Where are the McCain bumper stickers?

Filed in National by on June 22, 2008

No, seriously, where are they?

This morning when I took my walk I decided to play the bumper sticker game. (I know, pathetic.) Since I am living in Fenwick for the summer and 99% of my neighbors are republican (not an exaggeration) I truly expected to find at least one McCain bumper sticker. Lord knows, the place was swarming with “W” stickers for the last eight years. Funny how they’ve disappeared as well.

Granted my game isn’t a scientific measure, but I found the visual absence of McCain “support” in a republican friendly area quite telling.

Equally telling… I saw four Obama stickers! Should be an interesting summer…

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (42)

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  1. Seriously? says:


    Bumperstickers are extensions of ego, not accurate polling. The liberal fanatics who adorn their cars with them are easily outweighed and outvoted by the quiet and humble majority who keep their opinions private until they are afforded the protection of the ballot booth.

    Obama has all the gravity of Walter Mondale. Nice pick.

  2. Dominique says:

    Your post reminded me of this very funny (and accurate) edition of Stuff White People Like…


  3. Andy says:

    Still see a lot of those old “W’ Stickers from back in the day so Republicans didn’t mind the bumper sticker game too So there might be a little to this

  4. pandora says:


    How can I take you seriously? Those “W” stickers were EVERYWHERE. But you keep consoling yourself with that “silent majority” meme.

  5. Seriously? says:

    The “W” stickers were just be mean. We knew how much it gave you ulcerative colitis.

  6. Al Mascitti says:

    “Obama has all the gravity of Walter Mondale. Nice pick.”

    Yah, we chose him because we knew how much it would give you ulcerative colitis. That must hurt a lot more for someone like you, who’s composed entirely of asshole.

  7. Bwahahah! says:

    Hah! Your pick is a gift to me! Now I can be mean for the whole election season. It gives me pleasure to hurt you. I like that your views are consistently negated by the American people and that your lifestyle choices are ridiculed for what they…onanist nonsense.

    Funny thing is, you guys never learn. You found the weakness in 1992, but I guess you don’t remember how to win the White House with 43% of the vote. Get on the ball!!!! (Or should I say Barr?)

  8. Dominique says:


    I’m not gonna lie, I had to look it up. All I can say is, ewww.

    On a related note, I can’t, for the life of me, understand why every W and/or Bush/Cheney bumper sticker doesn’t have desperate claw marks on it. They should all be replaced with bumper stickers that say: I Am We Todd Did. I Am Sofa King We Todd Did.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Seriously is Dave Burris.

    Hi dave.

  10. Brian says:

    How could anyone support McCain? It is just an inexplicable mystery to me.

  11. Brian says:

    All Democrats, my only message to you is grow some FDR sized balls and stop this bullshit.

  12. DUH says:


    You think everyone is Dave!

  13. Jason330 says:

    No. just you.

  14. DUH says:

    You, my friend, make this too easy.

    But what makes you think I would?

    Translation: I’m not Dave, and you’re proving to be a less than worthy adversary!

  15. liberalgeek says:

    I figured out the McCain Bumper sticker thing. They are invisible to most people. You can only see them when you are wearing bifocals.

  16. No Name for Privacy says:

    Maybe no bumper stickers but McC yard signs are appearing in tony Wawaset Park (always a bastion of Rep die hards ), however, only in numbers to match the Obama signs in the Park…surprised the hell outta me.

  17. Truth Teller says:

    They are here the folks down here have just placed them on the inside of their bumpers

  18. Jason330 says:

    My yardsign poll results to date:

    Markell 50%
    Carney 50%
    Lee 0%
    Protack 0%

  19. Pandora says:

    Hey, Jason, I saw two Markell stickers today!

  20. Dominique says:

    I have a Markell sticker and I just picked up my yard sign today.

    BTW, I’m having a series of fundraisers that I would love all of you to attend:

    Markell – July 29th (Tues) 6-8pm
    KHN – August 21st (Thurs) 6-8pm
    Denn – TBD (probably in late Sept)

    It’s a great opportunity for everyone to put their money where their mouth is. The suggested donation will probably be $50. If that’s too much, give what you can. If you can spare more, don’t be shy.

  21. No Name for Privacy says:

    Geek my man, watch it, someday you’ll be 45 .

    RE: You can only see them when you are wearing bifocals.

  22. composed entirely of asshole.
    LOL, I should have seen that coming.

  23. KHN is also having a fundraising event this Thursday night:
    Wine & Cheese Fundraiser with light Hors Douvres and Entertainment, Thursday, June 26, 2008, 5:30 – 8:30pm. Ameritage Bistro, 900 N. Orange St., Wilmington, $50.00. The featured speaker is the Honorable Mayor James M. Baker of Wilmington. Entertainment is provided by the Jazz great, the Harry Spencer Trio. Please call 302-898-9569 for reservations or more information.

  24. Al Mascitti says:

    If everyone pays $75, will Baker forgo speaking?

  25. Dominique says:

    Al – that made me giggle.

  26. Dana says:

    Since the nomination race ran on for so long, it’s very possible that you are seeing stickers from the primaries.

  27. Dana says:

    Brian asked:

    How could anyone support McCain? It is just an inexplicable mystery to me.

    A taxpayer supporting Barack Obama is like a chicken supporting Colonel Sanders.

  28. Pandora says:

    Possibly, Dana, but since the Republican race was over so early and McCain supporters had plenty of time to order… where are the bumper stickers? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  29. cassandra m says:

    A taxpayer supporting Barack Obama is like a chicken supporting Colonel Sanders.

    Since Obama’s tax proposals actually reduce the tax burden for most American taxpayers, your statement doesn’t make much sense.

    And let me call attention to how flat this statement falls in relation to its original context — and that was Congressman J.C. Watts’ dad on why the dad was not a repub — a black man voting for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders. But then, it does point out what passes for humor for our friends on the other side….

  30. Shirley says:

    Liberalgeek: “You can only see them when you are wearing bifocals.”

    Nice…I like that.

    Curiously, up in northern NCC, I see alot of yard signs for Gene Reed. I have seen Obama bumper stickers, no McCain.

  31. jason330 says:

    Yard Sign Survey (Rt 9 Vance Neck to Lighthouse Rd.)

    Gene Reed 1

    Everyone Else zero

  32. Ugh…there’s a Gene Reed sign across the street from me at the Delaware Association of Police. I feel like going over there and hitting them over the head with it.

    Too bad most people don’t do their homework before putting up a yard sign.

    I wonder if Gene’s still accepting money from his insurance-industry buddies.

  33. Pandora says:

    I just put up my Obama sign at the beach house. Ten… nine… eight…

  34. liberalgeek says:


    Gene Reed in an email to insurance companies:

    As many of you know, I share your frustration with the rate increase process in Delaware.


  35. Newark is covered with Obama signs. No McCain sightings yet.
    Lots of Obama bumper stickers including on my truck. I only have a window Obama sign up since the DE primary.

  36. No Name for Privacy says:

    Al…that made me LOL.

    Mike Matthews: don’t you think the DAP is a
    non-profit 501(c)3? ergo: no political endorsements…of course I am aware cops don’t live by the same rules that we do. I don’t believe the Feds would agree with that…a well placed call would probably have the sign down in no time.

  37. Stella Bluez says:

    Funny you bring this up Pandora….

    I just got back from 2 days in DC…..I commented to those I was with that I see very little McCain “stuff”……Obama stickers, pins, tees are everywhere….worn by folks & on sale by vendors (love those DC street vendors).

    I even asked the gift store clerk in the metro hotel I was in where all the McCain “stuff” was (big table of Obama “stuff”)…..she said they just didn’t order that much for him…..whoa….

  38. Truth Teller says:

    P got a glimpse of one today at the Beach end of Atlantic Street it was on a Chevy Suburban by it’s size I would guess 6 mpg

  39. anon says:

    a Chevy Suburban by itโ€™s size I would guess 6 mpg

    but about 12oo miles per soldier.

  40. jason330 says:

    Very well put anon.

    There was a watershed moment for me yesterday in a store in downtown Middletown.

    The clerk and her manager were openly insluting Bush to each other and to me.

    It was shocking because in retail you can’t expect customers to be on the same page as you and even though everyone has know about Bush sucking for years – it has still been a taboo subject in a way.

    Not any more.

  41. GrEy0080 says:

    cassandra m,

    you obviously do not pay attention to your candidates policies. he has said he will double the capital gains tax…yes, DOUBLE! i am not rich by any means, but i am smart and i do invest as much money as possible in the market. when my company was bought earlier this year, i recieved about $36 in for each stock. his tax increase would have cost me close to $1500. So yes, i am a taxpayer who will never vote for Obama.

    he also supported the largest tax increase in US history earlier this year when he voted for the leg on Global Warming. However, John was on board too.

    Obama’s leading VP candidate, Tim Kaine (Gov VA) tried to RAISE gas tax when it was $4 a gallon. I am sure this will continue is he wins the VP

  42. mike w. says:

    “How could anyone support McCain? It is just an inexplicable mystery to me.”

    I’m not pro-McCain, just anti-Obama. Oh, and I just bought one of these.
