Please Come To Delaware Mr. Bush!

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 20, 2008

The Nit-Wit in Chief  is going to be hitting the campaign trail this year to “help” Republicans.

The President, when he gets out and talks on the campaign trail, regardless of what candidate he is supporting, will talk about the fact that he believes that Republicans going into this fall have the message that can be supported by voters, and that is one that keeps us strong, keeps us safe as a nation, one that uses — makes wise use of the taxpayers’ money and keeps taxes low, to make sure that the economy continues to grow.

So the President believes very strongly that if we get out and take our message to voters, that we can be successful.

So here is the scenario. Everyone but the President knows that it would be a disaster for him to to “support” any but the safest of safest R’s – so someone says….”Mr. President, Mike Castle is Delaware needs a visit.”

But no…the thought it is too sweet to consider.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Do you remember when Bush came to Delaware to talk to the DuPont employees — about a year ago? He landed at New Castle airport, was whisked into a limo with dark windows, flew up i-95 with escort to the Dupont Theatre, sneaked in through the back door and then out again and back to D.C. Nobody, except the invited DuPont people, saw him and he saw nobody but the specially selected crowd. Using that modus operandi makes it a bit tough to “campaign” to anybody but the “haves and have mores”.

    Of course, if your whole strategy is based on buying the election then that’s who you need to be talking to. I notice Mike Castle seems to have adopted this strategy too. Don’t bother with the hoi-poloi, just rake in the cash from your fellow rich people. Then spend it on the propaganda machine that passes for main stream media these days and keep fooling most of the people most of the time.

    And we call this a democracy.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Oh, on the day that Bush came to town about two dozen peace protestors were marching around Rodney Square outside the Dupont Theatre. The only people who saw us were two Wilmington Police officers who stopped to check our permit to assemble and make sure we weren’t standing still — you are now required to keep moving if you are protesting.

    On the other hand, I was back in Rodney Square on February 3rd this year, along with 20,000+ other Delawareans. Barack Obama saw us and we saw him. Now that’s what I call democracy.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    It’s funny that Bu$hCo is now doing damage contol over the ‘appeasement’ comment.

    Now even their innuendo and rovian attacks, like everything else, are blowing-up in their collective faces!

    Take note of the last paragraph: To disagree with Dear Leader automatically makes one a partisan, regardless if you’re on the side of the truth and/or The Constitution.


  4. Frieda Berryhill says:

    The Nit-Wit in Chief ….Hahaha
    thanks for a good laugh….
    I also remember when he praised DuPont for making fuel from corn…….. absolutely the wrong way to go………thank god they reconsidered…
    Nitwit in charge , very funny

  5. anon says:

    I also remember when he praised DuPont for making fuel from corn…….. absolutely the wrong way to go………thank god they reconsidered…

    Reconsidered? Dupont is SELLING the corn; that’s where the money is.

  6. Brian says:

    I think George should come to Delaware as he is so toxic it would decimate the entire republican field for about a generation and spontaneously transform the party into the libertarian party through mutagenesis….is it wrong to compare a sitting president to Godzilla?

  7. liz allen says:

    Brian: I think the republican party decimated itself for about a generation. Unless and until they throw the neocons under the bus, they are going nowhere. It looks like McCastle still supports Bush and his policies. Calling for more nukes, instead of pushing for Blue Water Wind, or solar shows what a dinosaur he is.