government Employee: We hearwd about the terroris raid you pwan on de’ carrot farm….

    Bugs Bunny: Now your really cooking doc, (aside) and I mean brain is cooking like a coq au vin in butter sauce….

    Government Employee: Ah, I heawrd you you wraskiwy terroris….

    Bugs Bunny: You must be hearing things doc…maybe its the voices in your head….

    Government Employee: The voices in my head?

    Bugs Bunny: Sure doc the voices in your head that keep telling you everyone is a terroris….

    Government Employee: Maybe er….

    Bugs Bunny: What would I want wit’ a carrot farm anyway, I got me row after row here….

    Government Employee: Well I guess he has a point, (turns) but I know I am here to catch a terroris mister and your de’ only one who fits that descripition…

    Bugs Bunny: That must be becuase of my ears doc…nah you got it all wrong see…you keep looking for terroris everywhere…. so you see them everywhere….(takes out a giant hammer and hit government employee on head)

    Government Employee: I see dem all terroris…terroris…one terroris…two terroris….three terroris…four…(does ballet dance of the terroris’s)

    Bugs Bunny: What a Maroon, what a super maroon….that’s what hapens folks when you think everyone is a terroris…