No Democrat Must Ever Forget That All Of This Hatred and Bitterness is 100% Hillary Clinton’s Fault.

Filed in National by on May 31, 2008

Every ounce of the hatred and bile that has been unleashed during this campaign is due to Hillary Clinton’s lust for power.

All Democrats must now join together now to denounce Hillary Clinton and her campaign surrogates. I urge any and all democrats who read Delaware Dem’s post at Daily Kos to renounce Hillary Clinton and her lying despicable strategy of division.

The Clinton campaign and all of her supporters everywhere must be embarrassed and humiliated by the rudeness of her supporters present in the meeting room.

These rude and disgraceful supporters do their candidate no service, indeed, they do her a disservice. If anecdotal reports from the meeting and the protest outside are to be believed, then these supporters are expressing their intention to embrace the Bush Administration and all of their failures and crimes by refusing to support our Party’s nominee. If the same anecdotal reports are to be believed, many of the Clinton supporters present are passing out scurrilous flyers telling horrible right wing lies about our nominee, Barack Obama. These flyers are calling him an adulterer and a murderer.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (48)

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    I love it and because Obama is from Chicago maybe we will have a repeat of that convention.

    Just getting your goat jason

  2. jason330 says:

    There is no sport in that TT.

    My goat is so easily gotten.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    hey they called Bill the same

  4. cassandra_m says:

    There is not alot of point in denouncing anybody. We get through the Tuesday primaries, let Obama roll out the Supers he needs to clinch it and roll up our sleeves for the big game. We need every bit of our energy for that, not in hunting down HRC supporters and denouncing them.

    The Obama campaign went to extraordinary lengths this week to call off any demonstrations outside of the Marriott today. You can see why, I think. Instead, they had voter registration events in and around DC to funnel supporter energy to.

    They’ll burn themselves out, they won’t have any money to move on with, the media will stop paying attention shortly. Just let them go and get on with something more productive.

  5. Dominique says:

    Grow up. Your candidate needs HRC supporters to win. Continuing this ridiculously childish discourse does absolutely nothing to further that cause. Markos is an ass. Resist the temptation to follow his lead.

  6. Duffy says:

    How does this ship right itself? Clinton is clearly out for the win and if not she’ll go nuclear and destroy Obama’s chances of a win to ensure herself the nod next time. How does this end well for Dems? Is she big enough to swallow the loss and endorse him? I just can’t see it.

  7. Dominique says:

    Correction. Hillary is not going nuclear. Her supporters are. And rightfully so. Just look at the hideousness the Obama supporters spew on this site alone.

    I’ve said this again and again – if the tables were turned, Obama would not ‘swallow the loss’. This race is virtually neck and neck, yet the Obama supporters act as though he’s got a lead like McCain had over Huckabee. More importantly, her trajectory is much stronger than his. If Obama supporters were really concerned with a Dem winning the WH, they would back the stronger candidate. That’s her. By far. Obviously.

  8. David says:

    Her fault? That is like blaming the victim for a mugging. She was mugged by the hierarchy. It is your type of talk which will divide the party. Keep it up.

    Dom, look at the underlying negatives. She can’t win unless Barr is a factor and Nadar isn’t. There is no way that she can get over 50%. Obama can.

  9. Dominique says:

    Obama can’t win without HRC supporters and the polls indicate that he won’t have it. I know I won’t vote for him. She, however, would likely maintain a good portion of his supporters because so many of them are from the far-left wing of the party. They couldn’t stomach voting for McCain or not voting at all. HRC supporters are a little bit more flexible (Reagan Dems).

  10. Rebecca says:

    Lets see, Hillary supporters are more flexible because they won’t vote for Obama???? Is it me or has flexible taken on a whole new meaning, like “it’s my way or the highway”?

  11. Dominique says:

    Flexible in terms of considering other parties. Thought that was clear when I referred to Reagan Dems. You wouldn’t have to be terribly flexible to blindly support a party candidate. Duh.

  12. jason330 says:

    Have fun voting for McCain Dom.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    “I’ve said this again and again – if the tables were turned, Obama would not ’swallow the loss’. ”

    And I’ve said it again and again: Your predictions aren’t worth the electrons they’re beamed here with. Even if you were a top-notch analyst, of which there’s zero evidence, a lot of things can change in five months, a statement I can confidently make because in every previous presidential election for which we have polling, a lot changed over the five months prior to the election.

    You, on the other hand, base your predictions on the hurt feelings of yourself and people like you. Oh, boo hoo! I’ve been called a racist!

    Really, I’m stumped for why you’re a Democrat at all. White people who play the race card with themselves as victim ought to stick with the GOP, where they’ll find lots of other resentful white people to keep them company.

  14. RickJ19958 says:

    White people who play the race card with themselves as victim ought to stick with the GOP, where they’ll find lots of other resentful white people to keep them company.

    If the past few months have taught you anything, Al, it’s that this “truism” is patently false. The inability to deal with or get over the race issue shows no party lines.

  15. Reagan loved those flexible DEMs.

    Bushie grabbed a few who couldn’t stomach more of Clinton/Gore in 2000.

    Only a fool can’t see how damaging a GOPerhead in the executive office has been to Americans (leaving aside the eschelon with a sweet Wall Street portfolio).

    Corporates rise, adding in the 21st century global piece, and the worker falls in every measure of quality of living.

    Supreme Court and the Constitution are no less targets of decent Americans who cherish key values that can only be preserved with a DEM pivot on the hill and a DEM in the White House..

  16. Dominique says:

    Wow. There’s the ‘boo hoo’ line again. ‘Fair and square’ and ‘boo hoo’. Kind of reminds me of a 4-year old who says something funny then proceeds to repeat it over and over again for the same reaction.

  17. anon says:

    she will not accept less than president. her followers yesterday protesting in the halls, while the DNC played fairly, squarely and did a “solomon” to keep unity, were returned by the neo cons in the Clinton party acting as bad as the 2000 election stolen from the democrats. If you havent seen HBO, “recount”, you should….Jim Baker brought out the “hired crazies” to disrupt that vote count, Hillarys has taken a que right out of the Rove/Baker/Cheney playbook.

    Maybe she will stay in long enough to get Obama to agree to put her on the Supremes. I have never been more ashamed of the democrat party than in this election. Talk about fools, and crazies, the hardcore of the clinton campaign got nuttin on the bushies.

  18. Al Mascitti says:

    Funny, Dominique, I feel the same way about your complaints. If “boo-hoo” sounds like a 4-year-old, keep in mind that’s my translation of your entire point.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Amen, Al.

    You can already see Dem polls moving to Obama (he win a CA primary today) and more movement will happen as people understand that he is the nominee and come to understand that the Keep Hope Alive campaign was something of a fraud.

    HRCs supporters are going nuclear because HRC is encouraging it. But if there is something to note from yesterday, is that the thousands or tens of thousands of protesters for the RBC meeting never materialized, so she can’t really muster much more from her supporters other than the last round of votes. HC will have the funds she can put into it to keep going. And, Importantly, the media will turn away and when they do pay attention it will be on the order of looking at the crazy lady on the corner.

    The ship rights itself by moving on. The ship welcomes all of those who want to be involved with making sure a repub is not in the White House in 2009 and letting go those who don’t have that priority.

  20. snark says:

    “Clinton supporters present are passing out scurrilous flyers telling horrible right wing lies about our nominee, Barack Obama. These flyers are calling him an adulterer and a murderer.”

    WOW, now the Clinton wing of the party is “right wing”?!?!?

    oh yeah, let the healing begin.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Now that’s interesting as an example of the victimology at work:

    You would misread that bit as someone calling the Clinton folks right wing (which it certainly does not say), but you have nothing to say about these folks accusing Obama of being a murderer.

    Very Bill O’Reilly.

  22. snark says:

    please, explain the “right wing” part to me.

  23. snark says:

    “were returned by the neo cons in the Clinton party acting as bad as ..”

  24. Dominique says:

    Cassandra –

    Do you have any idea how demeaning it is to hear someone say that I am ‘going nuclear because HRC is encouraging it’? As though HRC supporters really, really, really want to support O, but we’re waiting for her queue.

    Characterize it whichever way you see fit, but KNOW that my anger does not exist because of anything HRC has said, done or implied. My anger is my own and it is very real.

    When HRC said that she would support the democratic nominee (something Michelle Obama lacked the grace to verbalize), I thought to myself ‘have fun, sister, but there’s no fucking way I’m with you’. She is loyal to the party (regardless of how much the party and its members have relentlessly demonized and attacked her). I am not. I don’t follow the leader. I follow my heart. Period.

  25. Pandora says:

    Wow, Dom. I agree. I didn’t need the Obama campaign to tell me when to be outraged. I, too, can think for myself even though I am an Obama supporter.

  26. Dominique says:

    P – I never implied that your outrage existed because Obama told you to feel that way. I do, however, maintain that most Obama supporters I know hang on his every word in terms of his commands, talking points and catch phrases. He tells his group to chill until Wednesday and everyone falls in line. It even happened on a different thread on this very site. His campaign is a veritable meme-machine (boo hoo, fair and square, unite the party, sore losers, do anything to win, going nuclear, etc.).

    I don’t know how he does it – maybe Axelrove says it, DKos picks it up and you guys take it from there. I haven’t seen anything like it since…well, Bush. Or have you forgotten freedom fries, they hate us for our freedom, and fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here?

    HRC supporters are free thinkers. We respect and admire our candidate, but will not support her party just becuse she tells us to. Her campaign probably isn’t even organized enough to even create talking points designed for her supporters, but most of us would likely be cynical enough to see them for what they were if they did.

  27. cassandra_m says:

    And perhaps, Dominique, you’ll understand how it feels to be painted with the very broad brush you paint Obama supporters with. Just do what the rest of us do when reading your posts — read past what does not apply to you and try to get to some issues.

    The reason I say HRC is supporting the current effort: read the last sentence. If they concede that HRC can make them back the candidate, she can also make them stop making fools of themselves and of her.

    Your vote is your own, of course, and if you read back to much of what occurs on this blog is about correcting the misinformation and talking points you show up here with — not in changing your mind. We’ve already established that you won’t do that and I think that we’ve established that you are disinterested in real data and information too. But make no mistake that following your heart is all about being able to say “I told you so” in November. As much as I do not want HRC to be President of the United States, she does stand for a bunch of policies, principles and ideas that John McCain and his bunch are all about rolling back. We already understand that issues and ideas are not your currency. But we also understand that for as long and hard as you advocated for HRC, voting for McCain or anyone else who stand for nothing she has ever really fought for does no honor to either your advocacy or to HRCs campaign.

  28. Dominique says:

    I can only tell you what my personal experience has been. Virtually every Obama supporter I have personally encountered has possessed the characteristics I describe.

    Your third paragraph is emblematic of the arrogance of your ilk. Here are a few gems:

    ‘We’ve already established that you won’t do that and I think that we’ve established that you are disinterested in real data and information too. ‘

    ‘But make no mistake that following your heart is all about being able to say “I told you so” in November. ‘

    ‘We already understand that issues and ideas are not your currency.’

    Read them a few times if you need to. How very insightful (or is it inciteful?) of you to not only know, but actually tell me what I am interested in, what I feel and what I understand. It is that condescending attitude that has turned off so many HRC supporters.

    I guess part of your policy of reading over comments included the parts where I’ve repeatedly said that I would vote for McCain because I think he has a strength, fortitude and experience that Obama sorely lacks.

    Of course it may very well not be in your DNA to accept that people who don’t agree with you aren’t stupid and uninformed. I suppose it never occurred to you, in your ivory tower of knowledge, that maybe I don’t believe that your candidate is capable of moving forward with his issues and ideas. That maybe I don’t think he’s provided any ‘real data and information’ to support the fact that he can achieve even one of his promises. That maybe, just maybe, I would rather have someone who is familiar with the inner-workings of our government and our military in charge instead of someone whose strongest quality appears to be his ability to give a good speech?

    Wake up, Cassandra. This isn’t just about empty campaign promises made by any of them. It’s about having someone who has proven that he/she is capable of working in a bipartisan manner and actually move an agenda forward. I don’t see John McCain as being a 3rd Bush term (as so many in our party love to spew). I see him for what he is – a moderate republican. Sorry I don’t see him as the devil you and the rest of the far-left wing of the party do. Of course, most of that segment of the party see HRC as the devil, so there you have it.

  29. cassandra_m says:

    You wake up Dominque — everything I reported back to you you already admitted to in the long California delegates thread. I was simply saving you the effort of having to repeat whatever the rationalization of the day is. You came here to stamp your feet and display your thwarted entitlements — if you don’t want to be engaged on this stuff you do have front page privileges on your on blog, yes?

  30. Al Mascitti says:

    For my part, I was mocking people with “boo hoo” long before I knew Obama’s name. It wasn’t invented by his campaign, because Hillary isn’t the first sore loser in politics — she’s just trying to be the worst.

  31. Dominique says:

    Al, she’s hardly a sore loser. We’re talking about a popular vote tally that, by all measures, is within a hair of his, if not ahead of it. This is hardly a blowout by any stretch of the imagination. But thanks for throwing the phrase out…again.

    OK, Cassandra, that’s cool. So, if I don’t fall in line with your nonsense, I should go back to my own blog? That’s very adult of you. Does that just apply to me, or should anyone who doesn’t bow down to your candidate keep their opinions to themselves? BTW, ‘thwarted entitlements’? Is that the ‘rationalization of the day in Obamaland?

    Peace out, peeps, I’m done here. I would encourage anyone else with a dissenting opinion to find a blog that’s interested in actual conversation, not just a big circle jerk, since dissention is clearly not welcome or tolerated here in Liberal Land.

  32. Pandora says:

    Not fair, Dom. We are all individuals, and as much as I enjoy reading your comments you have to admit that your way with words is razor sharp. Which is a compliment.

  33. Dana says:

    Not sure why flyers labelling Barack Hussein Obama an adulterer and a murderer would be thought by Hillary Clinton to be politically effective. After all, the same accusations against her husband didn’t do much good.

  34. anon says:

    Dominique – face it, you are a Reagan Democrat. Or as I call them, “Republicans.”

  35. jason330 says:

    Peace out, peeps, I’m done here. I would encourage anyone else with a dissenting opinion to find a blog that’s interested in actual conversation, not just a big circle jerk, since dissention is clearly not welcome or tolerated here in Liberal Land.

    No Dom at the unity cookout then?

  36. Al Mascitti says:

    “Al, she’s hardly a sore loser. We’re talking about a popular vote tally that, by all measures, is within a hair of his, if not ahead of it. ”

    Which is nice, if true (some dispute it), but not germane to the conversation. She lost, and she’s sore about it. How does that not make her a “sore loser”?

  37. Truth Teller says:

    Shit I be sore too if they gave my rival 4 of my delegates along with 55 of none of above

  38. Truth Teller says:

    I see claybore came out for Obama today what a surprise ever since msnbc put him on way back he declared that he was netural but during each interview he would bash Hillary and Bill.

    just another phony in this race which is a

    tie at this point however, you obama supporters have won now win the White house we are all pulling for you now

  39. Stella Bluez says:

    How about “pulling” for this country? How about “pulling” for the troops in Iraq? How about “pulling” for the innocent Iraqis? How about “pulling” for clean air & water? How about “pulling” for the average “joe”? How about “pulling” for reversing the corporate take-over? How about “pulling” for the uninsured & dirt poor? How about “pulling” for the rest of the world?

  40. disbelief says:

    In the interest of dissenting opinion and educational, stimulating discussion: Stella: pull this.

  41. Truth Teller says:

    Wake up Stella pulling for all those you mentioned will only help if we maintain congress and hold the White house also

  42. Truth Teller says:

    And lets not forget that the Dem’s can also be assholes when they control all the power we could have had universal health care back in 92 the dem’s controlled both houses and the white house and yet Mitchell and Foley didn’t allow Hillary’s health care plan to pass and today I am not certain that Nancy P would support anything that Hillary summited what a nasty cat she is

  43. Pandora says:

    “Nasty cat?” Not one more word out of you, TT. You claim to support the iron lady and criticize Obama supporters for not giving HRC respect. Oh man… nasty cat? You are toast . You have lost all claims to the Hillary sexism meme. Hope that shot at Nancy Pelosi was worth it.

  44. Stella Bluez says:

    “In the interest of dissenting opinion and educational, stimulating discussion: Stella: pull this.” -disbelief

    & what happens?? you fart??

    In the interest of peace, love & rock & roll….oh, AND stimulating discussion….

  45. Stella Bluez says:

    TT, Again, you miss my point… have a very narrow view from your glass house….

    My point is that it is time to look at the big picture….parse the details all you want….but don’t forget the BIG picture….

  46. Stella Bluez says:

    Oh & exactly WHY do I keep talking to you??

  47. find a blog that’s interested in actual conversation, not just a big circle jerk
    I noticed your big welcome at the local GOPer blog, D. Nothing wrong with that.

    Your contributions here were ok up until you stopped having a conversation, answering questions with questions. Not exactly a give and take on your candidate. More like the center of the circle jerk.

  48. Al Mascitti says:

    TT says, “Wake up Stella pulling for all those you mentioned will only help if we maintain congress and hold the White house also”

    If we maintain Congress? Do you actually read the news, or just spend your time pretending to be concerned here? Every indication is that Democrats will score enormous wins in Congress.