Shocking Fact: People still read Celia Cohen

Filed in National by on May 5, 2008

In her dotage, Celia has given up writing in favor of coming up with a stupid metphor and applying jumper cables to that metephor’s private parts for 750 words.

Here she tortures the “disney” metaphor like a drunken Abu Ghraib guardsman.

Note to Celia: This is not funny or clever. Please stop it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. JohnnyX says:

    “They drafted him for governor during their convention Saturday at Dewey Beach. Or was that Huey, Louie and Dewey Beach?”

    Someone pass me the Pulitzer, we have a winner.

    And by Pulitzer, I mean shotgun.

  2. RickJ19958 says:

    That was subtle compared to the one before the convention.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    “”Needless to say, this is not a conventional campaign. I feel much more relaxed than I did four years ago. The draft movement has placed me in a stronger position,” Lee said.”

    I think Lee must have had a little smoke on vacation. Why is he in a stronger position because of the draft?

    He still faces a primary and he faces two Dem candidates who are far & away stronger than Minner ever was in an election year when the word “Republican” = “George Bush.”

    Add to that his age, 72, which will also be an issue for McCain, and the so-called “draft” will prove to be what it amounted to in any case: a mere ceremony to provide a couple meaningless strokes to his ego.

  4. RickJ says:


    I’ll wager that if I go back four years, you will have authored more than ten posts that say “Republican” = “George Bush”; – or words to that effect (I don’t want to get into a semantic game). I think we all agree that after the 2002 election, there were no real coattails from the president, only liabilities – this was certainly true in Delaware, and the effect has grown nationwide.

    Why is he in a stronger position because of the draft? If Copeland hadn’t entered the race and if Bill Lee hadn’t been drafted, that convention would have been held to decide between O’Donnell and Smith for the right to face he Biden family name. It would have had half the attendees, and none of the press. That’s disappointing, but true.

    As it stands, there was standing room from people there to watch an historic event, the first draft of a gubernatorial candidate in the modern era of the state. The media had its contingencies there. Lee has already been interviewed on TV to discuss the draft. This and other message boards have discussed the issue with lots of comments. The voters have had a chance to view the inevitability of a Democratic Governor, and now the choice between the guy who had his duties spoonfed to him by Minner and the guy who has championed the state’s finances into a $600 million deficit doesn’t seem so rosy.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    “the first draft of a gubernatorial candidate in the modern era of the state”

    I thought the idea of a draft was to endorse someone wh0 didn’t run before a convention but AGREED to become the party’s nominee if drafted. But I just heard this morning on WDEL that Lee hasn’t made up his mind yet and will take WEEKS to decide.

    I’m wondering if that standing room only crowd attended under false pretenses: they believed Lee WOULD run if drafted, not that he would think about it again.

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    “the choice between the guy who had his duties spoonfed to him by Minner ”

    Yea, what does that have to do w/ Carney’s abilities and qualifications?

    “and the guy who has championed the state’s finances into a $600 million deficit doesn’t seem so rosy.”

    How is Markell responsible for this? He wrote the checks the Legislature & Gov. told him to. He didn’t make policy.

    Besides, let’s tell the truth: 29 states can’t meet their budgets because of the George Bush/GOP economy. That would be the president & party of Bill Lee & King Charles Copeland-DuPont.

  7. RickJ19958 says:

    ‘What does that have to do w/ Carney’s abilities and qualifications?’

    It certainly wasn’t a showcase for them. I couldn’t name three things Carney has done in the past eight years (non physical fitness related) that qualify him for the office at all, much less make him more qualified than Markell or Lee. When your resume is a big part of your appeal, that means something.

    ‘How is Markell responsible for this? He wrote the checks the Legislature & Gov. told him to. He didn’t make policy.’

    I’m not the guy whose been running for office based on the fiscal health of the state, Markell is. Or rather he was, until DEFAC killed that angle. If you’re trying to tell me that Treasurer is glorified row office, then we agree on something (Kiss your children goodbye, the rapture is upon us.).

    So basically, the vast government experience the D’s are touting consists of encouraging people to do chin-ups, and operating an auto-pen. THAT’S why Republicans are excited.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Brave talk. Tell you what…Come back when you have a nominee that accepts the role. In the meantime, Protack will be all over Lee like white on rice. I’m no fan of Protack, but this perceived weakness of Lee will create an opening that Mike will exploit and will eat at Mike until you finally put a stake in his heart in September.

    I’m not sure Delaware is going to vote for a guy that is such a reluctant candidate. Imagine for a minute what it would be like if the Dems had to draft Markell or Carney. You would be foaming at the mouth over how no one wanted to run as a Democrat in a losing proposition.

    My guess is that Judge Lee wants to take the next few weeks to make sure that his funds will not be depleted by a run. Perhaps Copeland helps that out, but in the meantime Delaware is getting the message loud and clear.


    Protack is going to latch on and not let go. Good luck, Judge Lee.

  9. Pandora says:

    Lee reminds me of Fred Thompson.

  10. RickJ says:


    You’re probably right, I would enjoy this if the situations were reversed. But I’d also understand that creating an organization isn’t done on the ride home from the airport.

    I hate to copy and paste, but as I said at delawareonline (or,
    “He needs to build an organization in order to effectively run for governor. Carney has a team. Markell has a team. Protack has… Protack. But I said ‘effectively’!”

    There will be a number of people who reach out to help, and I don’t doubt that any questions regarding this candidacy will be answered to every Republican’s satisfaction, and many Democrat’s regret, very soon.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    To snipe, Protack doesn’t need an organization.

  12. R Smitty says:

    just a router