What grocery store do you shop at? Why?
Me, I shop at Super Fresh when needed I don’t mind the place. The prices are decent and I think they have good meat prices. But, my Utopia is Giant on RT202. I can’t get out of that place in less than a half hour no matter how hard I try.
I try and avoid Giant for the same reason, plus I always spend way too much there. I am a major impulse shopper!
I normally shop for staples at the Trolley Square Acme, seafood at Sansone’s, beef at Costco, and fruits and veggies at Produce Junction or the Farmers Market.
I hate the Acme, but it is within walking distance, and I usually swing by Toscana To Go as means of a reward!
I typically have to be on the watch for all the 18 year old sexual predators who NCCo warns me live in my neighborhood though their PSA program. As a result, I am totally agoraphobic and have my friends shop for me…. I do not care where they get the food from….
I’m trying to reign in some of my hunter/gatherer trips to conserve fuel. I’ve always liked Costco for meat, olive oil, and cleaning supplies but I’m trying to keep trips there limited.
Acme is just around the corner but I don’t like Acme, and the Hockessin Acme is the most profitable store in the chain because the prices are simply outrageous. Plus I really hate parking next to all those Hummers and Escalades.
I like Zingo’s. It’s small, nearby at Polly Drumond, and carries a lot of brands you can’t find at the chains. I can get in and out in minutes. I just wish they could do something about their produce. They try to buy locally, Milburn Orchards and others, and that stuff is fine. But trying to fine a nice head of Escarole is a real challenge.
We try to make the rounds of the local supermarkets (Acme, Pathmark, Shoprite) and buy only the sale items. The circulars come in the mail so we use them to make a list of sale items.
Once or twice a week I get produce from the Newark Farmers Market on Kirkwood Highway.
And we get bulk items from Costco if they are cheaper than the supermarket (they aren’t always).
Three rules for smart shopping: Always bring a list, don’t bring the kids, and don’t shop while you are hungry or thirsty.
Mostly I shop at the Giant on Rt202 because Giant was my store of choice when I lived in Baltimore. The produce at the Shop Rite on 202 is quite good, and my neighbors are looking forward to a new Shop Rite at the River Front (and the grocery at Adams Four is undergoing quite the renovation which we hope gets an upgrade in merchandise too).
Occasionally a couple of my neighbors and I will make the pilgrimage to Wegman’s in Downingtown or Whole Foods in Philly. Wish one of them was here…
I love Costco, although I have to admit that Mrs. Geek does most of the shopping.
The other place I love is Redners on 213 in MD. It is about 10 miles from me and is employee owned. They also have great Amish country products (Shoofly Pie, Bacon, MEAT).
Also they don’t have a frequent shopper program to track your food purchases and acquire data on you to send to our corporate overlords.
Save-a-lot, beside the postoffice, on Lancaster Ave has good…sometimes great (i’m thinking of their frozen turkey breast) prices. When lemons were $1. each @ Acme Save-a-lot had ’em 3/$1.00.
May true fav is Trader Joes (near Target) on 202.
Down in my country (MOT area), the M-town Acme has horrible (high) prices, but the sales are really good (how much is on sale and for how much). That’s the hook they use to get you in. Fortunately we have a Giant/Super Giant/Super G/Really Super-G/Super-Duper-G just down the street. Much better normal prices, but the sales are so-so. The selection variety isn’t so good, tho. The most recent manager axed the fresh-seafood counter for a mostly-frozen seafood selection. That bastard.
Due to the prices of everything…we now go through the pains to line up everything we need with Acme’s sales. Anything not on sale, we get at Super G. Gotta pinch them pennies where ever you can.
awful, simply awful!
DV, as a contributor to DL I feel I must step in – for the sake of DL – and ask you to soften your tone and restrain from your scorched earth practices.
Continuation of this kitchen sink strategy could result in irreparable damage to DL.
Easy for you to say Pandora. If Donviti loses it will probably mean the end of DL. I can’t see the two camps ever reconciling if geek manages to steal this thing.
I know what’s best and will stop when I run out of money
ps. how did i get myself on the wrong side of this fucking arguement!
wait, I know! I shall blame the media!
Jason… steal? Can I infer from your wording that you are a “committed” contributor?
Another incredibly important post by donVD! These are the types of meaningful, relevant posts that add to the legitimacy of the blogosphere.
Keep up the very important work, donny.
yet here you are
and again