Stand by your man… 2008 style

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 20, 2008

After the ABC “debate” and the outcry that ensued something dawned on me. We didn’t focus on bitter-gate. We didn’t argue the “merits” of flag pins. We didn’t try and educate the population on the history of the black church. Frankly, we didn’t behave in typical Dem fashion. We stood by our candidate and made our feelings over an issue-less debate known. Loudly.

Where were these voices when Kerry was swift-boated? When Gore was mocked for “inventing the internet”? Why were we, as a group, silent?

Well… we aren’t silent now, and I think this is the key in November. Obama is my candidate, and I ain’t letting nobody trash-talk my guy!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (53)

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  1. X Stryker says:

    And it’s good to see Obama right out there with us, criticizing ABC’s perfidy.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Excellent points.

    Chris Hedges has an editorial today in the Philly Inq which takes on why we let it happen in the past

    The failure of the left is the failure of well-meaning people who kept compromising and compromising in the name of effectiveness and a few scraps of influence until they had neither.

  3. Pandora says:

    I agree. And I had fun writing this, but on a more serious note… sometimes Progressives are their own worst enemy. (I prefer to think it’s because we are so smart!!) We engage in debate. Sometimes to our own detriment, i.e. global warming.

    The difference I’m sensing now is not only coming from Obama, but from the people.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    It wasn’t because that the masses were silent in 2000 and 2004 but Gore gave up on Florida and Kerry never did come out swinging which has always led me to believe that there just maybe a grain of truth behind the swift boaters slime. The thing that got me about Al Gore was ,I watched his debates with Jack Kemp and Ross Perot and he cleaned their clocks but when he came up against the idiot from Texas he was a total dud and his failure to use President Clinton didn’t help. Gore will go down in history as the man who had the office of the president stolen from him.

  5. Pandora says:

    BUT… the masses were silent in 2000 and 2004.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Silent in 2000 is certainly plausible, if anything because the Dem activist class didn’t have the outlet that they have now. 2004 is different — there was plenty of pushing back, but the candidate certainly did not do it, so even with a better platform, the activist voices were not well heard. One of the best things about the 2008 campaign is the credibility afforded to non-traditional media voices (blogs) by most of the Dem candidates.

  7. Truth Teller says:

    It wasn’t the fact that the masses were silent but they acted as if they were afraid to offend. The Repuks played every card in the book even to the extent of storming the office of a recount in Florida. What the Dem’s have to learn is that Karl Rove and Charlie Black really don’t care what the New York Times thinks about them they just go for the jugular. Even today i am not sure that Howard Dean understands this. That’s one of the reasons I believe that Hillary is our best hope she understands that this game is not Beanbag

  8. liz allen says:

    We the citizens of the US have not had a “free and fair” election since 2000, and we won’t this time either. Mark Miller, History Prof at NYU has a great article out…Every election from 2000 to 2008 was stolen…its those rotten voting machines, and 2008 will not be different. Question is what will we do, when this one is stolen…blog, yell to each other, or really act up, stand up ….an orange revolution?

  9. Truth Teller says:


  10. anon says:

    What the hell are you going to do with a voting receipt. That doesn’t prove anything.

    Even worse, can you imagine coming to work and your boss demands to see your receipt.

    The only secure method is a paper ballot and a #2 pencil, counted by cantankerous old coots from opposing parties.

  11. Truth Teller says:

    Anon I believe that you miss the point after voting the receipt will tell you that you vote was recorded the way you wanted and before leaving the polling place it is placed in a locked box in case of a recount. As far as your boss asking to see it or for that matter anyone else a true American ( which are very hard to find today)will tell them to buzz off.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    My design for a voting machine would have a receipt printed out and displayed in a glass window. The machine asks you if the receipt has the correct vote on it. If it does, the receipt is dropped into a lockbox or rolled onto a roll (ala vending machines that take bills).

    In addition, the voting machine would be open source, from hardware to software. All aspect would have to be completely open for public review and contribution.

  13. kavips says:

    Reminder: ABC Boycott (on principal) starts Tuesday.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Roger that. There will be liveblogging, so I hope you will join us, Kavips.

  15. Pandora says:

    Geek, love the voting machine design!

    Already sent my email to ABC. I am so standing by my man.

    Can’t wait for liveblogging. I’m chilling a nice bottle of white.

  16. A. Bundy says:

    Liz Allen, when you say that “Every election from 2000 to 2008 was stolen…its those rotten voting machines…” do you mean EVERY election? I guess that means when the Dems took back the House and Senate…Oh no you can’t mean that!

    Truth Teller, when you use terms like “Repuks” it just shows how witty and creative you are! Man, I’ll tell ya, you are so clever! Progressives really are smarter.

    Finally, I don’t think questioning someone running for the OFFICE of PRESIDENT really constitutes “trash-talk.”

  17. ron says:

    pandora is a dumb shit

  18. ron says:

    and so is liz allen

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Gee, thanks for your informed contribution, Mr. Ron. I can only assume that your first name is Mo.

  20. jason330 says:

    Geek’s comment is better.

  21. Pandora says:

    It seems as if funny and creative are beyond ron’s grasp… and vocabulary.

  22. Pandora says:

    Damn, Jas! I just played off of your previous – now deleted- remark!

  23. ron says:

    How many Hail Marys do you dumocrats have to say to be forgiven for being so liberal and stupid (sorry – that was redundant)?

  24. jason330 says:

    “dumocrats” ?

    Mr. Ron is visiting us from 2002 via some kind of troll time machine.

  25. ron says:

    2002 is a lot closer to reality than most of you morons.

  26. Pandora says:

    Maybe we shouldn’t feed the trolls.

  27. ron says:

    It was also disclosed today that the polygamists who inseminated their daughters were liberals (socialists).

  28. Truth Teller says:

    Geek I to liked the voting machine design to bad the folks that make them think otherwise

  29. Truth Teller says:

    It appears that the the folks who can not form a sentence to make an enlighten argument have resorted to name calling. That’s the way it always turns out from folks who really have nothing to add.

  30. Truth Teller says:

    Bundy got the word Repuk’s from your man Rush the junkie

  31. Truth Teller says:

    I noticed that under Jason blog he slams Carper for stating that he will support Hillary if she wins Pa. Then ask the question shouldn’t Carper support obama after all that’s the way Delaware went. That is what i like about you Obama supporters wanting to hold Carper to a standard that you are not willing to hold Kenney, Kerry or Richardson to. And while we are at it what about Michigan and Florida. Also i notice that your guy opted out of the North Carolina debate is he afraid of the iron lady she cleaned his clock in the last one I am sure that the Republin slime machine has taken note of this

  32. Pandora says:

    MI and FL are done because your Iron Lady agreed to ‘opt’ out.

    As far as Carper goes… well he’s in a league of his own. ’nuff said.

  33. Jason330 says:


    I can;t tell if it is you or the troll, but either way – I can’t really hold Kerry to any standard Because I don’t live in Massachusetts. I live in Delaware* where I am allegedly represented by Tom Carper in Congress and at the Democratic Convention.

    * voted for Obama.

  34. Truth Teller says:

    No she didn’t she kicked his butt in Florida a state where neither campaigned and in Michigan if you ask any pol they will tell you the hardest race to win is where you run against NONE OF THE ABOVE instead of a named person and there again she kicked NONE OF THE Above butt

  35. Truth Teller says:

    P.S Howard Dean better show some leadership for we cannot win without these two States

  36. jason330 says:

    #35 is bogus and I think you know it.

    #36 eh. They’ll get over it.

  37. cassandra_m says:

    Howard Dean is showing some leadership by not abandoning the rules (the rules that the MI and FL party leadership agreed to, BTW) that everyone set. Things would be far worse if he sent the message that any state can abandon party rules at will. Or if any candidate could abandon any rules at will. The only reason folks care about this is to get Hillary more delegates, which is too bad they did not think of summer 2006 and that Hill did not think of when she signed the 4 State Pledge in 2007.

    And, yeah, they’ll get over it.

  38. Truth Teller says:

    Jason 330 if you think #35 is Bogus then you better go back to school and take a math class the vote count in both states for Hillary supports my position.
    Again I notice that name calling ( TROLL) comes into play when you don’t have the evidence to support your argument.
    Have a nice day anyway

  39. Jason330 says:

    To suggest that either FLA or MI have any shred of legtimacy under the cirumstances that they were held is bogus and you know it.

  40. Pandora says:

    Okay… let’s try this again. FL and MI don’t count. EVERYBODY agreed and signed off on this fact. At the time HRC was basically the presumptive nominee, and nobody thought the race would be so close. But it is.

    Now I have no problem with Dean and co. working out a compromize, but it must be fair. I believe, come Denver, both delegations will be seated.

    As far as winning… At the time of these “primaries” Hillary had the name recognition. Obama has continually shown that he closes her lead by campaigning in a state.

    This is also a delegate race, hence the idiocy and importance of super delegates. I don’t like the system, but you cannot change the rules now.

    I accept your support of your candidate, but, let’s face it, the time for her to care about disinfranchised voters was before she agreed to disinfranchise them.

    And please refer to LiberalGeeks post on trolls on the front page. A troll stole your moniker, Truth Teller. It was confusing, and some pretty nasty comments were being attributed to you! Jason answered you while this was going on, his reference to “troll” was not a shot at you.

  41. Truth Teller says:

    To dismiss the Millions of voters that voted in both states sort of takes the position of the Repubs took back in 2000 in Florida ( screw the people don’t count all the votes) and look what we ended up with

  42. Truth Teller says:

    You can’t have it both ways the only one that disenfranchised the voters was Obama in Michigan he was the one that removed his name not Hillary and both remained on the Ballot in Florida’s as far as name calling goes you will notice that i haven’t delt in that policy and after receiving a complaint about using the slang REPUK i have omitted it from my post

  43. Jason330 says:

    I have no problem with the word REPUK – but I have a problem with the fact that you are writing history to suggest that Hillary “won” MI or FLA.

    You’d have to torture the meaning of the word “won” like an Abu Grhab detainee to come to that conclusion.

  44. Truth Teller says:

    Jason the folks in those two states voted and the results are indisputable Hillary beat Obama in Florida and beat NONE OF THE ABOVE in Michigan by beat i mean got more votes. In any contest the meaning of the word WON is the person with the most points in this case Hillary got the most votes of anyone and that includes our beloved Joe Biden.

  45. cassandra_m says:

    The folks in those states voted in a primary that their leadership already knew would not count. The folks in those states voted in a primary that all of the presidential candidates promised not to campaign in out of respect of the 4 state order. Michigan is especially silly since one of its Lege houses is D and so is its Gov. If the MI government wanted their votes to count they would not have broken the rules.

  46. Pandora says:

    I can’t argue about MI and Fl anymore. Take it up with Dean.

    Your loyalty to HRC is apparent. Wonder if the positions were reversed would you feel the same. The real question isn’t: why don’t we count MI and FL ?
    The real question is: Why does HRC, the presumptive nominee until Jan., need MI and FL to count?

  47. cassandra_m says:

    The real question is, if Obama was running behind in delegates and needed FL and MI to catch up, would Truth Teller be agitating for votes to be counted then?

  48. Laura Bush says:

    Methinks not, but in all fairness I probably would.

  49. Pandora says:

    Oops, I just exposed my trolling self!

  50. Pandora says:

    Geek, I know you mean that in the nicest possible way.

  51. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, I mean it more like the little dolls with big hair than the guys under the bridge.