Donviti QOD

Filed in National by on June 2, 2008

1. If you offer to take your sister/brother’s children to a museum as sort of a summer field trip, what assumptions should you make regarding the questions the other parent would ask?

2.  If you offer to take your sister’s/brother’s children with your children on a summer field trip, is it implied that I would pay for my sibling’s children? 

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:


    Why do I get the feeling that you and your borther/sister were not on the same page regarding this trip?

  2. huh? wha? I Know Nuzzing!

  3. In answer to #2, if you offer to take them you are offering to pay. The parents *might* offer to chip in, but you shouldn’t expect it.

  4. disbelief says:

    You should expect it. If someone you trusted with your kids offered to take them on a trip, giving you a few free hours, I would imagine the first thing out of your mouth would be a demand that he/she take the money you offered, and in addition, if the kids are old enough, give them some money for their own pockets to defray expenses.

    What are we? Trailer trash?

  5. G Rex says:

    Are you a registered sex offender?

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Dude you are so fucking cheap! Mahaffie is 100%, you pay. There are no questions, no nothing. You are taking your nieces/nephews to the museum… period.

    Actually not only should you not expect that they could voluntarily “chip in” you shouldn’t accept it if offered.

    And this is coming from a guy with no kids and seven nieces/nephews. What is wrong with you dude….?

  7. disbelief says:

    Dorian and Mahaffie just joined the ranks of Burris et al.

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    I don’t really know this person Burris but I do know that this is some sort of insult. (He is the conservative dude on FSP?) Fortunately I don’t get offended so fuck it.

    After more info was obtained by me I retract my previous characterization of DV as cheap. Although historically quite tight with a nickel, I had this one the wrong way round – so it’s only fair for me to take this one back. But I do stand by my original assessment of the situation. No money should be offered or accepted.

  9. Truth Teller says:

    Forget about the cost just make sure your children arn’t being taken for the day by a priest or Minister or Rabbi