Time to Call Governor Minner

Filed in National by on June 18, 2008

Pick up your phone and call the Governor and ask her to sign the Eminent Domain Law sitting on her desk.  Word is that the Guv is thinking about vetoing this bill knowing that the legislature wouldn’t override.  The law puts limits on the ability of municipalities to seize property under eminent domain by defining terms, responsibilities and establishing an appeals process.

Call the Governor at 302-577-3210 and tell her that you want the bill to become law.

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  1. jason330 says:

    This is a no brainer. From the bill…

    This Bill requires state, county, or municipal governments, or agencies or other condemning entities to use their eminent domain authority solely for “public use” and defines that term.

    No more condemnations in order to allow developers to get cheap real estate.


  2. Jed Bartlet says:

    I don’t can’t believe Minner would veto that bill…if for no other reason that it would be terrible for Carney.
    I hope this doesn’t turn out the way I think it might. Minner takes one for the team by acting like she is going to veto it, eventually signs it, but accredits her late flip-flop to Carney. Carney “saves the day.”

  3. No Name for Privacy... says:

    Thank you for posting this important message so prominently on your blog.

    I hope all readers understand this law will impact Delaware statewide…hopefully, this will be the cutting edge of reining in developers on every project.

    I am certain you must know Paul Clarke from NCC Council is not the only elected being steered (and asking to be steered..what a great ‘leader’) by developers…this is not an isolated case by any means.

    We the people know over development in our state is at a crisis point…call the A.G. and/or Federal Atty. and ask for an investigation of Clarke and his wife, Pamela Scott.

    Thank you again for the posting and thank you to all who are responding to preserve (what’s left of) Delaware.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    You are welcome NNfP. I called and asked when we might hear about the Gov’s decision. The kind lady that answered the phone wasn’t sure, so I promised to call back by the end of the week…

  5. Nancy Willing says:

    WNJ says that a new eminent domain bill was introduced today. mmmmmm?