Even Newt Says Republicans Are Toast

Filed in National by on May 8, 2008

And I think he may mean burnt — read this carefully:

The Anti-Obama, Anti-Wright, and Anti-Clinton GOP Model Has Been Tested — And It Failed The Republican brand has been so badly damaged that if Republicans try to run an anti-Obama, anti- Reverend Wright, or (if Senator Clinton wins), anti-Clinton campaign, they are simply going to fail. This model has already been tested with disastrous results. In 2006, there were six incumbent Republican Senators who had plenty of money, the advantage of incumbency, and traditionally successful consultants. But the voters in all six states had adopted a simple position: “Not you.” No matter what the GOP Senators attacked their opponents with, the voters shrugged off the attacks and returned to, “Not you.” The danger for House and Senate Republicans in 2008 is that the voters will say, “Not the Republicans.”

This is from Human Events, where it seems that Newtie is trying to school his homeboys in the fact that Karl Rove-style politics that has been so good for them does not work if no one trusts you and you’ve nothing to sell. And the R brand itself seems to have become the new mortgage security — everyone who has them has serious trouble and you can barely give them away. But be sure to read to the end – for the Nine Acts of Change. For a guy who is widely credited to be one of the smartest thinkers and strategists of his party, this all looks very much like weak tea, doesn’t it? (And does this remind you of anything a little more local?)

None of it addresses any of the core issues that have Rs with rebuilding any trust that they can really govern. And most of it looks like pandering to me. Add to that the fact that the Rs are facing close to real electoral terror* – little money for Congressional races, a horrible recruiting cycle, a ticket leader who is embracing all of the worst of GWB and, of course, no “real course of real reform” for the country or even their party. The VRWC will certainly continue to put a happy face on all of it – as if just adding the word “bold” to whatever the sham of the day is will, distract the rest of us from seeing how utterly bankrupt whatever agenda they have left truly is.

*John Cole has the link to the Politco article, but do see the comments that thread for more hilarity.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. jason330 says:

    McCain could not break 80% in either NC or IN

    78% in IN
    74% in NC

    McCain’s horrible performance was overshadowed by the Obama blow out – but those numbers SUCK for McCain and the GOP is freaking out.

  2. Pandora says:

    Not just McCain… Down-Ticket Republicans are in deep doo doo. Look at what happened in LA. The Republicans held that seat for 33 years. They ran ads featuring the Dem (Damn, what was his name!) with Obama. They ran ads featuring Rev Wright – at the height of that nonsense. And they lost.

    Hey, are things so bad Americans are actually focusing on issues?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I think McCain got 73% in PA. So almost a quarter of GOP primary voters are voting for folks no longer competing.

    Even the stunt that the NC GOP tried to pull with their Wright ad apparently backfired.

    To top it off, the only thing that the GOP can get excited about is trying to push the fantasy that HRC is a competitive candidate.

  4. Pandora says:

    “To top it off, the only thing that the GOP can get excited about is trying to push the fantasy that HRC is a competitive candidate.”

    They have to keep pushing it, or else… they have to cry.

  5. Brian says:

    The frightening thing is that I think diebold will ensure a all red state America in November, that is if we get an election in November.

    Olberman just frigtened the hell out of me with the prospect that we will not have an election and if we get one it will swing for McCain regardless of who the nominee is and who the votes go for….

  6. anon says:

    Yeah, with Hillary (almost) out maybe the VRWC has to invoke Plan B.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Which they’ll probably execute with the mad skillz they used to execute Plan A, which seemed to be (from John Cole’s comments):

    The GOP let Alfred E. Neumann sit behind the wheel of their bus and drive it off a cliff. The fuckin’ thing is falling, Alfred’s grinning mug is turned to them asking “Hows that fellas?” and somewhere from the back of the bus a genius removes his tongue from the window and mumbles “Pssst, I think we have a message problem.”