Teleprompter Training Required

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008

This video is just so painful to watch.


This is why people are going to run away from McCain.  He doesn’t have any sense of style or presentation skills.  Why even put crap like this up on youtube?  It is so poorly done that it will not cause anyone to do anything.. except maybe laugh uncomfortably.

h/t TPM

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Gad that was painful.

    And the whole project has the whiff of the Bush/Cheney Sloganator project. Now THAT was fun and provided many days of entertainment for all of the folks who went over to mess with it. There used to be a slide show of the best of them, but I can’t find it. That might be a decent project to find that and get it up again…

  2. jason330 says:

    I nomiate Barack Obama.

  3. Dorian Gray says:

    A perfect depiction of the GOP, milquetoast, white and graying. I could only make it through about 45 seconds. Horrid.