Filed in National by on June 19, 2008

What big ticket items have you held off from buying due the economy?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dana says:

    None, but, then again, I hadn’t planned on buying any in the first place.

    Actually, if you can afford it, this is pretty much a buying opportunity.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Dana’s right — there are (were) discounts galore for certain big ticket items. I bought a new central air unit for my house a month or so back, and two of the firms I got bids from were offering pretty amazing discounts.

    Now if somebody would offer killer discounts on replacement windows (wood only), I’d be one happy camper.

  3. Tyler Nixon says:

    Health insurance.

  4. RSmitty says:

    *Sigh* we have a vehicle lease that expires in August. In terms of the depreciation it took, we did well on the lease. In terms of shopping around, it’s quite startling how we’re finding the dealers to be reluctant to dealing on a decent vehicle in deference to their being adamant to getting rid of the gas guzzlers. Freaking bastards.

    Of course, we’re kind of captive in what we need with three car seats. That eliminates a lot of options.


  5. Von Cracker says:

    Laptop with a Blu-ray drive.

    Was gonna say an engagement ring! 😉

  6. G Rex says:

    My ’85 Volkswagen Cabriolet finally died this spring, so I got a 2000 Golf to replace it. Lucky me, that was about a month before used 4-cylinder compacts disappeared from the market!

  7. Grex,

    we’ll just wait another month and find it on the side of the road….

  8. Ryan Mc. says:

    A new car 🙁

  9. Brian says:

    Food. Except rice and beans.

  10. Dominique says:

    Home improvements.

    Tyler – do you belong to either the NCC or State chamber? Their membership fees are pretty low and I’m pretty sure they offer competitive group insurance rates. It might be worth looking into.

  11. Annie says:

    my wedding. Cancelled it

  12. liz allen says:

    dominque: you gotta be kidding us, right! Have you actually checked the insurance the Chamber offers…the worst in the entire state. Covers nothing, the premiums are so high, and they “always find a pre existing condition”, so you won’t get insurance for the medical condition you have. Have you not looked into or heard the reasons for single payer health care, for most of us wouldnt cost us a dime.

    90% of our taxes pay for health care. 20% is out of pocket (our pockets), which is why Corporate Delaware in the pockets of the State Chamber dont want us to have it. There is the Delaware Public Policy Insitute (which is a sham its owned, operated by the most right wing State Chamber of commerce, making sure those for profits keep stealing your tax dollars and give you back less than basic coverage.

    In all these years of talking about the difference between “for profit” and Non profit, non-government health care…appears some have gotten the word.

  13. jason330 says:
