Republicans love Hillary. They won’t vote for her, but they love her

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 24, 2008

Is it a coincidence that republican/conservative bloggers on DL, and elsewhere, keep pumping up Hillary Clinton’s candidacy? I think not. Obama is not only running against both Clintons, he’s running against the GOP as well. Hillary supporters pay attention. The dark side loves you. The reason they haven’t attacked you has nothing to do with lack of ammo, and everything to do with how much they want to run against you. Rush, Ann C., and – a big shout out to my sparring partner – John Feroce are doing everything in their power to get you nominated.


Are Rush, Ann, and John really trying to save the Democratic Party … or themselves?


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Look the GOP is afraid of Hillary now because they know she is a fighter they were afraid of Obama at first but now they know that he has turned off the gun lovers and they can paint a bomb thrower and bring up his anti American Wife and Preacher they are rubbing their hands with glee Charlie black Karl Rove and Rush the Junkie can’t wait to give him the swift boat treatment for they have seen how the iron lady with just minor jabs have been able to show him as a cry baby and pull him off message. last night in his speech he was still complaining about the ABC debate.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Today Rove was praising Clinton in the pages of the WSJ.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    correction paint him as a lover of Bomb throwers

  4. Jason330 says:

    Rove gave us Kerry. I’m done with paying attention to who Rove thinks should be the Democratic nomiee.

  5. Pandora says:

    I’m suspicious of their concern. Please stop trying to save me.

    Jason, I cited Rush and Coulter, but add Rove, Buchanan, Scarborough… am I missing anyone? It’s really creepy. Oh, John Feroce, Dana, etc.

    Hillary is a better candidate has been a growing theme around here.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Even Matthews is losing faith in Obama saying that Obama had showed no fire in the Pennsylvania race if Obama would talk more about the price of gasoline and lest about a mean less speech g]he gave years ago I just might think he might make it. Regardless of what you folks may think i will do what the iron lady has told me that should obama get the nod I will hold my nose and support him, But god please let him show me that he is able to fight

  7. Truth Teller says:

    Why is it that the when i want to find out how many of our brave men and women were killed in Iraq the news journal almost never has the answer and the Washington post always has it if at all on page 18 and as far a cable goes the only one that keeps us up to date and i hate to admit this is Lou Dobbs

  8. Truth Teller says:


  9. Pandora says:

    Add Tom Ridge to the list of Hillary lovin’ republicans… he basically just endorsed her on Hardball.

    This is getting ridiculous!

  10. cassandra_m says:

    Truth Teller, you need to step away from the TV, man.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Tom Ridge? That’s fun. Repubs suddenly showing up all over with Hillary talking points. Trying to convince the gullible that a repubs’ endorsement somehow equals electability.

  12. on a smaller scale Laura Ingrahm too

  13. Pandora says:

    I wish I had waited an hour before posting. My title would be “Hillary and McCain join forces”.

    What do they really have on Obama? A minister? A bitter comment? A flag pin?

    Meanwhile, Hillary rewrites the entire middle east policy, and… nothing.

  14. Truth Teller says:

    You left out his American hating wife

  15. Truth Teller says:

    I really can’t understand why you folks can’t admire Hillary for her willingness to stay in the race and fight after all the wimps this party has produced Reid Nancy dean and Kerry you would think that a lady with the guts to stand up would be admired but no you folks seem to like the wimps and cry babies I hope you all watched the Reverend tonight with Bill Moyer it seems that the pastor had it right when he said that obama’s speech was just to tell the voters what they wanted to hear you know just like all poles do feed them BS just to get their votes

  16. jason330 says:

    Wikipedia has a name for you Truthy:

    Concern troll

    A concern troll is a pseudonym created by a user whose point of view is opposed to the one that the user’s sockpuppet claims to hold. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group’s actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed “concerns”. The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt within the group.[11]
    For example, in 2006 a top staffer for then-Congressman Charlie Bass (R-NH) was caught posing as a “concerned” supporter of Bass’s opponent, Democrat, Paul Hodes on several liberal New Hampshire blogs, using the pseudonyms “IndieNH” or “IndyNH.” “IndyNH” expressed concern that Democrats might just be wasting their time or money on Hodes, because Bass was unbeatable.[12]

  17. FSP says:

    Nobody loves Hillary. We just love that she’s turned a perfect situation into the exact opposite. She’s electing John McCain every day.

  18. Pandora says:

    OMG! I agree with Dave!

  19. cassandra_m says:

    She is not electing McCain yet.

    And I don’t really think that Truth Teller saw the same interview with Moyers.

  20. John Feroce says:


    I’ve been extremely busy today, so my apologies for not recognizing the shout out. Thank you…I think 🙂

    Back to business. Obama is the weaker candidate, and the following Democrat breaks it down for you –

    The Top Ten List of Undisputed Facts Showing Barack Obama’s Weakness in the General Election Against John McCain

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Oh no….Lanny Davis, the Joe Lieberman concern troll. No worries people, John F’s post is just more Bullshit.

  22. Pandora says:


    Lanny Davis? Are you kidding me? Why not give me a link to It’s the same thing!

    I’m very disappointed.

  23. John Feroce says:


    What can I say, I’m not out to impress, just facts.

    He can’t close the deal.

    “But as the Democratic primary campaign has moved into the key battleground states of the industrial Frost Belt, Obama has hit a brick wall in his bid for rural votes. In Missouri, Obama took only six of 116 counties (including the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City). In Ohio, he carried just five of 88; in Pennsylvania, only seven of 67.”

  24. Stella Bluez says:

    Iron Lady or not….I do not dislike or disrespect Hillary Clinton….I am simply sick & tired of the Clintons & the Bushes….she touts her experience as her strength, I see it as her “training”, she now can spin, lie & triangulate with the best of the Beltway…..I LOVE that Obama is NOT of DC….he has yet to be twisted… his last book if you want to know if he is up to the task….it’s not about dissing Hillary…it’s EXCITEMENT about the real deal….

  25. John Feroce says:


    I’m happy for you…really. The fact is though Obama can’t close the deal.

    “This marks the third mistake for the Illinois senator. Not only does he not understand economics, not only is he set apart from middle-class values and beliefs, he apparently hasn’t read much history, either.”

  26. Von Cracker says:

    It’s so funny that the OB loss in PA is something close to ‘can’t close the deal’. That argument is utter bullshit, and you all know it.

    Are you gonna tell me that millions of PA residents could get together and say: “hey everyone, there’s no way HRC can win, so why don’t we just vote for Obama in order to end this thing?”

    If this is your line of thinking, then sorry, you’re fucking stupid. People, when given the chance, will vote for the person they want to vote for, regardless if it’s the front-runner or an underdog.

    What’s impressive is that Obama took a 20% lead, in a state built for HRC, and reduced it to less than 10% in less than 6 weeks.

    Where is the fucking sense, people?!!?!???!??!?

    And TT, lay off the Rethug talking points. It’s unseemly. It makes you look like a scared 2004 Bush voter.

  27. cassandra_m says:

    The fact is though Obama can’t close the deal.

    He is the frontrunner and the prohibitive one at this point.

    And she can not close the deal — one that she was inevitable for this past fall — either.

    You do need more interesting talking points now, John. These are really too easy.

  28. John Feroce says:

    The fact is though Obama can’t close the deal.”

    Sorry I’m taking the lazy way out, but I’m exhausted. See my post below, hope to be back tomorrow.

  29. John Feroce says:


    We all know you’re drinking on the beach, so you won’t be graded on your work this evening.

  30. Von Cracker says:

    Whatever, with your dismissive attitude….

    I’ll take it as acquiescence.

    Look on the flip-side. If Obama’s such a poor candidate, unelectable in the General, as you see it, then why can Hillary close the deal?

    What does that say about her?

  31. Pandora says:

    Hillary should have closed the deal by Super Tuesday.

    PA was always her state. To act like she pulled off a stunning upset is dishonest.

    Republicans love her (not really). Give me one attack they’ve made on her since the end of February. They are manipulating the process, and they just might get the candidate they want in the end.

  32. Rebecca says:

    One thing you do in a campaign is differentiate yourself from the opponent. Give the voters a reason to pick you over the other guy.

    Hillary isn’t that much different from McCain so she will not draw the Independents, leaning Republicans, and new voters. Obama can make a big claim for being different and he has been making that claim all along.

    I believe that makes Obama MUCH more electable. Once the voters are faced with a choice of McSAME versus Obama they won’t have any trouble making up their minds.

  33. Delaware’s Hottest Blogger // Apr 24, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    on a smaller scale Laura Ingrahm too
    Geek is that you?

  34. Obama is running a great campaign. Too bad he is running against both the GOP and the DLC for the DEM nomination.

  35. Pandora says:

    Amen! And consider this… If Obama still wins NC, wins or comes really close in IN, what message does this send? After the last six weeks if he’s still able to hold his own… wouldn’t that make him electable? Vetted too!

    Any other candidate would be finished by now.

  36. FSP says:

    “He does have a higher burden now because he has failed to close the deal,” said Donnie Fowler, who served in senior roles for the campaigns of Kerry, Al Gore, and Wesley Clark. “Every time Hillary Clinton has been on the edge of complete defeat he has failed to close the deal. Since it’s happened now in New Hampshire, Ohio, Texas, and Pennsylvania, it’s fair to ask why.”

  37. Von Cracker says:

    And so said the Clinton Supporter….

    Why don’t you get us some quotes about the virtues of sin by Satan himself?

  38. Pandora says:

    FSP just keeps proving my point

  39. Dana says:

    Well, i>I don’t love Mrs Clinton, and changed my registration to Democrat specifically to vote against her.

    But it seems that my viewpoint is a minority among Republicans. I think that Mr Obama would be easier to defeat, while a lot of Republicans seem to think that Mrs Clinton would be easier. Thing is, there’s no way to actually test that, so it remains just an opinion.

    There is some thought that if Mrs Clinton is the nominee, black voters will be so disappointed, and feel that they were cheated, that they will just stay home in November. That would have real, negative consequences “down ticket,” for Democrats running for lower offices. Such seems a reasonable argument to me. But the fact is that, regardless of which Democrat would be the easier to defeat, there’s a real possibility that the Democratic presidential nominee will win the election — and in toying with Hillary Clinton rather than slaying her (politically) we incur huge risks.

  40. Pandora says:

    Not just black voters, Dana. The youth vote, the educated vote, and the massive check-writer vote. ( Note: I have consistently given money to Obama, but my checkbook will close for HRC.) Hillary’s base of “Reagan Dems” have consistently voted for a Republican President. To rely on them come November is sheer folly.

    “and in toying with Hillary Clinton rather than slaying her (politically) we incur huge risks.”

    I agree. It seems that this is an unholy union.

  41. Truth Teller says:

    By the way have any of you caught Senator McCain on the blogs today you know the guy who says he wants to keep this race above the slime and dirt of the past. Well he has declared himself the anti Hamus candidate and Obama the candidate of Hamus. So get ready the slime machine is warming up. I will be interesting to see how Obama responds. I know the Iron lady would knock McCain on his ass. She won’t let the Repub’s to piss on her with out responding

  42. Truth Teller says:

    Obama gave a speech today ( what’s new ) on the reason gasoline prices are so high and what he intends to do about it. Well he voted for the Veep’s energy plan and guess what ever since then the price of a gallon has went up. Oh by the way Hillary VOTED against it. Every time I fill my tank I cuss Bush and the Veep and all those so called Dem’s who supported them. HAPPY MOTERING

  43. Truth Teller says:

    Obama has lost his lead in In he is fading fast

  44. Truth Teller says:

    Oh yes FSP Everyone loves Obama but he can’t close the deal he had a chance in NH but fell short then TX and OH short again Pa was a rout and now he is slipping in In. You have to ask your self why can’t this guy knock this Lady out that everyone on this blog seems to hate so much . the reason I love her so much is that she is a fighter and the reason all those other wimps called for her to drop out is because they know that she sticks like glue. that’s why your boy (oops) won’t debate her he knows that she will hand him his balls.

  45. Truth Teller says:

    Pandora Your BOY (oops again) hasn’t won the WHITE vote since mid February

  46. Truth Teller says:

    Rachel maddow is pushing the NC ad again tonight when is this gal going to learn

  47. Truth Teller says:

    Maddow just admitted on msnbc that the super delegates have to decide on whats best for the party not on who has the most delegates or the poplar vote

  48. Von Cracker says:

    Dude, he never had the lead in Indiana. Do you just make up shit to appease your wants?

  49. Von Cracker says:

    please disregard the previous post; Obama did have a lead in IN polls earlier in the month, but prior it was Hillary.

    The last sentence still applies, considering some of the nonsense we’ve been dealing with over the past few days…. 😉

  50. Pandora says:

    Blame it on the sea air and the palatable envy! Have an umbrella (read girly) drink for me!

    Also, according to XStryker, Obama is up by one… which given his past month is amazing.

  51. Andy says:

    In the begining wasn’t this Billary’s race to lose??
    Whyis she losing?

  52. Pandora says:

    Good question… unless you like rewriting history.

  53. Stella Bluez says:

    Dear Uncle Truthy, We all KNOW you love Hillary…..we get it…..but your opinion is just that…an opinion….my opinion differs greatly from yours…..& at the moment NO ONE knows which one of us is correct. Soooo, you just might be wrong….

    Just sayin


  54. Pandora says:

    Love ya too, Stella! And you too, Truthy!

  55. Truth Teller says:

    Once again Jason Has shown his lack of mental ability and resorted to name calling Jason please stop acting like a second grader. It appears that you do not have the mental capability to present an valid argument for your point of view you seem to be hung up on the word Troll. I believe that you found yourself on the wrong Blog your comments seem more atuned to the DRUGE REPORT