Celia’s Dream of Bill Lee Simply Will Not Die

Filed in National by on April 24, 2008

Celia keeps pushing Bill Lee for Governor on her blog, Delaware Grapevine.

The only reason that I can think of that she could have for beating this dead horse is that Mike Castle is telling her to.

Here she tips her hand by playing fast and loose with the fact:

Lee was an obvious alternative, a Republican favorite who nearly denied Ruth Ann Minner, the Democratic governor, a second term in 2004.

Nearly denied? Lee lost by 5% points. It was not a sqeaker.

So Mike Castle is still pushing for Bill Lee to get in the race and why not. He is looking at his toughest race to date and is surrounded on the ticket by fools and frauds. He needs a Governor that will break the 20% threashold.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Shite, the GOPerheads around here sure hate Protack. Much of their echelon seems to have gone DEM to give Markell their vote.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    It will amount to spending time with Dopey and Goofy.

    I thought she was talking about FSP for a minute there.

  3. Sexy Beast says:

    why would bill lee be a worse choice than carney or markel?

  4. Little Birdie says... says:

    Celia swoons for Bill Swain? I am surprised!

  5. Brian says:

    I don’t know about you, but I swoon for Karen Weldin Stewart every time I see her with a boa on…..and donV but that is another story….