Breaking News! New Gun Slogan on the way! “Screw Self Defense, Blow your brains out! It’s your constitutional right!”

Filed in National by on July 7, 2008

Let’s be honest for a second, the self defense thing is going to wear off after a while.  At some point you can only peddle fear for so long.  As a capitalist slash republican slash free market slash gun lover I think by reading this that we have been trumpetting the “self defense” meme to death (ha get it? death…you don’t?  read will)

Seventeen years ago, a couple of criminologists at the University of Maryland published an interesting paper about the 1976 District ban on handguns

The researchers employed a simple procedure: They tabulated all the suicides that had taken place in Washington between 1968 and 1987. Colin Loftin and David McDowall found that the gun ban correlated with an abrupt 25 percent decline in suicides in the city.

The researchers also tabulated the kinds of suicide that declined in Washington: The 25 percent decline was entirely driven by a decline in firearm-related suicide.

What the authors of the Second Amendment did not foresee, however, is that when people own a gun, they unwittingly raise their risk of getting hurt and killed — because the odds that they will one day use their gun to commit suicide are much larger than the odds they will use their gun to defend themselves against intruders, muggers and killers

If anyone in the marketing department of Smith & We$$on wants to give me a buzz, I’m pretty sure I can find an angle to get more guns into the hands of the depressed.  My guess is there are more depressed people out there then there were in 2000.  We got tons PTSD type military people now!  We got way more people without health care. Hell, Starbucks, Bank of America, the airlines, the mortgage industry is all laying off, GM too….

OHHHH wait another brilliant idea! All those people that get laid off…we should give them discounts to buy guns.

Seriously…call me, I got tons of ideas on how to make money here…woohoooo.  I’m seeing an ad in GQ with a guy with no head sitting next to a shot gun (Cobaine style)  and a headline that says, “Take Control of your life, buy a shotgun”

I’m hot today boy!

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hiding in the open

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  1. G Rex says:

    Hunter S. Thomson would kick your ass for this.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, we need discounts on guns like we need a hole in the head… wait a minute…

  3. Disbelief says:

    So dangerous instrumentality makes us kill ourselves? Based on the number of cars on the road, there should be about 5 U.S. citizens left according to the ‘self-circle the drain’ theory.

  4. G Rex says:

    The Snooze Journal ran a front page story yesterday about how “suicide by cop” is on the rise. Following your logic, that means we should disarm the police and give them whistles instead, like the Bobbies.

  5. DJK says:

    PSH = Pants Shitting Hysteria…. you guys are brilliant.

    Just becuase someone HAS a gun….doesn’t mean that they’ll USE it for anything like killing themselves.

    What a bunch of sissies.

  6. DJK says:

    People who want to kill themselves…….gun or not.

    Over half of the deaths by means of firearm in this country are suicide. The guns didn’t kill the people….the people did.

  7. djk

    um actually your wrong that is what the study says. Do you read?

    because the odds that they will one day use their gun to commit suicide are much larger than the odds they will use their gun to defend themselves against intruders, muggers and killers

  8. djk,

    you said People who want to kill themselves…….gun or not.

    and the study says:

    States with high rates of gun ownership — Alabama, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming and New Mexico — have suicide rates that are more than double the suicide rate in states with low rates of gun ownership

    and it says:

    Overwhelmingly, the research suggests suicide is usually an act of impulsive desperation — an impulse that passes.

    see that other line my misguided friend? IT’S AN IMPULSE THAT PASSES. SOOOOOOOOO Einstein, IF YOU DON’T HAVE A GUN, then you are more likely to make it through that bout of depression and not die..

    logic…it’s your friend…don’t fight it little fella

  9. Dominique says:

    I’d be interested in seeing the statistics on the number of gun owners who accidentally hurt/kill themselves or others.

  10. mike w. says:

    And what does any of this have to do with an enumerated & individual constitutional right? If the suicide numbers were 1000 times higher that still wouldn’t have a damn thing to do with my rights. People offing themselves is sad, but it’s not a reason to restrict a Constitutional right.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Hmmm. Well that would be like exercising you right to free speech by yelling fire in a crowded theater, no? There are, of course, reasonableness restrictions on rights. You have the right to bear arms, but you may not possess a rocket launcher, even if you only plan to shoot paper targets with it.

  12. what about owning a gunship?

  13. mike w. says:

    Show me where ANY pro-gun person or the NRA has ever advocated for civilian ownership of rocket launchers and gunships? Fearmonger much?

    The “Fire in a crowded theatre” example is not relevant. All rights have limits. I like the example of “my fist ends where your nose begins.” My rights exist unrestricted up until the point where they directly infringe upon your rights. Keep in mind I’m talking about tangible rights here, not some ridiculous “right to feel safe / right to not be offended.”

    For example, I have a right to free speech but I cannot threaten to kill someone, nor can I engage in libel or slander because then my speech (my action) is causing harm to someone else.

    How does my ownership of a pistol, shotgun, or AR-15 infringe upon your rights? How does my legally carrying a pistol on my hip while walking my dog infringe upon your rights? It doesn’t.

    Let’s apply gun control to the “crowded theatre” argument. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre, but the government doesn’t prevent you from entering the theatre. They don’t cut out your tongue to prevent you from yelling fire. They don’t punish you because people in inner city theatres yell fire.

    There are no a priori restrictions on your 1st Amendment in the theatre example. Nor are your 1st Amendment rights restricted because a tiny segment of the population abuses them. Gun control laws, however, are a priori restrictions on the exercise of a Constitutional right. They punish all Americans because a small segment of young black males won’t behave themselves and stop killing eachother. (of course the “war on drugs” doesn’t help matters)

    Also, as a libertarian I’d even make the argument that people have a right to suicide. If we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don’t we have a right to end it?

  14. DJK says:

    @Delaware’s Hottest Blogger well, that’s a really astute correlation…since most car accidents happen to people that own cars.

  15. DJK says:

    @Delaware’s Most Lukewarm Blogger


    um actually your wrong that is what the study says. Do you read?”

    What am I wrong about? (and it’s you’re not your)

  16. DJK says:

    “States with high rates of gun ownership — Alabama, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming and New Mexico — have suicide rates that are more than double the suicide rate in states with low rates of gun ownership”

    What I don’t see is a mention of….are those TOTAL suicide numbers or SUICIDE by use of gun numbers?

    And either way…so what. People who don’t have the mental stability to work through the hard times without killing themselves need to be culled anyway. Our gene pool is suffering anyway. Might as well get rid of the weak, just as in nature.

  17. DJK says:

    “Also, as a libertarian I’d even make the argument that people have a right to suicide. If we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don’t we have a right to end it FOR THEMSELVES?”

    I agree. My body is mine to kill.

  18. DJK says: Obama, What Are the Facts?

    Do you pray to his shrine at night? Beware this empty suit….

  19. again, do you read?

    The article notes that suicidal tendencies abate given some time. If someone has a gun there is no time to pass and get over the bout of depression and they kill themselves with the gun. If they have time to think it through and not find the quickest way to end it the odds they actually kill themselves go down.

    let me shorten it for you. Maybe you missed this statistical analysis done by a decades worth of research.

    when people own a gun, they unwittingly raise their risk of getting hurt and killed — because the odds that they will one day use their gun to commit suicide are much larger than the odds they will use their gun to defend themselves against intruders, muggers and killers

  20. so in short, when you grab your gun you are LESS likely to do so to protect your body then you are to blow your brains out.

  21. DJK says:

    Sure, there is time to pass… There is just as much time to pass if someone has Drano or a gun or whatever, so their choice to use the gun over something else is irrelevant. Remember, the gun doesn’t shoot them without their pulling the trigger. So, the problem is still with the person and their lack of control, not the gun which is an inanimate object.

    I repeat….good riddance to the weak.

  22. NO it is not irrelevant. that is the point of the research.

    do you not understand suicidal tendencies?

    So if you say good riddance to the weak, then how what do you say to the soldiers that commit suicide? Weak bro, totally weak.

    What about a young woman that is raped and searchers for a gun? what about a child that is sexually abused and has no outlet?

    Horrible reply, but not surprising coming from someone hanging onto their guns and religion.

  23. Disbelief says:

    Does closing liquor stores make it less likely that people will be alcoholic? Last time we tried that theory, we made the Mafia billions of dollars. And didn’t the FBI agent who cracked down on bootlegging (Eliot Ness) blow his own brains out?

  24. DJK says:

    Then the research is irrelevant.

    Well, if suicide is all they can come up with in an age of endless government programs, then yeah, peace be with them. If they had guns in the first place maybe they wouldn’t have been raped or molested or robbed or whatever, but no, you won’t have that will you?

    And your “clinging to guns and religion” rhetoric is getting old… I’m more clinging to my rights and liberties… That you advocate that your own rights be stripped of you is appalling.

    You Obama zealots amaze me.

  25. If they had guns in the first place maybe they wouldn’t have been raped or molested or robbed or whatever

    guns…the answer to everything… your naivety is so cute

  26. G Rex says:

    “what about owning a gunship?”

    Or maybe a tank, like that whack job DuPont guy?

    Okay, you guys are talking past each other on this, so I will impart my Solomonic wisdom and you can all go about your business: Accepting the University of Maryland study at face value, having a gun makes it easier to kill yourself. What a revelation! It still doesn’t nullify my Constitutional right to own one.

    What they should have studied instead was whether the DC gun ban had its intended effect; that of reducing the murder rate in what we suburban Marylanders referred to as Dodge City. I’m guessing not, since it didn’t take a single Mac-10 out of the hands of a single gang banger.

    Now, Philly Mayor Nutter’s plan to require all gun thefts be reported actually makes sense, but it still only applies to legally owned guns, not the illegal guns which are the problem. When somebody comes up with an idea to get all the illegal guns off the street, let me know, but until then it’s from my cold dead hands.

  27. Disbelief says:

    Go G!!! Long Live Chuck!!! (even though he’s dead, but not from a bullet)

  28. Pandora says:

    Um… Why does the NRA ban guns from its conventions? Just sayin’.

  29. Disbelief says:

    Weight limit, Pandora.

  30. DJK says:

    Pandora….they don’t.

  31. DJK says:

    and if they do, it’s a city ordinance or something like that which would do the banning.

  32. DJK says:

    If they had guns in the first place maybe they wouldn’t have been raped or molested or robbed or whatever

    guns…the answer to everything… your naivety is so cute

    Guns aren’t the answer to mixing cake batter….but they definitely can be the answer to violent attacks.

    Would would you have a teacher do if someone attacked their class?? Throw a book at them?? Lie in a corner and wait for death?

    How will you defend yourself against a predator in your home in the middle of the night?? By asking him nicely?

  33. OHHHH I GET IT so guns are a deterent. Rightttttt. Criminals won’t be criminals if we all have guns…

    Good guy A has a gun, Bad guy B has a gun. If bad guy sees good guy with a gun, well then problem solved, good guy has met his match and ma and pa are saved! hooray!

    okie dokie you are a cutie pie aren’t you. I just want to pat your head and pinch your cwute widdle cheecks….awwwww

  34. DJK says:

    Is that all you’ve got, to try to belittle me? Is that how you argue/debate? Am I just making too much sense for you and you don’t know what to do now?

  35. Disbelief says:

    With a close relative in law enforcement, the old adage “give a robber what he wants and wait for him to leave” is being replaced by “he’s going to kill you anyway so you might as well fight like hell”.

  36. DJK says:

    You still haven’t answer my questions. How will YOU defend yourself when someone breaks into your home, and wishes to cut your daughter into little pieces? Are you going to call the police and wait for them to get there to put her in ziploc bags? or are you going to act?

    I’m going to act. I’m going to hurt that motherfu***r. I’m going to kill him dead so as to avenge any previous harm he’s done and to make sure he never does anymore.

    That’s right, good guy kills bad guy…bad guy can’t hurt anyone else. It happens every day.

  37. G Rex says:

    No silly, deterrence is the job of the government, not the private citizen. Unfortunately, they don’t do a very good job of that, so the private citizen finds himself in the position of having to defend himself and his property against social predators. I guess that’s why city police chiefs are always in favor of restrictions on gun ownership; because to do otherwise would be tantamount to admitting they can’t do their jobs effectively.

  38. DJK says:

    @ Disbelief

    That’s right. Criminals know that they can kill you and get away with it or only get a slap on the wrist, so they kill you.

  39. DJK says:

    Here, again, are my questions:

    Would would you have a teacher do if someone attacked their class?? Throw a book at them?? Lie in a corner and wait for death?

    How will you defend yourself against a predator in your home in the middle of the night?? By asking him nicely?

  40. Pandora says:

    I think the biggest advantage for the bad guy is the element of surprise. If someone jumps you or breaks into your house is there really time to grab and load your gun?

    I added the step of loading because if you have children in your home and keep your gun loaded then you’re asking for a bigger tragedy and, IMO, are a completely irresponsible parent.

  41. Would would you have a teacher do if someone attacked their class??

    assuming the attacker has the element of surprise what is the point of having a gun? why does the teacher having a gun make them less vulnerable to an attacker? The attacker just has to be more calculating. What if the attacker had a high powered rifle and was 200 yards away in a tree waiting for the teacher to cross the open window?

    If there is a will there is a way. if they want him/her dead Mrs. Lumpybutt gun or not is going to get hers. So she has a gun big whoop. What’s protecting her from being approached from behind silently and having her brains blown out? Spare me man, really spare me.

    Oh I know, no windows in schools! Body Armor for all teachers! Wait, let’s put the teachers behind bullet proof glass and have them teach like that. Ohhhh I like that answer.

    Ok, so my answer cutie pie is this:

    I’d put the teacher in full body armor, behind bullet proof glass, with no windows.

  42. oh and she can have her gun. I’d also give her that neato bra gun like in Austin powers.

    groovey baby yaaahhhh

  43. DJK says:

    You are assuming a lot by saying the attacker has the element of surprise. Now, you need to take into consideration that there are other people there…not just her. Withought getting into scenarios or tactics, we’ll assume that if the bad guy is facing one way, someone else could be behind him too. So, maybe we can lessen the casualties or prevent them altogether. The fact of the matter is murders will get guns, banned or not. So, let me exercise my right to defend myself.

    “I’d put the teacher in full body armor, behind bullet proof glass, with no windows.”

    That isn’t very practical, now is it? But, letting her carry a tool by which she could defend her own life, or the lives of others….that’s practical.

    Or, how about actually keeping bad guys in jail instead of feeling bad for them because of their upbringing and letting them out after a year for murder.

  44. mike w. says:

    Ok – y0ur argument is “why bother having the gun? the criminals will get the jump on you anyway and you won’t be able to use it in self-defense.”

    Why do cops carry guns then? Openly no less? By your logic it won’t ever deter a criminal, and they’ll never be able to draw it in time to defend themselves or someone else.

    If my options are to wait helplessly, pleading for my life and hoping the violent criminal won’t hurt me or trying to use my weapon to stop the threat I’ll take my chances trying to defend myself. It sure beats waiting in a corner or under a desk and waiting to die.

    Also, criminals are cowards. The last thing they want is for someone to fight back. If anything you as the victim have the element of surprise when you decide to fight back.

    Oh, and my guns are locked in a safe and LOADED. All I have to do is pull the trigger. An unloaded gun is just a paperweight. If god forbid I ever need it I may not have the time or ability to load it.

  45. DJK says:

    @ Pandora

    “I think the biggest advantage for the bad guy is the element of surprise. If someone jumps you or breaks into your house is there really time to grab and load your gun?”

    First of all, an empty gun when you need it is useless. So, keep your guns loaded. Maybe keep it in a small biometric or push button safe in between the bed and nightstand where you can get to it quickly and quietly. Use the safety, if your gun has one. Educate your children on safe handling of guns. Tragedies don’t have to happen.

    Shotguns are great too, keep it loaded with nothing in the chamber. The sound of the pump action sending your first round home is enough to sound many/most bad guys a runnin’.

    They’d have to be pretty stealthy to get past the dog without him barking….or the deadbolt, or the windows, without making noise, which sets off the dog, which prompts me to reach over and grab the gun.

    My gun stays nice and close and since it has no safety, slide back magazine in. I only have to release the slide to load my gun. I can do that loudly or quietly. I know my house like the back of my hand, the bad guy doesn’t.

    Bottom line….they might get to me first, which they would do for sure if I wasn’t armed; the cops won’t stop him. Or, I might get to him first, but I’d rather have the option of having the option.

  46. Pandora says:

    Assuming the element of surprise isn’t a stretch… unless you live 24/7 waiting to be attacked – which actually might explain where you are coming from. If so, my condolences.

  47. Or, how about actually keeping bad guys in jail instead of feeling bad for them because of their upbringing and letting them out after a year for murder.

    so then we can raise your taxes? sweet!

  48. Why do cops carry guns then? Openly no less? By your logic it won’t ever deter a criminal, and they’ll never be able to draw it in time to defend themselves or someone else.

    the deterrent to killing cops is the penalty of law, not solely b/c they have guns

  49. DJK says:

    so then we can raise your taxes? sweet!

    So, you prefer keeping predators on the street??

    We’ll see what happens to your taxes if your messiah, Obama, get elected. You’ll be paying 50% of your taxes right to the .gov. Have fun with that.

  50. They’d have to be pretty stealthy to get past the dog without him barking….or the deadbolt, or the windows, without making noise, which sets off the dog, which prompts me to reach over and grab the

    PHONE…grab the phone…hello, I have an intruder. (locks self in room)

  51. Pandora says:

    Okay, loaded gun in safe… don’t you have to take time to open the safe?

    And as far as police… I would venture that the uniform is a bigger deterrent than the gun.

  52. DJK says:

    “the deterrent to killing cops is the penalty of law, not solely b/c they have guns”

    But…there really is no penalty….they get out after two years anyway….

  53. You’ll be paying 50% of your taxes right to the .gov. Have fun with that.

    site that please. would love to know where you got that on from….

    I don’t make $250k + a year, so I’m feeling pretty safe soldier

  54. DJK says:

    “Okay, loaded gun in safe… don’t you have to take time to open the safe?”

    These safes take about one second to open, if you know the “combo”

    “And as far as police… I would venture that the uniform is a bigger deterrent than the gun.”

    yeah, because the uniform comes with a gun.

  55. DJK says:

    “I don’t make $250k + a year, so I’m feeling pretty safe soldier”

    Your man will be taxing EVERYONE more…. You can bet your bottom dollar….if he hasn’t taken it already.

  56. Al Mascitti says:


    “But…there really is no penalty….they get out after two years anyway….”

    Yeah, sure. They all get out after two years anyway. Now I see why you want a gun — you’re paranoid-delusional.

  57. Maybe you should read up on some other reasons to keep a gun…or many.

    I haven’t needed a gun ever. I don’t live in fear and don’t need a peace of metal to feel safe.

  58. DJK says:

    I feel safe too…and a little safer knowing I have the ability to defend myself.

  59. DJK says:

    Al Mascitti – prove me wrong. Killers rarely do all of their time.

    These crimes were committed by people who should have still been in jail. All of them.

    See this:

  60. mike w. says:

    “Assuming the element of surprise isn’t a stretch… unless you live 24/7 waiting to be attacked – which actually might explain where you are coming from. If so, my condolences.”

    Pandora – Do you keep a fire extinguisher in the house? A spare tire and tools in the trunk of your car? Having those tools available doesn’t mean you’re some paranoid nut expecting to have a fire or a flat at any moment. You keep those tools because shit happens and you want to be prepared. Keeping a loaded gun in the home or carried for self-defense is no different.

    Do you only wear a seatbelt when you expect to be in a car crash? You can’t predict such things, so you wear it all the time.

  61. DJK says:

    Mike W… THANK YOU.

    A breath of fresh air…

  62. mike w. says:

    “the deterrent to killing cops is the penalty of law, not solely b/c they have guns”

    So the law only deters violent criminals when it comes to killing cops? If the law is so effective as a deterrent why is it not equally effective at deterring murder of non-cops?

  63. djk,

    site where you are reading my taxes are going up please?

  64. So the law only deters violent criminals when it comes to killing cops? If the law is so effective as a deterrent why is it not equally effective at deterring murder of non-cops?

    the penalties are stiffer for cop killers. now you are just playing dumb with me.

  65. DJK says:

    Do you think he’ll be able to provide medicine to every person in the country without raising your taxes?

  66. DJK says:

    So, it’s worse to kill a cop over a child?

  67. DJK says:

    “seatbelt is law”

    So…you’re saying all laws make sense?

  68. DJK says:

    Can you approve Message #61, please?

  69. mike w. says:

    Right, because an extra 20 years really matters to someone willing to commit murder.

    “Okay, loaded gun in safe… don’t you have to take time to open the safe?”

    Hmmm what takes longer.

    1. Opening a safe that’s no more than a few feet away from my bed to retrieve a loaded pistol.

    2. Calling 911, waiting for dispatcher to relay my info to the cops, then waiting for them to make the 15 mile trip to my house.

    I’d rather do both. If the cops get there in time to apprehend the guy before he can harm me or my family then great. If not then at least I have a way to stop him.

    Oh and by the way, when you call 911 for help what are you asking for? You’re asking for a guy with a gun to come save you. Isn’t it much more practical if YOU have a gun and don’t have to wait for one to be transported to your location via a cop? No one can respond faster to a violent assault than the person being assaulted.

  70. Al Mascitti says:

    “Do you keep a fire extinguisher in the house? A spare tire and tools in the trunk of your car? ”

    Neither one can easily be put to the wrong use. A gun can. And suicide qualifies. What this study shows has been backed up many, many times over the years by all sorts of studies: The suicidal impulse is often a fleeting one. The availability of a firearm makes it hard to undo the spur-of-the-moment decision.

    These are just facts, tough boys. But you’ve already shown your vast capacity for empathy with your “gene pool” comment.

    Here’s a philosophy I learned from a book: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” Save these comments you’re making today, and look back at them in 30 years. Trust me on this one: You’ll either be ashamed of what you’ve written at #17, or be given a wide berth because you’ll be considered the biggest asshole in your town.

  71. Al Mascitti says:

    By the way, I strongly support the right to individual gun ownership. I simply choose not to own one, and don’t feel the need to proselytize my position. But then, I’m the same way about Christianity. Proselytizing is for the insecure.

  72. Pandora says:

    I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for djk to provide that site, DV.

  73. DJK says:

    I doubt that the messiah is going to tell us how he’s going to do it up front….if he did…people might vote for him then.

  74. mike w. says:

    Al – Are you seriously telling me someone can’t be killed with a tire iron or breaker bar? Or even a fire extinguisher. Ever heard of blunt force trauma. If the INTENT of a person is to kill they can kill with anything.

    Anything can be “put to the wrong use” Religion? Look at the threat of islamic fundamentalism. We don’t throw away freedom of religion and ban Islam in America because of that threat. Free speech? The ideas espoused by Hitler, Mao, and Lenin have killed far more than any tool ever has. Still, we protect the rights of Americans to disseminate these dangerous idea. (for example, we allow Nazi’s and the KKK to march and pubish literature because that is their right, irrespective of the risks such ideologies pose to society.)

  75. DJK says:

    Al Mascitti you can very easily kill someone with a fire extinguisher or a tire iron. You just have to be mad I guess.

  76. DJK says:

    Maybe so, but my comment was borne of your idea that we should take away all guns just to protect people that don’t want to live anyway.

  77. DJK says:

    It took a couple of tries, but CNN “American Morning” co-anchor John Roberts got Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama to admit what people probably already knew – Obama wants to raise taxes.

    Obama appeared in an interview with Roberts on the January 9 “American Morning” fresh off his second place finish in the New Hampshire Democratic primary. He told Roberts high taxes were in the best interest of the American economy.

    “Well, I think that there’s no doubt that letting the Bush tax cuts on the top 1 percent lapse would not have, I think, a significant impact on the economy, but would bolster our fiscal situation,” Obama said. “We continue to run big deficits – our national debt has increased drastically. That is not good for our long-term economic security.”

  78. djk,

    old, it is 250k, not 97k…keep trying though

  79. DJK says:

    That’s ONE type of tax. We pay many others.

  80. Obama would pay for these increases with much higher taxes, including by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010.

    that’s not raising my taxes. I’m not rich i already told you. I don’t make over $250k. My income isn’t from capital gains, and the AMT doesn’t affect me…


  81. DJK says:

    You’re gonna get fucked in the drive through. You can’t seriously think that he is going to give everyone everything and now tax you to pay for it.

  82. yawn…this is getting to easy…

    “Well, I think that there’s no doubt that letting the Bush tax cuts on the top 1 percent lapse would not have, I think, a significant impact on the economy, but would bolster our fiscal situation,”

    again, I’m not the top one percent…next

  83. my taxes aren’t going up DJK, and neither are yours big guy….unless your income is from Capital gains, then oh well too bad

  84. DJK says:

    either way…

    It’s blind allegiance that I see here and it’s worrisome.

    This guy has never done anything good and is surrounded by nefarious people.

  85. DJK says:

    It’s been nice…I’ve got work to do and I’ve got to reload some ammo. We’re shooting tonight. You should get out there and try it some day. It’s fun. And…it might save your life someday.

  86. I assume you don’t support bush then

  87. i was in the service I shot enough to know I’m good

  88. DJK says:

    You were in the service and you called a dead corpsman a pussy?
    What kind of traitor does that?

  89. DJK says:

    Weren’t you crying earlier about people killing themselves and how they’re so disenfranchised and downtrodden? But…you call a dead soldier a pussy?

    What was your MOS? What could a pacifist like you possibly have done to serve our great country?

  90. Von Cracker says:

    “It’s blind allegiance that I see here and it’s worrisome”

    What an concerned asshole you are, DJK!

    I’ve read the circle jerk of links to other “like-minded” sites on your blog. You should take you’re own advice then.

  91. DJK says:

    ? Do I have blind allegiance to someone??? What advice is it that I should be taking? Arm yourself? I do. Stand up for our rights? I do.

  92. DJK says:

    You looked at three pages….. Big deal.

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    Time of Visit Jul 10 2008 11:34:28 am
    Last Page View Jul 10 2008 12:02:23 pm
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    Visitor’s Time Jul 10 2008 2:34:28 pm
    Visit Number 1,731

  93. Von Cracker says:

    So pacifists cannot be of service to their country?

    Logically then, to be of service one must promote violence.

    Either you say things without thinking it through, say things that you truly don’t believe so you can just make a put down, or worse yet, try to validate your point, or lastly, you’re just fucking retarded.

  94. DJK says:

    Good one Crack. Go back and read who is the name calling belittler.

  95. I think I have expressed a few times that they are not my words…they are how i FEEL this administration views its veterans.

    I’m hardly a pacifist too. Like it’s a bad thing. Why don’t you call me a fag too and REALLY hurt my feelings.

    I just don’t support Pre Emptive war, Unjust War.

  96. DJK says:

    Sure, pacifists can be of service….but they’ll never see battle, so they’ll never know what Pfc Dryer went through, then shouldn’t have the audacity to call him a pussy. that’s all.

  97. DJK says:

    I don’t either….and never said I did.

  98. neat trick you copying the sites he clicked

    like he couldn’t click sites linked to on the sites he visited from yours…


    great discussion mike.

    In the end we both want the same thing. A better country, more equality, and a piece of the reward for working hard and sacrificing for our country

  99. pandora says:

    What unit did you serve in, DJK. Were you on the front lines? Did you have to kill anyone?

  100. DJK says:

    I called you a pacifist because you’ve made it clear that you don’t think people should be able to defend themselves, at least not with anything effective.

    Anyway, I’ve spent way too much time here.


  101. Von Cracker says:

    didn’t take much since the political stuff is all boogey-man crap.

    Talk about blind allegence! and thanks for posting the IP shit, tough guy!

    BTW – I support the 2nd Amendment. Citizens have a right to arms….but the true question is: Does that include automatics, bazookas, and land mines?

  102. pac·i·fism (ps-fzm)
    1. The belief that disputes between nations should and can be settled peacefully.
    a. Opposition to war or violence as a means of resolving disputes.
    b. Such opposition demonstrated by refusal to participate in military action.

  103. mike w. says:

    In the end we both want the same thing. A better country, more equality, and a piece of the reward for working hard and sacrificing for our country.

    Actually I don’t want equality. I want freedom. Government induced equality and fairness are socialist principles.

  104. Christian qualities too….no?

  105. mike w. says:

    Yes, the religious right who try to “legislate morality” are wrong as well, but the ignorant masses don’t gleefully embrace that with fervor they do socialism, and socialism and it’s contemporary Communism have killed millions. Sadly, those failed ideals are still popular in 2008, in America of all places, particularly among liberals.

  106. Greg M. says:

    You have pointed to a correlation, but no causation.

    Japan has very strict gun laws and yet has double the suicide rate of the US. I guess there’s something more to the suicide problem than the availability of firearms.

  107. dude this post is like 10 days old…we have moved on

  108. mike w. says:

    No, you’ve just conceded that you can’t form coherent arguments without resorting to pettiness.

    You’re moving on because you have nothing substantive left to say.