Delaware Liberal

No Democrat Must Ever Forget That All Of This Hatred and Bitterness is 100% Hillary Clinton’s Fault.

Every ounce of the hatred and bile that has been unleashed during this campaign is due to Hillary Clinton’s lust for power.

All Democrats must now join together now to denounce Hillary Clinton and her campaign surrogates. I urge any and all democrats who read Delaware Dem’s post at Daily Kos to renounce Hillary Clinton and her lying despicable strategy of division.

The Clinton campaign and all of her supporters everywhere must be embarrassed and humiliated by the rudeness of her supporters present in the meeting room.

These rude and disgraceful supporters do their candidate no service, indeed, they do her a disservice. If anecdotal reports from the meeting and the protest outside are to be believed, then these supporters are expressing their intention to embrace the Bush Administration and all of their failures and crimes by refusing to support our Party’s nominee. If the same anecdotal reports are to be believed, many of the Clinton supporters present are passing out scurrilous flyers telling horrible right wing lies about our nominee, Barack Obama. These flyers are calling him an adulterer and a murderer.

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