John McCain Will Not Be The GOP Nominee

Filed in National by on June 18, 2008

All the signs point in that direction.

> Rush Limbaugh not shilling for him.

> Rumblings in the futures markets. &

> “it is the best shot they have.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    So McCain could pull an Alan Levin. Hmmm…. looks like the GOP has recruitment problems everywhere.

    Really though it’s an identity crisis; the Reagan coalition is coming unglued and there is no nominee acceptable to each faction. And there can’t be, because the factions were all such odd bedfellows to start with.

    Colin Powell would be destroyed by nonstop replays of his UN WMD performance. Condi has the same problem – there are too many YouTubes of her lying.

    To replace McCain they would have to go with a younger hard-core conservative with no Iraq baggage; probably a governor, and maybe a woman.

  2. pandora says:

    I agree, anon. Sad to say, but McCain is the best they have. Replacing him would be tricky, and would probably yield the same results. The factions in the Republican Party are well and truly split. I doubt there’s a candidate alive who can bridge the gap.

    If they go hard-core conservative they lose moderates and independents.

    If they go moderate they lose the hard-core conservatives.

    Which explains why McCain is constantly flip-flopping. He really is trying to be all things to all republicans.

  3. RSmitty says:

    Rush Limbaugh not shilling for him.

    In my world, that’s the best thing that could happen, make that Limbaugh and Shamnity.

  4. liz allen says:

    Guess what Congressman voted to “Impeach Bush”! Talk about pandering, talk about “double speak”, talk about trying to distance himself from McBush and McMad….none other than Mike Castle….thats right folks, Mike Castle has voted with the democrats and a few republicans to impeach bush….now tell me again…McCastle aint scared of Karen Hartley-Nagle!…made my week.

  5. X Stryker says:

    The article also suggests Marilyn Musgrave, who is already getting beaten in the polls in her own congressional district. And Bloomberg, who changed his registration to Independent. And Romney, who has always polled really badly, and would likely lose by an even bigger margin than McCain.

    No. McCain has decent favorability ratings, he really is the best they got.

    However, if they go with anyone, it would be Huckabee.