McSMOD: McCain Really Thinks Iraq is the Same as Japan

Filed in National by on June 11, 2008

Dana at Delaware Watch has blogged on this and has the video and the Joe Biden smack down of McCain.

While most people are commenting on the fact that McCain says it is “not important” when the troops leave Iraq – I continue to be floored that John McCain has not revised his “American troops are in Japan, American troops are in South Korea…it is all fine.” talking points.

So, I wonder if McCain’s Delaware BFF, Mike Castle agrees with McCain that it is “not important” when troops leave Iraq? I wonder if Mike Castle shares McCain’s view that we need to stay in Iraq because staying would be “victory” and leaving would be “defeat?”

Most of all I wonder if anyone in the Delaware press corps will ever ask Castle about Iraq?

FTR: I have given up hope that the Delaware press corps will ever ask Castle about Mcain’s whacked out Iraq policies.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Brian says:

    “Failing Schools….. Drained Economy” McBush you think it will be the same as the last seven years, well guess what my friends it is only going to get worse….

  2. liz allen says:

    The Press Corp in Delaware…and who would that be? John Taylor? Every time McCastle has been interviewed the “talking heads” soft ball him,…they believe if they don’t, he won’t come on their shows….and just where else would he go? Dimwits all.

    All the years he was in DC, all the years in Delaware did you ever hear the “Press Corp” ask McCastle “any hard question”, or “a question that would put him on the spot”? And Celia…she loves the guy…think she is going ask him something intelligent. There is no Press Corp in Delaware folks, except maybe you up and coming bloggers.