SEE! McSame isn’t really McSame!

Filed in National by on June 12, 2008

a lot of people compare Johnny to Georgey…but that’s not fair. W had Cheney as his VP.

McSame isn’t going to have him work as his VP.

Asked whether he’d be interested in Cheney had the vice president not already have served under Bush for two terms, McCain said: “I don’t know if I would want him as vice president. He and I have the same strengths. But to serve in other capacities? Hell, yeah.”

Suck on that bitches!

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hiding in the open

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  1. Al Mascitti says:

    Great article at The Onion about Cheney.

  2. Brian says:

    It gets worse….

  3. Brian says:

    Wait until they roll out Bobby Jindal, Governor of Lousiana and part time Demon exorcist….

  4. RAY K> says:

    Sad but true, except for torture McCain and cheney are same o same o on most everything else. Conservitives are such morons they call McCain a moderate for not putting people on the rack. Be very afraid of this man, he`s just a seniel Bush\ Cheny clone. Look at his voting record, 95% neocon.

  5. liz allen says:

    McMad’s comment on Cheney is extraordinary. Guess he hasnt read the 35 articles of impeachment yet! You can bet McMad will continue to force the Iraqi Parliment to “allow the US 58 bases in Iraq”, whether they like it or not.

    Did you ever notice “neo cons” do not support the Constitution, ever heard one say they do?

    Loved McMads slip of the “beer” tongue. If he isnt pre senile…then his PTSD is showing.