Lofink Running: Two Jobs in the Balance

Filed in National by on July 10, 2008

A reliable source has informed me that Vince Lofink has decided to run again for his seat, despite the woes related to his son’s arrest and subsequent tongue lashing by the judge during sentencing.  Why would he do such a thing?  Earl Jaques gave him a good run for his money in 2006, and is running again.  Losing is no fun, and Jaques us sure to use Vince’s family woes against him.

The answer appears to be, again, family.

Mr. Lofinks wife, Janet Kilpatrick is a legislative aide for the House Republican caucus, a political appointment.  So if the Republicans lose the House, Mrs. Kilpatrick-Lofink loses hers as well.  This may be good news for Jaques, but perhaps it sweetens the pot for even more challengers.  Time will tell.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Does Lofink have a real job, or is he a ‘purfessional’ politician like Carney?

  2. G Rex says:

    According to the State’s website, his occupation is “School-to-Work Coordinator, NCC Vo-Tech School District.”

  3. Disbelief says:

    School-to-Work-Coordinator? WTF is that? “Go get a job, punk”? “And don’t steal nuthin’. Capiche?”

  4. G Rex says:

    Dunno, maybe he runs the carpool sheet on the bulletin board.

  5. Al Mascitti says:

    I have known Janet for many years, because we used to belong to the same swim club. Before becoming Mrs. Lofink (and before the death of her husband), she was the go-to person for Roger Roy to get things done in his district (which is also mine). She probably was best known by the public as the driving force behind the Hockessin July 4 events.

    If anybody elected to the General Assembly were as good as Janet at getting things done, Delaware would be a better place. And if Vince loses his office, I doubt seriously the GOP would get rid of Janet. They can afford to lose Vince, but not Janet.

  6. liz allen says:

    Earl Jacques is a good honest man, we can only hope the voters will end their support of Lofink and send someone to the legislature who will work on behalf of the citizens!

  7. Al Mascitti says:

    Lofink has been barely winning his races for years. There’s no way he’ll survive the bad publicity concerning his son.

  8. jason330 says:

    Interesting stuff. The question now is, will the NCC Dems doe the same thing to Jaques that they did to Pramela Kazza in Kent.

  9. Met Jaques (JAKE!!) yesterday. What a down-to-earth, totally approachable dude.

  10. mike w. says:

    I remember Mrs. Kilpatrick. She was my neighbor. Nice lady. I didn’t realize she’d remarried.