it never ends…

Filed in National by on July 10, 2008

Keep voting for Castle, Carper and Biden people…

Justice Department officials yesterday agreed to revise guidelines that govern how prosecutors investigate corporate crimes, handing a significant victory to business groups and defense lawyers who claim the existing policy tramples on defendants’ rights.

Robbing a bank with a gun=10 years Robbing employees with a pen = 0

Pete Lawson, a lobbyist for the Chamber of Commerce, said the Justice Department proposals do not go far enough, in part because they would not apply to government investigators at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The changes, he said, would mark the fifth adjustment to business guidelines in the past 10 years, underscoring the need for Congress to intervene

oh wahhh

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hiding in the open

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  1. G Rex says:

    Okay, I had to read the article twice to figure out what the F they were revising; apparently prosecutors had previously considered it obstruction of justice if a corp. pays the legal fees of employees under investigation or refuses to fire them, and now they can’t bully a corp. into rolling over because some grandstanding DA like Elliot Spitzer wants to get elected.