Delaware Liberal

ca..n’…t s…to…ppp la..u..ghi…ng….asaaaahhhhhhhh

Sen. John McCain pledged yesterday that he would make the federal government more environmentally friendly, while Sen. Barack Obama mocked his rival as crafting energy policies that merely pander to voters, in the latest skirmish over which presidential candidate is better prepared to tackle the nation’s energy and environmental problems.

I just peed my pants….ahhhhhhhhh.  My guess is he is going to install coal burning stoves in all the offices of the Congress and have oil dereks replace the pretty fountains around DC.  OOOOHHHHHH I know, the reflection pool can be filled with Texas Tea as sort of a monument to W!  

“put the purchasing power of the United States government on the side of green technology”

“By retrofitting [govt buildings] where possible, and by applying a higher efficiency standard to new buildings leased or purchased, we can save taxpayers billions of dollars in energy costs and move the market in the direction of green technology,” he said.

Ahhh, but what really made me piss myslef was this nugget:

McCain did not provide details about his plan, causing some public watchdog and environmental groups to question how much energy would be saved.

And when I grow up, I want to wave a magic wand (insert widdle chwild vwoice heruh) and da whul wide worlb will be a wonderful pwace.  People will bewieve me, they will bewieve that I can do it, b/c I said so. 

But how, How are you going to do it little Johnny?


Oh, that’s cute


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