Why I’m Delaware’s Hottest Blogger…

Filed in National by on April 24, 2008

UPDATE: Here my soft voice here…. Listen, this isn’t about me anymore.  It’s about you, delaware and all the women that have come to know me as “Delaware’s Hottest Blogger”  It’s not some title you can just pass from one person to the next.  It is a part of me.  I am not referenced as Mr. donviti when people are introduced to me….am I?  NO!  It is ohhh and have you met Delaware’s Hottest Blogger?  See, it just flows. 

Now when you have to go introducing my friend, who after this shall be no more, as Delaware’s Hottest Blogger, heads will cock to the side like a dog wondering where the fuck his dinner is.  Then people would have to say….”Oh, he is liberalgeek”  Then heads would nod up and down and confirm that NOW they know who he is.

But you see I’m more than 6 pack abs, above average size and a quick wit.  We have all seen the Mrs. Hotviti and I don’t get candy like that because I know how to spell WindowsXP in my sleep.   I’m an intellectual.  I read more than just the comics, though I love Family Circle (see ladies, sensitive too)  I broaden my horizons any chance I get.  I try new things everyday.  This year I tried a Kiwi for the first time ever and loved it.  So succulent, sweet and tart at the same time, firm yet soft on the lips….mmmmm. 

I’m a pet lover too, I have two dogs, basset hounds, Roscoe and Lulu.  Tragedy befell them in Nola, when their african american owners where left stranded on a rooftop for months.  I walked to Nola to retrieve them and save them.  The owners, they didn’t make it, fighting for our country against the terrorists in Iraq.  They were killed by a suicidal retarded woman that had bombs shoved up her ass.  It was awful to be at the funeral, the family clutching at Roscoe and Lulu not letting them go.  It was the only link they had to their family that had just perished from an awful disease that could have been cured by stem cell research.

You see, I make the hard choices.  I sacrifice for no one else but me.  I sacrifice to make myself look better.  As the Hottest Blogger it only helps you that I am so great a person. 

I served my country too, but that isn’t what makes great.  But I won’t talk about that the pain is too great from all the carnage I have seen.  I have let it build in me and fester.  I have dug a hole in my soul and buried deep in there.  I am like an old Clint Eastwood, tough, gentile, silent.  I’m so many things ladies…but I don’t want to talk about me.

I’m a listener really.  God gave me two ears to listen to you.  These hazel eyes look right at you and scream, “I hear you honey, It’s gonna be ok…donviti is here for you.”  (as I put my hand on your arm and squeeze gently)

So my hotness has worked it’s way all the way to one of the finest radio stations in Delaware.  WDEL has done a piece on me and the wine tasting club I have started up.  The Brandywine Tasting Group.  You see, not only am I good looking but, I’m sophisticated.  I know a thing or two about how to get a woman drunk on more than just bud light.

So this morning at 8:13 and this evening at 6:13 on WDEL I will be a feature on Delaware’s Stories. A short story will also be about me. Hotviti, THE HOTTEST BLOGGER IN DELAWARE! When the link is up I will send you to it.

In your face!  I know what men and women want in Delaware.  I’m in touch with people.  Maybe I don’t know how to roll a die on a computer and move my sorcerer to the land of time, but things like that add to my hotness!

About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (47)

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  1. Pandora says:

    Hmmm… I’m sensing a “Hotness” contest coming on.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Does anyone remember National Lampoon’s “Wife Tasting Club”?

  3. Little Birdie says... says:

    Donihoni….you can’t say enough good things about yourself and I admire you for that. But I take issue when you compare Clint Eastwood to yourself….no contest you ARE be the absolute hottest !! (Spoken like when Maury says: “You ARE the father of 9 month old…..”).

    Note to Pandora:
    No costest needed it’s already been decided. You can’t be a Donvitie Groupie unless you are convinced he is, hands down, The Hottest.

  4. donviti says:

    i love you…(picture being whispered into you ear, lights out, my lips brush softly against you…)

  5. Pandora says:

    But just imagine a contest… a catwalk, spotlights, raunchy music

    I’d pay admission and bring stacks of dollar bills!

  6. donviti says:

    I’m not an object…I have feelings

  7. jason330 says:

    I’m 110% hetero – so I don’t make a practice of saying which dude is the hottest, but if I were a chick I’d say Donviti, and by saying that it does not mean I’m gay because I’m not and by the way everyone knows that that guy from Key West is a big liar, so fuck him. (euphamistically speaking…I mean.)

  8. Pandora says:

    Ah… but DV, you objectified yourself with this post. Please, don’t blame a girl for taking advantage.

  9. donviti says:

    I guess I will lay back and take it

  10. liberalgeek says:

    …spell WindowsXP in my sleep?

    I am much more of a Linux geek and a networking guru. Don’t you know, being able to fix a broken Internet connection or eliminating spyware is the 21st century equivalent or stopping on the side of the road to help a lady with a flat tire?

    “You know… I have another machine in the bedroom that you may be able to help me with…”

    I could go on, but my hotness precludes me from beating dead horses, especially when they are ridden by poor, hapless former male pinups.

  11. Pandora says:

    Ah… LG has a point. Women love to ‘link’ up with a guy who knows what buttons to push!

  12. donviti says:

    virtual love can’t replace anything I have to offer!

  13. liberalgeek says:

    1 out of 2 women you have been married to agree…

  14. liberalgeek says:

    By the way, I love that Steve Newton is now in 3rd.

  15. donviti says:

    ha! 13 and 14 are both funny.

    if not for my handshake more women would have voted for me!

  16. liberalgeek says:

    LOL! That made me laugh.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Ah… LG has a point. Women love to ‘link’ up with a guy who knows what buttons to push!

    Except DV himself admits that his handshake doesn’t, you know, communicate any button pushing skillz.

  18. Pandora says:

    I’m so confused, that’s why I insist on an up-close and personal Hot-Off. The next drinking liberally, perhaps?

  19. Sagacious Steve says:

    Hotter than Sagacious Steve, the blogger that ‘every strong woman wants and every weak woman needs’?

    I think not.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Wow — this is going to be some Hot-Off, Pandora.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    And here is something else that made me spit coffee all over my keyboard:

    I am like an old Clint Eastwood, tough, gentile, silent.



    Keep this up DV and we will need to make a Donviti-isms calendar.

  22. Pandora says:

    Steve, you’re in!

    Any other challengers to the “World’s Hottest Blogger” title? Come on, boys. Don’t let DV’s brawn, LG’s brain, and Steve’s wit intimidate you.

    Us ladies promise to be fair and… gentle!

  23. donviti says:


    look, There wasn’t a contest to see who was the God Father of Soul! the King of Pop! The King of Rock!

  24. liberalgeek says:

    I knew James Brown and you, sir, are no James Brown… Not enough gun brandishing.


  25. Disbelief says:

    Just think of the money we could make doing back-waxes.

  26. Sagacious Steve says:

    Clint Eastwood is Jewish??

  27. Pandora says:

    LOL! Oh yeah, Steve. You are a clever boy!

  28. donviti says:

    from mrs. hotviti:

    LG- LOL on #13
    good thing his ex was his 1 vote!!!

  29. liberalgeek says:

    Mrs. Hotviti – I assume that means that I can count on your vote?

  30. mrs. hotviti says:

    LG- of course
    but it’ll be our little secret

  31. donviti says:

    this contest is all about superdelegates by the way. And Jason has voted for me already…

    so hah!

  32. cassandra_m says:

    But Pandora, Cassandra M and LiberalGeek have not (presuming that those named are all Superdelegates certainly subject the The Management’s approval.)

  33. Pandora says:

    This will not end without a Hot-Off. Oh, and due to Mrs. Hotviti unbiased opinion, she’s one of the judges! Also, due to super delegate status… so am I and Cassandra!

    In the words of DV: WhooooHooooo!!

  34. Pandora says:

    AND… because Jason’s so modest, I’m nominating him for his passion. Cassandra, will you second my motion?

  35. Little Birdie says... says:

    I’m standin’ by my man!

    You ladies want a contest? Have one for second and third place ’cause the gold medal has already been taken…….

  36. donviti says:


  37. A. Bundy says:

    What do you do when you are responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqi children?

    You start a wine tasting club!!

    Again, every time I think you couldn’t be any more hypocritical…WHAM! You prove me wrong.

    You claim you, and the people of Delaware, are responsible for the murders of thousands of kids, and how do you show your remorse? How do you attempt to make things better? You start a friggin wine tasting club! Unreal! I am sure the families of the thousands of people you helped murder feel much better knowing that Jason now understands the difference between chiraz and sirah.

    Once again, either you lied and don’t think we are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqis or you are a soulless murderer. So which is it?

  38. Pandora says:

    What a buzz kill.

  39. donviti says:

    I don’t really have a stake in the war, so I say who gives a shit and drink.

    Good looking people don’t care about wars. they act like they do!


  40. mrs. hotviti says:

    hey pandora i’m not sure how unbiased i can be i still do have to live w/ him….. but if my vote is anonymous i’m in!

    LG you get it (wink wink)

  41. mrs. hotviti says:

    a. bundy….you have to relax man you’re going to have a heart attack carrying around all that hostility and resentment of dv & lg”s hotness

  42. Pandora says:

    Maybe us girls can just caucus over drinks?

  43. cassandra_m says:

    I am seconding Pandora’s motion and I’m up for a Drinks Caucus!

    A Bundy is just jealous he is not in the running for Delaware’s Hottest Blogger.

    And won’t be in a few lifetimes.

  44. donviti says:

    heh heh…..cauc….heh heh

  45. Pandora says:

    Prosecco anyone? Oops, sorry Mrs. Hotviti! I remember those days… but maybe you could steal a few sips!

  46. Little Birdie says... says:

    From the temper of his post
    it sounds like A. Bundy is related to Ted….same sorta mind set. Just sayin’……….