Hillary is winning IF…

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 23, 2008

Hillary is winning…

IF… The popular vote includes MI and FL
IF… The popular vote does not give Obama any votes in MI
IF… We don’t count caucus states
IF… We don’t count red states
IF… We don’t count small states
IF… We only ran our primary like Republicans
IF… We considered the Electoral College map

That’s a lot of ifs. Have I missed any?

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (37)

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  1. John Feroce says:

    IF…in other words it was a normal election.

  2. Truth Teller says:

    You can spin all you want but people voted in Florida and Michigan in the millions so if you wish to act like a Repub in Florida in 2000 then dismiss their votes, I am not talking about delegates here i am talking about fellow Americans who in spite of Howard Dean’s stupid ruling the folks of these two states expressed their opinion and the Iron lady won.

  3. John Feroce says:

    What’s “Hilarious” is this blog ranted against Super Delegates just a few months ago, when they were perceived to be leaning toward Hillary.

    In the end, Obama will be victorious BECAUSE of Super Delegates not in spite of them, that’s a FACT.

    They will NOT do the right thing and the majority of Democrat votes will be set aside for the will of the few. Good job Howard Dean.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Enought with that crap. It was a non-vote. It is like saying that my nephew’s soccer game was rained out – but the other team didn’t get the memo and they won because a few palyers showed up by mistake.

    You just sound like an idiot at this point.

    You are getting tiresome Truthy.

    Knock it off.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    If we repeal the 15th Amendment; that would work too.

    And to the Dean bashers: If you’re going to the grave, would you blame the hearse?

    The states broke the rules, even after knowing the consequences of doing so. Settled.

  6. John Feroce says:

    “It is like saying that my nephew’s soccer game was rained out – but the other team didn’t get the memo and they won because a few palyers showed up by mistake.”

    I don’t really want to get into this with you Jason, so I hope you take it as just another viewpoint.

    How about a “forfeit” instead of a “rain out?” See millions of Floridians and Michiganders actually played in something regardless if you all didn’t show up.

    Just the facts, nothing more.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Hillary is winning if her main money man ends up as a Fox News promo.

    Have mercy that’s desperate.

    And the Dean bashers ought to get up on the rules before bashing the rulekeeper. Dean is not making any friends at Team Clinton, but they realy ought to acknowledge that the Dean-era DNC strategy is part of the reason she can keep hanging on.

  8. John Feroce says:


    It’s called leverage, like it or not DE could never have played that hand, FL and Michigan knew they could…so stay tuned, because I for one don’t see in any way shape or form how they get denied.

    Thus Supers will ultimately deliver the nomination to Obama for some bleeding heart reason I’m sure, not because it makes sense. Hillary is the stronger candidate and more Democrats in the United States will have voted for her, yet the DNC leadership selected Obama as your nominee, try and settle that.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    If the Eagles and Dallas play a Super Bowl game next week, that does not mean that any of them are getting any bonuses or rings or bragging rights out of the deal.

  10. Pandora says:

    I wrote this post because I was about to explode. What’s everyone talking about now?

    Onward to Indiana!!!

    What about North Carolina? Oh, I forgot. Obama’s supposed to win there so it doesn’t count. Oregon won’t count either. But Puerto Rico will.

  11. John Feroce says:


    If the major city teams play on their own schedule, instead of the leagues, the Super Bowl that you grew up with will be a side show.

    It has happened in the old AFL and NFL, the NIT and NCAA tournament and in many other cases. Not a good example.

  12. John Feroce says:

    “What about North Carolina?”

    Yeah, but he has to win by 25% or more margin or it’s a loss 🙂

  13. Pandora says:

    I hate it when you make me smile, John

  14. Von Cracker says:

    Yeah, ok John…


    Just admit the GOP wants to run against Clinton….

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Just admit the GOP wants Clinton.

    That would be more reasonable than what you’re trying to push.

  16. Pandora says:


  17. Von Cracker says:

    Though I did enjoy your injection of RealPolitik into the Dem primary system.

    Heh….leverage 😉

  18. John Feroce says:


    I do admit it, we want her til Aug.

    Then we want Obama.

    I didn’t see RealPolitik, but it sounds like they know what they’re taking about…ha

  19. cassandra_m says:

    If the major city teams play on their own schedule, instead of the leagues, the Super Bowl that you grew up with will be a side show.

    But they don’t. They play with the sanction of the leagues — when they say, where they say and by the rules they set. If these teams play outside of that sanction it functionally becomes a pro pickup game.

    And does not count for regular league play or stats.

  20. John Feroce says:

    You’re the one who said they were playing next week, not me.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    Meaning, negotiating differently with the powerful (large states, in this case) instead of an ideological approach (such as: these are the rules, no matter who you are). Capiche?

  22. Rebecca says:

    I’m just tired of people who refuse to follow the rules. The laws. Simply ethics. They are above all that. We’ve just lived through seven and a half years of that. I don’t want to sign up for eight more.

  23. I Love This Blog. DE Liberal has become my # one. Thanks, you guys (and by that I mean gals too).

  24. Jason330 says:

    Thanks for the compliment Nancy. I agree that Pandora and Cassandra really have added so much.

  25. An Atriot today on the FOX video clip:

    No, this is what MSM is talking about. The candidates are talking about the issues.

    Terry McAuliffe was on Fox yesterday telling Sean Hannity that if Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Obama’s elitism were in the news then by definition they were legitimate issues.

    Hillary Clinton’s campaign has open contempt for me and my family. You may call that narcissistic, but I call it not in the best interest of me and my family.
    Halfdan | 04.24.08 – 9:45 am

  26. Pandora says:

    Nancy, thank you! We aim to please and… piss off!

  27. Truth Teller says:

    Jason you got it wrong once again it wasn’t a rain out both sides showed up in Florida and also in Michigan Obama was featured as NONE OF THE ABOVE AND GOT 36% of the vote

  28. liberalgeek says:

    Truthy – I am saving that comment for the trial at the Hague.

    It is against the Geneva Convention to torture the facts the way that you just did.

  29. Pandora says:

    Oh puhleez! It’s about delegates! They aren’t tied. Obama is ahead and she can’t catch him. I am so over FL and MI. THEY DON’T COUNT!
    They will be seated at Denver, but THEY DON’T COUNT at least not the way HRC wants them to.

    But, hey, if you want a do-over… let’s caucus. Oops, I forgot. caucuses don’t count!

    Puhleez, drop this bogus issue. Obama has won. If the super delegates decide to overturn that FACT… so be it. But please drop this argument. Pick another one.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    Do you think if we added Truth Teller to the DE Hottest Blogger Contest he would chill on the MI and FL crazyness?


  31. Pandora says:

    Okay… Truth Teller is nominated for DE Hottest Blogger for his undaunting persistence and perserverence and total commitment to one woman.

  32. Truth Teller says:

    Well folks i was right Matthews and MSNBC get the stupid award along with Rachel Maddox for having aired the North Carolina Ad against Oboma. For today the Repub party of North Carolina agreed not to run the ad . Now here is rub the ad never was run by the Repub party of North Carolina it only ran on the cable shows Ha Ha

  33. Truth Teller says:

    Ok I’ll give you Michigan but there are two things that are true more Dem’s voted for her in all the races and because both were on the ballot in Florida and neither campaigned according to the stupid rules she does have more votes than him
    Nuff Said

  34. Pandora says:

    Truth Teller, you were just nominated by Cassandra as DE Hottest Blogger. Lighten up, and enjoy the glory. Oh… and it might be a good idea to read the comments before you post. Go on… bask in the glory.

  35. Truth Teller says:

    Pandora why a caucus why not a Revote oh I forgot that was suggested and Obama nixed it what is he afraid of ?????

  36. Pandora says:

    “Ok I’ll give you Michigan but there are two things that are true more Dem’s voted for her in all the races and because both were on the ballot in Florida and neither campaigned according to the stupid rules she does have more votes than him
    Nuff Said”

    Nuff said??? WTF? I withdraw your nomination for DE Hottest Blogger! Give it up. Four caucas states weren’t even counted in the popular vote. Oh… why am I bothering. THIS IS A DELEGATE RACE. Screw the popular vote. It doesn’t count. Unless, you’re a rule breaker!

  37. Pandora says:

    OMG! I mentioned a caucus because Clinton supporters get their panties in a knot over caucuses! It’s their way or the highway. PLEASE read the comments preceding your’s!!!! and then respond.