“Senator Tom Carper To Endorse Barack Obama Watch” – Day 2.5

Filed in National by on May 9, 2008

5/9/08 20:06 UPDATE: I left two messages for Carper’s Legislative Dirtector, Bill Ghent who is a buddy of mine from my San Francisco bath house days (long story) – but I guess he is busy so he had the très joli  Bette Phelan reply via email. Her email stated that Carper “remains an uncommitted superdelegate” which I take to mean “is still hoping for a Clinton miracle.”  Zut alors!

Oh well. Plus 9 (NINE!) supers for Obama today alone. Let the floodgates open.

5/9/08 UPDATE: I placed another call to Bill Ghent this morning and hope to hear from him today.

A Tom Carper endorsement of Obama would be a punch in the gut to fellow DLC’er Hillary Clinton, but I first heard on Tuesday night that Tom Carper would be endorsing Barack Obama sooner rather than later.

Some game theory comes into play here as Super-delegates begin to join with Barack, Carper may feel that he does not have the stature to be on the outside looking in.

I left a message Carper’s spokesperson Bill Ghent and will report whatever I find out.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    As I recall, the Clintons did not support Lieberman after he lost the primary to Lamont. There might still be some hard feelings that surmount any DLC loyalty. That might make this believable.

  2. X Stryker says:

    Tom Carper put his finger in the air and waited until there was no chance he or his DLC cronies were going to get cushy cabinet jobs. He’s now waiting until the idea of pissing off Bill no longer scares him.

    I hope Carper finishes out his term and then joins John Breaux as a lobbyist (you know that’s what he’ll do) so we can be rid of him.

  3. jason330 says:

    He’s now waiting until the idea of pissing off Bill no longer scares him.

    Poor Tom. Go too soon and piss off Bill OR go too late and piss off the next President.

  4. anon says:

    He’s a bold one, that Carper.

  5. anon says:

    (assistant opens door a crack) “Senator, Lobbyist Carper is here again to see you again.”

    “Oh crap – not that exemption on ladies’ shoes from China again…. Tell him I am on a very important conference call.” (putts ball across carpet into cup).

  6. RSmitty says:

    A Tom Carper endorsement is about as news worthy as you finally building that deck for your wife. Wait, that would be news worthy.

    Scratch that. You get my point. *yawn*

  7. El Somnambulo says:

    Dog Bites Man. Once the nomination has been decided, Carper boldly dares to endorse the nominee.

    However, speaking of rumors, a little birdie was flitting around El Somnambulo’s sombrero, and told him that Rep. Bob Valihura has applied to the Judicial Nominating Committee for a judgeship. Since there has to be an even split of R and D judges in Delaware, he might get his black robe and golden parachute at the same time. And, since the 10th RD now has about 1000 more registered Ds than Rs, this would represent an additional nail in the coffin of Republican control of the House.

    When the ‘news’ breaks in the MSM, just remember that El Somnambulo had it first.

  8. anon says:

    Those tariff subsidy bills don’t write themselves you know.

  9. Bopeep says:

    Carper owes the Clintons for putting the FBI on the Capano brothers. A phone call to Bill got the FBI involved. The rest is history. Carper was afraid TC in her diary would look like him so he gave Bill Clinton a call.

  10. jason330 says:

    Nice backstory and interesting because I know that people in the office call Carper ” TC”.

    Anyway, debts to Clinton or no…. He’ll endorse Obama by the end of May according to my source.

    You heard it here first.

  11. liz allen says:

    TC to his staffers, is that Tom Cat? Torturin Tom to the citizens.

  12. liz allen says:

    John Edwards for VP….he has the bertter health care plan, he will restore our civil liberties, he has the support of progressives and the working man, and is a southerner…that can actually bring votes. Clark is the Clinton camp he will not be selected.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    Why would Edwards run for VP again? Why would white Southerners vote for a white who willingly took a subsidiary job to a black? Wouldn’t that inflame their racial feelings rather than mollify them? Please elaborate on his “support of the working man.” My recollection is he wasn’t the first choice of any demographic bloc. And what difference does his health care plan make at this point?