not the QOD…just a question

Filed in National by on May 1, 2008

What the hell is going on with the delegate counter? The thing is going up and down like crazy.  Is that the widget not working or is that b/c of all the movement with the delegates?

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  1. Common Sense Political Thought | May 1, 2008
  1. Steve Newton says:

    Yeah, it’s working. I’ve been checking the source site. Superdelegates are both starting to break and changing their positions. The net seems to be against Hillary because even if Barack doesn’t change the roughly 20 delegate difference, every time the undecided total goes down she loses.

  2. Dana says:

    Over the past month since I installed it, while the numbers have fluctuated, it’s shrunk pretty steadily from about a 25 s-d advantage for Mrs Clinton to around the 17 it shows today.

    What’s interesting is that this has been a bad month for Mr Obama. He lost Pennsylvania, and all of a sudent the mainstream media are talking about him being unable to win because he’s black, then his beloved former pastor starts running his mouth again, and a national poll has given Mrs Clinton a substantially bigger lead over John McCain than Mr Obama can generate — and still whatever superdelegate moves there have been have been in Mr Obama’s favor.