One man’s pork…

Filed in National by on June 20, 2008

…is another man’s crucial levy project needed to reinforce our crumbling infrastructure and avoid catastrophic loss of life and billions of dollars of flood damage.

McCain railed against the Iowa levy projectthe bill that contained provisions for levy reinforcement last year.

Nice call Einstein.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    has this old man ever got anything right??

    I still can’t believe that he crashed an Ultra Light that was his fifth air craft he crashed

  2. pandora says:

    Priceless! Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

    Iowa gets bluer by the day.

  3. Shirley says:

    “The aides said McCain does not oppose particular projects, such as the Des Moines improvements, but rather the inside-player process through which the money is doled out.”

  4. And we should believe his aides why, Shirley? McCain’s straight talk express has gone off the rails in the past eight years.

    This man needs to go down. And go down big.

  5. Al Mascitti says:

    She’s a supposed Libertarian, and she’s a McCain supporter? Yeah, that computes.

  6. Dominique says:

    TT – I don’t know how his ability (or inability) to fly a plane has anything to do with his ability to run a country, but there’s something to be said about a man who survived five plane crashes.

    Can someone please explain how earmarks are ok? I’ve always found the concept of sticking a multi-million dollar earmark in a bill that has absolutely nothing to do with it (money for a bridge in a crime bill, for example) to be unethical. At the risk of sounding stupid (bring on the insults), doesn’t the federal government already give the states money? Isn’t it the states’ responsibility to manage that money effectively? Shouldn’t they be able to do what they need to do without loading federal bills up with pork?

    There’s wasteful spending in government across the board (state & federal). Maybe the onus should be on the states to budget better so that they can compensate for shortfalls in the federal aid they receive. If they can’t manage that, maybe they need to look at other ways of generating revenue, like maybe tax increases. It seems to me that state governments would be a little bit more careful about their spending if they didn’t always have the federal cash cow to milk when there’s a shortfall. Isn’t responsible spending and respect for the taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars (on both the federal and state levels) one of the goals?

  7. jason330 says:

    there’s something to be said about a man who survived five plane crashes.

    Lol! You are so freaking funny.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    LOL! Oh my God, Dom. We are supposed to be the true believers here? Holy crap. The guy crashes 5 planes and you say that he must be lucky? Perhaps it means that he is good at assuming the crash position?

    Where the hell is Mike Protack when we need him? Mike, how many plane crashes are too many?

  9. anon says:

    there’s something to be said about a man who survived five plane crashes.

    Maybe at the convention they will draft Steve Fossett, if they can find him that is.

  10. RSmitty says:

    Where the hell is Mike Protack when we need him? Mike, how many plane crashes are too many?

    I think he may agree that five is acceptable and shows formidable luck.

    Oh wait, you said plane crashes, I thought you said campaign crashes. My bad.

  11. jason330 says:


    You are good. What’s the internet shorthand for standing ovation?

  12. pandora says:

    Smitty’s been on a roll the last couple of days. Too clever for his own good. 😉

  13. RSmitty says:

    …for my own good is right. That’s why I am reading the Blogging For Dummies book I mentioned in DV’s QOD today.