Delaware Liberal

“Senator Tom Carper To Endorse Barack Obama Watch” – Day 2.5

5/9/08 20:06 UPDATE: I left two messages for Carper’s Legislative Dirtector, Bill Ghent who is a buddy of mine from my San Francisco bath house days (long story) – but I guess he is busy so he had the très joli  Bette Phelan reply via email. Her email stated that Carper “remains an uncommitted superdelegate” which I take to mean “is still hoping for a Clinton miracle.”  Zut alors!

Oh well. Plus 9 (NINE!) supers for Obama today alone. Let the floodgates open.

5/9/08 UPDATE: I placed another call to Bill Ghent this morning and hope to hear from him today.

A Tom Carper endorsement of Obama would be a punch in the gut to fellow DLC’er Hillary Clinton, but I first heard on Tuesday night that Tom Carper would be endorsing Barack Obama sooner rather than later.

Some game theory comes into play here as Super-delegates begin to join with Barack, Carper may feel that he does not have the stature to be on the outside looking in.

I left a message Carper’s spokesperson Bill Ghent and will report whatever I find out.

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