Wind Power Call to Arms

Filed in National by on May 20, 2008

It is another week and it is time to call your Senator.  Please ask them to bring HCR38 out of committee and to the floor for a vote.  I’m sure you all know lots of good reasons, but if you would like a refresher check out our Choose Wind page for information on who we need to talk to, what we can tell them and what we can ask them to do.

In addition, you can spend some time reading up on the whole issue at Kavips and Tommywonk.  Both of them have been on fire lately.

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  1. TommyWonk says:

    The post at kavips on the congested power grid, complete with visual aids, is outstanding.

    The Senate goes back into session in two weeks. We need to keep up the pressure.

  2. Birdie asks' says:

    If Harris McDowell is one’s Senator who does one then call?

    Lead the charge Tom…tell us what is the plan???

  3. maria evans says:

    If McDowell is your Senator then you call his office 10 times a day.

  4. TommyWonk says:

    Harris McDowell is my senator. Call him anyway and say we want HCR 38 to come to a vote.

    If he won’t vote yes, tell him that he can at least be expected to bring it up for a vote.

  5. TommyWonk says:

    Also, letters to the editor are good.

  6. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Lets give them some facts:
    Stanford University researchers have just come out with a new study, stating as follows: “After analyzing more then 8,000 wind speed measurements to identify the worlds wind power potential for the fist time, let me quote verbatim from the report: “ The authors found that the locations with sustainable class 3 winds could produce approximately 72 Terawatts. A Terawatt is 1 trillion watts, the power generated by more then 500 nuclear reactors or a 1,000 coal fired plants”. The study is supported by NASA and Stanford’s Global Climate and Energy Project.
    Other studies available, just ask. I found
    they don’t know Dick about Energy down there.