ca..n’…t s…to…ppp la..u..ghi…ng….asaaaahhhhhhhh

Filed in National by on June 25, 2008

Sen. John McCain pledged yesterday that he would make the federal government more environmentally friendly, while Sen. Barack Obama mocked his rival as crafting energy policies that merely pander to voters, in the latest skirmish over which presidential candidate is better prepared to tackle the nation’s energy and environmental problems.

I just peed my pants….ahhhhhhhhh.  My guess is he is going to install coal burning stoves in all the offices of the Congress and have oil dereks replace the pretty fountains around DC.  OOOOHHHHHH I know, the reflection pool can be filled with Texas Tea as sort of a monument to W!  

“put the purchasing power of the United States government on the side of green technology”

“By retrofitting [govt buildings] where possible, and by applying a higher efficiency standard to new buildings leased or purchased, we can save taxpayers billions of dollars in energy costs and move the market in the direction of green technology,” he said.

Ahhh, but what really made me piss myslef was this nugget:

McCain did not provide details about his plan, causing some public watchdog and environmental groups to question how much energy would be saved.

And when I grow up, I want to wave a magic wand (insert widdle chwild vwoice heruh) and da whul wide worlb will be a wonderful pwace.  People will bewieve me, they will bewieve that I can do it, b/c I said so. 

But how, How are you going to do it little Johnny?


Oh, that’s cute


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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Hey! You beat me to writing about this…..the real difference between the two sets of policies is that McCain wants to do more of the same — just shave off efficiencies at the edges, while Obama’s plan is oriented towards boosting a green sector of the economy. I was amused that McCain dissed the special interest subsides inherent in the Obama plan, while pretending that no one will remember that McCain wants 45 new nuclear plants. And as we all know, new nuclear plants do not happen without government subsidy (a subsidy that Obama did vote for in 2005, which is a real problem), which I think makes McCain for the subsidies after he was against them.

    But neither one of these guys should be allowed to get away with talking about nuclear power as a green technology.

  2. Brian says:

    He and Bobby Jindal are going to name John Hagee to the position of the head of the EPA and pray over it. Or perhaps he is so senile he thought they meant painting the buildings green? Could it be?

  3. jason330 says:

    I heard McCain had at least one good idea.

    Award a $300-million prize to the inventor of a next-generation battery that could power electric vehicles.

    I think in the 20’s and 30’s these kinds of prizes were used to push the aviation industry forward.

  4. Brian says:

    Jason, let me make this real clear. I have not seen a single idea McCain is not willing to steal from Obama with a largely complicit media to make himself seem more appealing and which are in fact founded on lies. Ergo McCain= Hitler. Or has read Haushoffer so well he or his advisors are basically Nazis. I do not like National Socialism. If we are going to be a Socilaist state, let congress decide that and at least follow the right f#$king model.

  5. pandora says:

    Brian, that’s pretty clear. 🙂

  6. Brian says:

    Send this to McCain. He does not give a shit about liberty! I piss myself everytime he opens his pie hole! It was Thomas Paine who told us that every American can stick a thumb in the eye of anyone who behaves this way. So it is the right of people to do so!

  7. Brian says:

    “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority… .For a nation of well informed citizens cannot be enslaved by any power domestic or foreign….it is only in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.” Ben Franklin.