If by “strong” you mean “weak”

Filed in National by on May 5, 2008

Dave says…

The Republican Party has turned the corner. We will now field the strongest ticket, top to bottom, that I can remember.

Bill Lee for Governor
Charlie Copeland for Lt. Governor
Mike Castle for Congress
Christine O’Donnell for U.S. Senate

Uhhm… Okay let’s take a closer look at this dream team.

  • Bill Lee had to be hog tied by Copeland and knows he is running to give Copeland some cover.
  • Charlie Copeland has been the very picture of impotence in the Delaware Senate and wants to bring some of that flacid to the Lt. Governor’s office. Huzzah! for Pete du Ponts nephew/cousin/grandson’s future in politics!!
  • Mike Castle at 97 years young is taking a victory lap.
  • Christine O’Donnell is coo coo for Jesus, but like Copeland and Lee she is not trying to win an election…just a few more lines on her resume.


Speaking of adding resume lines, am I the only one who cracks up when Rick Jensen slobers all over Dave because he was the “Sussex GOP Chair?” It is hilarious. Dave was the chair for about a fortnight.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. anon says:

    I think Dave is technically correct. It probably IS the strongest ticket he can remember.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    I think the real story of the last two weeks is that the duPont family and the Chateau Country R’s have wrested control of the party back from the more culturally-conservative wing of the party.

    Copeland, Stabler, and Castle embody that wing. Christine O’Donnell is merely the Rethugs’ answer to Mike Miller, Karen Hartley-Nagle and the no-chancers who have been permitted to seek office in a vacuum created by a party that is just keeping the seat warm for whomever Biden deems to be Castle’s successor. Gee, wonder who that could be.

    I consider the duPont and Biden control of the parties anathema to the ability of the cream to rise to the top. Hereditary ties, in and of themselves, represent roadblocks to positive change. It’s the same people engaging in ‘The Delaware Way’, with all the attendant perks.

    And in the most egregious of cases,(‘W’ has retired that trophy), unmitigated disaster ensues.

    Oh well, at least honorary duPont family member Celia Cohen can dust the e-cobwebs off of her yawn-inducing blog…

  3. FSP says:

    It will be painful to you, then, how competitive we are in November.

    Plus, you know, we have a ticket now, so we can pop popcorn and watch you all tear at each other all summer.

    And if you think the DuPonts are in charge of the party, you’re not paying attention.

  4. FSP says:

    In fact, I know you so well by now, that I know you put up this post because you’re actually concerned…

    I’ll try to get Rick to introduce me in the future as former Milford High Senior Class Secretary.

  5. Mike Castle?



  6. Jason330 says:

    Plus, you know, we have a ticket now, so we can pop popcorn and watch you all tear at each other all summer.

    I love how Dave can controll the very fabric of space and time and simply cause Protack to turn invisible through sheer will power.

    That fortnight as the chair of the SC GOP must have been like gamma radiation to the Hulk, or the spider bite to Peter Parker. It has given him super powers.

  7. FSP says:

    “I love how Dave can controll the very fabric of space and time and simply cause Protack to turn invisible through sheer will power.”

    No. The voters do that. They have for the last few election cycles. They’re reliable like that.

  8. jason330 says:

    Don’t hog the popcorn in the meantime.

  9. RickJ19958 says:

    The only reason Jason is upset is that he now knows that his paragon of virtue, Jack Markell, can’t empty his treasury before the primary to get out the vote for fear that he’ll be broke during an actual general election.

  10. Jason330 says:



    That is me trying to recreate the sound of amused disdain that I made when I read your comment.

  11. RickJ19958 says:

    Thanks for the transcription… I always thought it was ‘Pshhhtp’.

  12. The real ticket will be decided in September.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Thank you, Mike!

    Let the mudslinging begin!

  14. FSP says:

    Yeah, and it’ll be a one-way ticket back to your couch.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Ha – that’s a good one Dave!

  16. FSP says:

    VC — I’ll mark our one moment of togetherness down in history…

  17. Von Cracker says:

    I’m sure there will be more…. 😉

  18. Shirley says:

    Looks like they aren’t too “together” yet. TNJ just reported that Lee isn’t committing.

    What a sad joke this is becoming.

  19. FSP says:

    I’m sure that Lee would prefer to announce his intentions on his own terms, and not over the phone to a News-Journal reporter.

  20. anon says:

    Translation: They are going to milk the Lee announcement for at least three more free articles in the News Journal.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Translation: Show him (Lee) the (fundraising) money.

  22. Arthur Downs says:

    While Mike Castle has a somewhat putrid voting record (in Republican eyes) it is assured that the Democrats will offer an opponent so far to the left that the incumbent will hold his base, grab most of the unaffiliated voters, and take a lot of votes from nominal Democrats who are turned off by the far left.

    Some of us do know that politics is the art of the possible.

  23. cassandra_m says:

    Anyone with Christine O’Donnell as their candidate for Senate should not lecture anybody about the art of the possible.

  24. anon says:

    Translation: Show him (Lee) the (fundraising) money.

    I disagree. I think that conversation has already taken place and Lee’s decision was made before the convention. Any pretense at Lee holding out now is just PR.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    O’Donnell would be a great choice – if we were a part of the Holy Roman Empire….

  26. Disbelief says:

    Was it Constantine who decided which books of the New Testament would make the printer’s edit?

  27. anon says:

    No, that was Jerry Falwell.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    Yup Dis….the Council of Nicaea, i think…

  29. Art Downs says:

    Joe Biden is a back-bencher who knows how to work a crowd and seems to be engaged in a perpetual effort to attain the presidency. Yet what are his great accomplishments?

    There was a lot of smugness about the inevitablity of a Hillary presidency but the Kosmonuts deep her to be too moderate. The Trodskyites felt that way about Stalin and the analogy is not that far fetched.