Delaware Liberal

Why I’m Delaware’s Hottest Blogger…

UPDATE: Here my soft voice here…. Listen, this isn’t about me anymore.  It’s about you, delaware and all the women that have come to know me as “Delaware’s Hottest Blogger”  It’s not some title you can just pass from one person to the next.  It is a part of me.  I am not referenced as Mr. donviti when people are introduced to me….am I?  NO!  It is ohhh and have you met Delaware’s Hottest Blogger?  See, it just flows. 

Now when you have to go introducing my friend, who after this shall be no more, as Delaware’s Hottest Blogger, heads will cock to the side like a dog wondering where the fuck his dinner is.  Then people would have to say….”Oh, he is liberalgeek”  Then heads would nod up and down and confirm that NOW they know who he is.

But you see I’m more than 6 pack abs, above average size and a quick wit.  We have all seen the Mrs. Hotviti and I don’t get candy like that because I know how to spell WindowsXP in my sleep.   I’m an intellectual.  I read more than just the comics, though I love Family Circle (see ladies, sensitive too)  I broaden my horizons any chance I get.  I try new things everyday.  This year I tried a Kiwi for the first time ever and loved it.  So succulent, sweet and tart at the same time, firm yet soft on the lips….mmmmm. 

I’m a pet lover too, I have two dogs, basset hounds, Roscoe and Lulu.  Tragedy befell them in Nola, when their african american owners where left stranded on a rooftop for months.  I walked to Nola to retrieve them and save them.  The owners, they didn’t make it, fighting for our country against the terrorists in Iraq.  They were killed by a suicidal retarded woman that had bombs shoved up her ass.  It was awful to be at the funeral, the family clutching at Roscoe and Lulu not letting them go.  It was the only link they had to their family that had just perished from an awful disease that could have been cured by stem cell research.

You see, I make the hard choices.  I sacrifice for no one else but me.  I sacrifice to make myself look better.  As the Hottest Blogger it only helps you that I am so great a person. 

I served my country too, but that isn’t what makes great.  But I won’t talk about that the pain is too great from all the carnage I have seen.  I have let it build in me and fester.  I have dug a hole in my soul and buried deep in there.  I am like an old Clint Eastwood, tough, gentile, silent.  I’m so many things ladies…but I don’t want to talk about me.

I’m a listener really.  God gave me two ears to listen to you.  These hazel eyes look right at you and scream, “I hear you honey, It’s gonna be ok…donviti is here for you.”  (as I put my hand on your arm and squeeze gently)

So my hotness has worked it’s way all the way to one of the finest radio stations in Delaware.  WDEL has done a piece on me and the wine tasting club I have started up.  The Brandywine Tasting Group.  You see, not only am I good looking but, I’m sophisticated.  I know a thing or two about how to get a woman drunk on more than just bud light.

So this morning at 8:13 and this evening at 6:13 on WDEL I will be a feature on Delaware’s Stories. A short story will also be about me. Hotviti, THE HOTTEST BLOGGER IN DELAWARE! When the link is up I will send you to it.

In your face!  I know what men and women want in Delaware.  I’m in touch with people.  Maybe I don’t know how to roll a die on a computer and move my sorcerer to the land of time, but things like that add to my hotness!

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