DE GOP Convention Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on May 2, 2008

I’ll start…

I predict that there will be frequent pee breaks.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. my guess is there will be a mad rush for the free food at the intermission

  2. anon says:

    Lots of pretending to “draft” a reluctant Lee. News Journal goes along with deception.

  3. Von C opeland Express says:

    Circular firing squad is more like it. GOPers in Delaware couldn’t fight their way out a paper bag. Come November, there will be no GOP controlled legislative left in Delaware and the Democratic Revolution will be complete.

  4. anon says:

    Somebody makes Protack an offer he can’t refuse.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Pink postcards remain holstered for the duration.

  6. jason330 says:

    Dave Burris emphatically tries to convince a busboy that “tax cuts work.”

    Bonus Prediction:

    John Still says, “Prostitutes these days have no work ethic what-so-ever. Now back in 1980…those were some hard working prostitutes.”

  7. jason330 says:

    2nd Bonus

    Pete du Pont descends to earth in a fiery chariot, his bare chest thrust forward jauntily. In his right hand he holds a golden scepter, which he touches against the head of his nephew/cousin/grandson Charles and in a burst of purple lightning Charles sprouts wings and hovers over the convention.

    Oh wait…Celia already made that prediction.

  8. R Smitty says:

    I don’t attend this year, because I need to build Jason’s deck.

  9. Rebecca says:

    I like the purple lightening image, purple being the color of royalty and all. After looking at that graph about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer the DuPonts must be feeling mighty royal about now. Seven and a half years of class warfare seems to be “working out very well for them” as Barbara Bush would say.

    Oh the humanity!

  10. R Smitty says:

    Is it me, or all Republicans considered like this?

  11. Disbelief says:

    A purse goes missing, and after trying to ignore pointed stares for an hour, Lofink leaves saying he’s never been so insulted in his life.

  12. Disbelief says:

    Dave challenges Ruth Ann to a chitlin eating contest and once again where two people are vying for one prize Dave backs the wrong guy.

  13. Disbelief says:

    Still has one too many, gets a little horny, and calls Merconi and asks, “Got anyone in the restraint room?”

  14. Sagacious Steve says:

    More action in the Rethug beach houses than on the convention floor. Castle holds a “1970’s Slumber Party Reunion” at his and springs for complimentary prostate medication for all. Walgreen’s even accepts his oversized…check.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Protack will have a printed handout (the Future of the the GOP) that he hands to everyone. Burris is still screaming “The papers are from Kinko’s!” as they drag him from the room.

    Bill Lee is “drafted” and Protack vows to destroy him. Laughter ensues.

  16. cassandra m says:

    In a nod to the power of the Internets, the DE GOP adds to the program its inaugural Rollcall of the Sockpuppets.

  17. Pandora says:

    Confetti falls for the first and last time this year.

  18. Pete du Pont descends to earth in a fiery chariot, his bare chest thrust forward jauntily. In his right hand he holds a golden scepter, which he touches against the head of his nephew/cousin/grandson Charles and in a burst of purple lightning Charles sprouts wings and hovers over the convention.
    NOW that is some fine bloggin’ babe. Tingles.

  19. On the other hand, some of this commentary is below the belt and even if personally you feel it is warranted, it is so cheapened by the anonymity of many of you that you might want to ‘take it back’.
    I think that the bar was lowered yesterday with Graham’s scandalous description of Mr. Lee, a bar that Dana Garrett limbo’ed under when he tried to ply that brush upon me (oh, and Thurman Adams) and many have tried to slander Harris McDowell thusly.
    Graham did the dirty deed on the public airwaves and that WAS some kind of nerve. (I happen to have a picture of Bill Lee looking toasted but to be honest, the picture of me at the same time on the deck of the Rusty Rudder on Sept. 12th 2001 would have had to have been described as toasted too).

  20. vyllyn says:

    Ms. Willig – I don’t think your post was necessary in that what Graham did was out and out defamation of character and it should not have been allowed to be said on DEL without having “back up” first… Also, everyone has a picture in their past that doesn’t put them in a great light…I just think you are out to instigate unjust innuendo and feed the idiots who rely on soundbites as truths to make their choice in the voting booth…Someone will be calling you for that picture. I know a lot of people who found solice with friends at bars right after 9/11 and some were sober….

  21. liz allen says:

    On the GOP side, Mike Protack looks better and better…at least he is not tied to the corporate elites of Delaware, and actually cares about our citizens….

  22. Graniaclewbay says:

    Oh Liz, for goodness sakes, what the hell is so ELITE about Judge Lee. He’s not a show-off. He is a respected man. He happens to be an educated man who made something of himself. Where has he ever harmed a soul??? It’s already starting… and all I can say is BRING IT ON! Go back and look at Lee’s ideas in 2000 how he wanted to reform the education system, consolidating school districts so the overhead wasn’t being wasted when we needed QUALITY STAFF AND FACULTY- and now we have the embarrasment of a principal raping a student? The prison system RAPE and more UNDOCUMENTED issues that happened under the Minner/Carney DO NOTHING but travel and talk exercise waste of 8 years and most recently the scandals at Del. Psych. Center. Judge Lee is an environmentalist and cares greatly about the cancer rate and autism rate (I know that’s near and dear to your heart) in Delaware. Do you ever have a day when you aren’t SNARLING and SNIPING? You seem to find reasons to STAY miserable.

  23. I went down to the beach with a few close friends after gathering that Tuesday night at the East End bar in Newark. I wasn’t saying much more than what you said although, as we rounded out our day of Rehoboth bar-hopping (no air planes flying noted) at the Rudder, we discussed Lee at the time because he was there with an entourage. Supposedly they all were regulars from his office. This is not a slam on Lee. As I said, the picture that day of yours truly comes pretty close to the one Matthews took of Ms. Keeley and Mr. McDowell a few years back. Plastered.

  24. Dana Garrett says:

    “the picture that day of yours truly comes pretty close to the one Matthews took of Ms. Keeley and Mr. McDowell a few years back. Plastered.”

    Did anyone get a photo of you at Mike’s party after Wharton’s defeat? The infamous photo of Mr. McDowell would make him appear as a prohibitionist and missionary in contrast.

  25. Whatever ass hole. The picture of me at the Rudder is as good a one as you’d need.
    Want me to shove it up your pie hole?
    Spy vs Spy episode # 575, the wiley Dana Garrett snopes on party-goers angling for incriminating snap shots of people having fun. O.M.G!!! The nerve!

  26. Dana Garrett says:

    “The picture of me at the Rudder is as good a one as you’d need.”

    Where is this picture? I haven’t seen it. Someone give me the link.

    “Want me to shove it up your pie hole?”

    Please keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Besides, you make the birth control technique of Origen seem sane.

  27. vyllyn says:

    Yeah, some slime ball did call you for a picture. This is a total scuz move and you look are bunch of sic fuks. I knew you all would stoop so low. GFY.

  28. Vyllyn, is that you Brud?