Pandora’s Prediction

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 17, 2008

I predict that last night’s debate ends up helping Obama in the polls. I base this prediction on Hillary’s win in New Hampshire, the Rev. Wright controversy, and bitter-gate. Any takers?


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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    HE might have been playing it a bit too tight. Since he has already come from 20 points back a 8 point Clinton win is really a win for Obama.

    I don’t. this primary is bad for my sanity.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Let’s face it. Obama was far from his best last night. Maybe he was being ‘handled’ too much and/or was too cautious about making a big mistake.

    As a result, I think he really missed an opportunity for his “I PAID for this microphone” moment.

    He should have flashed some real anger and said something along the lines of “Mr. Moderator, do you really believe that the people here tonight and the people watching at home care more about flag pins, Bosnia, Rev. Wright and some guy from the ’60’s than they do about the endless war in Iraq, losing their jobs and homes, $115 oil, global warming, and making sure their families have health care? If so, then I really don’t belong here tonight.”

    As far as I’m concerned, had he done that, it would’ve been game/set/match. Just try to imagine the crowd’s reaction and how the coverage would be today.

  3. Jason330 says:

    That would have been the sound bite that broke this thing wide open.

    I can’t supress the my regret I feel when I hear the clips that the radio is playing.

  4. Pandora says:

    El Somnambulo,

    I agree. On the flip side, had HRC put a stop to the nonsense, it could have been her game/set/match. They both blew it. However, I based my prediction on the public’s past reaction. Seems like the voters have been balancing this primary out depending on what they consider fair.

    I’m curious about the upcoming polls. I think they will decide who won this car crash of a debate.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    Pandora: But that’s not the game HRC is playing. She is playing the ‘gotcha’ game, so she was like a cheerleader at that debate. It’s Obama who is trying to change the game. He could’ve done it last night, but it turned out to be a missed opportunity.

    The two positives I take from last night are (a) I agree with you that there seems to be a backlash against real or perceived unfairness this year and (b) Obama learns from his mistakes and will be ready to take John McCain apart when/if last night’s tactics are repeated.

  6. liz allen says:

    I’m with Pandora….George Stepfordoupoulus used to work with the Clintons, of course he couldn’t be fair to Obama…and the internet is filled with rage today over George and his sidekick. I think the voters are smarter than these smartass pundits….and will go with Obama within 2 points of clinton.

  7. truth teller says:

    I disagree he already whining about the questions however i do agree with the Washington Post that both questioners were complete asses. once again obama comes off as a cry baby he should of just let other complain about the format. as i stated last evening his line that bill Clinton pardoned 2 weathermen in defence of his position of being close to one sounded to much like a 3 grader say to his mom Johnny did it too.

  8. Pandora says:

    Whining? Cry Baby? Sorta like… Why do I always get asked the first question? or, Maybe we should ask if Obama wants another pillow? or, citing a skit on SNL to prove everyone is picking on you?

    Is that what you’re referring to?

  9. truth teller says:

    No i am saying that the Washington post stated the true climate of last nights debate he should of let it go i can see Charlie Black and the swift boaters licking their chops knowing that this guy always over reacts . it was when my neighbor Robert Novak stated that Hillary and company had dirt on obama with out offering any proof Obama went Thur the roof and attacked Hillary whining and crying like a baby they know that all they have to do is use the Karl Rove play book on him and it throws him off message. Remember hillary has been thru this before and can hit back.So if we have any chance of beating the Senile Old man we should support the Iron Lady at least she will return a punch.

  10. Pandora says:

    We’ll have to disagree. You are 100% pro HRC, and if you read my post you’ll notice I cited what happened in NH. My point – which included BOTH candidates – was that when it looks like they’re getting beat up on they come out ahead.

    What do think the polls will show? Will it hurt him? Please… no spin.

  11. Jason330 says:


    I think many of us are working on the assumption that the country has had enough of Clinton/Rove style politics.

    My sense is that you are geared up for another 8 years like the 8 we’ve just been through – but with Dems in charge. I can understand that since I used to feel that way too. I wanted blood. An eye for an eye and all of that.

    I don’t feel that way now because I think (hope) that Obama can break the cycle of dysfunction. Maybe that is naive, but it the last shred of political guilessness I have left and I am holding onto it like a ship wrecked man holding onto a floating lounge chair pad.

  12. truth teller says:

    The Question here is if we have the will to to win or not Remember Clinton was the only Dem since FDR to win two terms in a row. So What i am really saying is that i am tired of so called Dem’s who fold their tent and run away from a fight.So if we want the Senile Old man to win and attack Iran so that our children will be ready for the draft in a few years put up another Kerry.No spin here just truth telling I know that it hurts at times

  13. Jason330 says:


    That was weak. Clinton is the Kerry…and the Gore for that matter. She is the “Narrow Electoral College Victory” candidate in the race. She is the 50% plus one heir to Kerry/Gore philosophy.

    You are all wet.

  14. truth teller says:

    Jason you just showed yourself as a name caller if you can’t disgree with a person on facts then maybe you shouldn’t post at all

  15. Jason330 says:


    C’mon. That was even weaker. That was just the facts and nothing but the facts.

    1) You are all wet.
    2) Clinton is the Kerry in the race (I made that point very well if I do say so myself.)
    3) Your comment (#12) was weak.

    Which is not to say that I am not a name caller. To be sure I am a name caller, but what does that have to do with the eakness of your argument?

  16. truth teller says:

    Well obama is behind the senile old may in Florida ,Pennsylvania, Ohio and other states that we need to win. Oh I know he has won more states in the primaries than Clinton but if you think Mississippi, South Carolina and Iowa and the other red states that hes won out west are going to turn blue in November the i don’t know what you folks are smoking

  17. truth teller says:

    My argument stands because when folks react to it like the RUSH Limpman they fail to address it and hope to silence the one scoring the points. It it always those who fail to have and intelligence response to resort to calling names Hillary is no wind surfer . and tonight i heard Harold Ford say that the obama supporters and obama himself were whining too much so i rest my case