Filed in National by on June 29, 2008

If you learned that your cable provider was only going to allow you to have a maximum of 5 channels which ones do you choose?

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hiding in the open

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Oh God. Don’t make me choose!

    ESPN, MSNBC, CSPAN, Comedy Central, Comcast Sportsnet

  2. Pandora says:

    I consider this question unfair and inhumane!

    MSNBC, Bravo, CSPAN, HBO, History

  3. snark says:

    PBS, Fox, TCM, History, SciFi

  4. Sagacious Steve says:

    ESPN, ESPN 2, USA (gotta have my Law & Order reruns, not to mention Monk & Psych), TCM, and MSNBC.

  5. delawaredem says:

    Snark chose Fox? Wow.

  6. Rebecca says:

    CSpan, PBS, MSNBC, Bravo, USA

  7. Comedy Central — news
    Bravo — culture
    Discovery — reality
    TCM — movies
    ESPN — sport

  8. jason330 says:

    I don’t pay attention to which network my stories are. (For that matter I don’t pay attention to what numbers represent those networks – which drives Ms. Liberal crazy as I start on Channel 3 and I scroll to find something on channel 193.)

    I know The Daily Show and Colbert are on Comedy Central.

    Engineering an Empire is on History.

    World Poker Tour is now on Gameshow Network – which is th eonly good thing they air.

    ESPN carries the World Series of Poker.

    Election coverage on MSNBC seems better than the others.

    That’s about it.

  9. I just realized the list I posted would cut me off from Sasuke, Unbeatable Banzuke, and MXC, which would make me sad. They are my evidence that American culture is alive and well and living in Japan.

  10. snark says:

    Snark chose PBS, which is getting suprisingly little love at this lefty gathering.

  11. jason330 says:

    Ninja Warrior who carries that? Please tell me that it is one of my current five.

    If not I’d ditch ESPN because the ESPN coverage of the WSOP is mostly interviews and people being “all in with JJ vs. AK”

    How many times do they need to show that?

  12. Ninja Warrior who carries that? Please tell me that it is one of my current five.

    It’s on G4. If limited to five, I think I’d have to give that up. But maybe it would be more fun than ESPN. ESPN does sometimes show baseball, though…

  13. delawaredem says:

    True, snark. You are balancing it out.

  14. jason330 says:

    Man, I am really enjoying all of these threads. But I have to go to church and make sure everything is cool between me and skydad.


    Delawaredem, Great blogging. You rock.

    DV – thanks for, yet another, thought provoking QOD.

    PS> Can someone email the link to the admin login page to my gmail account? I just switched computers and don;t have my bookmarks yet and I have to put up a housekeeping post this afternoon dealing with:

    – The DelawareLiberal radio ad
    – The blogger awards dinner.
    – Deck progress.

  15. delawaredem says:

    I’ll email it to you.

  16. RickJ19958 says:

    Wow, tough choices. Could I download shows that weren’t available to me (I must have Adult Swim, but the Cartoon Network would be a waste)? Is this my choice, or do I have to be selfless and get Disney for the kids?

  17. delawaredem says:

    That’s why I chose no main networks. I can watch Lost and the Office online, as well as Heros.

  18. Pandora says:

    Cheaters! 😉

  19. SCFI, History Channel, Discovery, HBO (Gotta have a movie channel on there somewhere), and Comcast Sports Net to watch the Phillies

  20. jen says:

    CSPAN, HBO (The Wire is the best!), PBS, and any station showing reruns of Law and Order.

  21. Stella Bluez says:

    Discovery Channel- “Deadliest Catch”

    MOJO- “Three Sheets” & “I Bet You”

    HBO- Great productions (“Rome” was incredible).

    History International- Can’t beat hi-def history!

    Comedy Central- TDS/Colbert

    I get all my news on-line & NPR….I hate TV news…..

  22. Brian says:

    Science, BBC, Sci-fi, Discovery, WYBE.

  23. Dominique says:

    I am a TV junkie and this QOD offends me. It is wrong – WRONG, I TELL YOU! – to make a person choose only five. Instead, I will list five genres that I can do without:

    Home Shopping

  24. Dominique says:

    BTW, Jason, I totally sympathize with Mrs. Liberal. Jack has no idea what channel anything is on, nor does he know the numbers that correspond with the various channels – even ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox. The only two he knows are the Golf channel and CSN.

    On a related note, God bless the man or woman who invented the DVR. It has changed my life. I am no longer a slave to the TV schedule…it’s so liberating.

  25. Truth Teller says:

    C Span Comedy HBO MSNBC History

  26. CJO says:

    ESPN,History,SCI-FI,NGEO,and ..VH1 Classic,they show some killer concerts.

  27. leave it dominique to ruin it….

  28. liberalgeek says:

    She’s bitter, but apparently not clinging to religion.

  29. RickJ19958 says:

    I am a TV junkie and this QOD offends me. It is wrong – WRONG, I TELL YOU! – to make a person choose only five. Instead, I will list five genres that I can do without:

    Home Shopping

    I double dare you to watch Venture Brothers, Dom. Best show ever.

  30. Call It says:

    Comcast Sports Channel
    Food Network
    Discovery Channel


  31. Dominique says:

    RickJ –

    It’s not that I don’t like cartoons – King of the Hill and South Park are ok – I just think a whole channel dedicated to cartoons is a bit much.

    DHB –

    For some reason I thought you had a sense of humor. Dick.

  32. Disbelief says:

    No one mentioned porn once. Liars all. Reading the responses was like the survey on masturbation: 50% admitted doing it, the other 50% lied about it.

  33. i do and I can see you don’t either 😛

  34. Dana says:

    WPVI, DIY, TLC, Science Channel and the History Channel — which is known as the Hitler Channel around my house.

  35. Arthur Downs says:

    Comedy Central, Fox News, History Channel, the successor to Court TV, and the one that runs the raunchy ‘adult swim’ cartoons.

    I suppose that is a rather eclectic collage of video fare.

  36. David says:

    Fox News, Sci-Fi, TBN, GAC, and Fox. I would then file a petition to overturn this tyrannical action so I can get the rest of my channels.