Hell Yeah!

Filed in National by on June 6, 2008

I know that this had been blogged on, but this is huge so I just have to say…HELL YEAH!!! one more time…

Dear Jason,

I wanted to drop you a quick note about a major policy change here at the Democratic Party.

As we move toward the general election, the Democratic Party has to be the Party of ordinary Americans, not Washington lobbyists and special interests. So, as of this morning, if you’re a federal lobbyist, or if you control political action committee donations, we won’t be accepting your contribution.

That’s right bitches!! The Democratic party is the PEOPLES party, so suck on it TOM CARPER!!

Of course that means we all have to step up and reward good behavoir.

This is an unprecedented move for a political party to make — one that has sent shockwaves through Washington and has turned the debate on clean campaigns upside down. We’ve unilaterally agreed to shut lobbyists out of the process, and are we’re relying on people just like you.

Just imagine what hundreds of thousands of Americans donating $20, $30, or $50 at a time can accomplish together. Imagine the signal that it sends to anyone who looks at John McCain’s political machine and the special interest money it needs to fuel every move it makes.

We have a chance to change the way business is done in this country, and we’re taking the lead. Will you join us and make a contribution right now to help us elect Barack Obama?


I’m in.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. pandora says:

    As far as I’m concerned we can’t post this enough!

  2. Rebecca says:

    OMG, if this works we just might change Washington.

  3. Pandora says:

    Might I suggest a donation to the DNC? They’re following Obama’s lead so we should support them. I donated yesterday. It just feels like the right thing to do.

  4. Rebecca says:

    I give automatically every month but I just gave extra today to reinforce this message. Yeah Obama, Yeah Howard Dean. Whooo Hah!

  5. Brian says:

    That would be a great thing, let’s hope it works. Thank you Mr. Dean….this is what we all want to see!!!

  6. Pandora says:

    Sounds like change to me!

  7. Tribal Warrior says:

    How will this policy affect Gene gReed’s Insurance Commissioner race? Does taking money from the companies you’re supposed to regulate represent a conflict of some type?

  8. liz allen says:

    What we need is Campaign Finance Reform? There are many ways to get around the “lobbyists” and everyone knows that.

    Campaign Finance Reform puts our democracy back in the hands of “we the people”, takes all the corporate lobbyists and special interests out of it. Candidates would be free to campaign on issues that the people desire, not some democrat or republican think tank, which is what we have today.

    Look at single payer health care. Polls nationwide, including the fastest growing doctors website..want single payer, along with 70% of the people in national polls. So what does the corporate democratic national party offer us…more of the same. They call it universal, but its still a dressed up for profit pig. change. They all keep the for profits in, the only nation in the world who makes profits on health care.

    Wind power…90% of Delaware want wind power…so why dont we have it…cuz the Corporate Think Tanks, posing as Public Think tanks, have our candidates by the cahones…if you don’t go with the think tanks or the News Journal editors….you cant get elected.

    Campaign Finance Reform actually levels the playing field for all challengers to the incumbents. Thats why the incumbents wont go for it….they like the status quo, they like the ability to raise money even from out of state. Anyone taking money from “out of state” should automatically be questioned as to their allegiance to the citizens of this State.

  9. Tribal Warrior says:

    So you say in several paragraphs that Gene gReed sucks?

  10. Dominique says:

    It is absolutely stunning to me that so many gullible people can be found in one spot. So willing to whip out your checkbook because you take what you see or hear at face value. Here’s an idea, why don’t you research a little bit before you get all horny for the DNC over this unbelievably gracious gesture? A simple google search will tell you that:

    A) This only applies to the DNC, not to Democrats across the board.

    B) It’s no grand sacrifice because they hardly get any money from federal lobbyists and/or PACs.

    C) Like Senator Awesomeness, they neglect to disclose a couple of things about what they mean by “federal lobbyist” like a) they’re only referring to lobbyists who do business with the federal government (any other lobbyists – like, say, from the pharmaceutical companies, are JUST FINE), and b) money from the spouses, family members and friends of lobbyists are A-OK.


    You guys should really have someone screen your mail for you lest you fall prey to a Canadian lottery scam or something.

  11. Pandora says:

    Change doesn’t have to be sweeping to be effective. Small steps in the right direction are, imo, better than sweeping gestures that get voted down, demonized, and buried for fifteen years… like Healthcare.