Your Government Ladies and Gentleman

Filed in National by on July 11, 2008

They described not just standing, but being kept up on their tiptoes with their arms extended out and up over their heads, attached by shackles on their wrists and ankles, for what they described as eight hours at a stretch. During the entire period, they said they were kept stark naked and often cold.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    My God! Is that what goes on at the John Waters show?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Ya know, that may qualify the detainees to run to be President of their country some day.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Worse, Waters uses roach clips on the nips….

  4. CJO says:

    Maybe we should’ve beheaded some of them in front of a camera and put it on the internet. I don’t think thats been done yet, has it?

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Nope, hasn’t been done by a western democracy or signer of the Geneva convention yet. Great idea. Really.

  6. CJO says:

    You didn’t get my sarcasm, sorry. All I was saying is that some pretty harsh things have been done to western prisoners,ie. losing their heads, while in captivity. The allegations in the article seem pretty lightweight.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I got your sarcasm. My point is that we hold ourselves to a higher standard. Are you aware that John McCain cannot brush his own hair because of torture techniques just like these?

    These are not lightweight torture techniques. They are torture.

  8. CJO says:

    And where does that get us? The rest of the world thinks we’re tyrants. They are terrorists with one goal — to kill us. Don’t you think we should kill them first?

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Do you think we should become them to win? They rest of the world wants to believe that we are better than that. I want to prove them right. If we are to defend our way of life, we can’t destroy it along the way.

  10. pandora says:

    “Don’t you think we should kill them first?”

    Who are “them”?

  11. cjo,

    well then 1 you must not be a christian of any sorts. 2) you know nothing about the geneva convetions 3) you know nothing about torture 4) you know nothing about an honor among men 5) you support communism

  12. CJO says:

    THEM is the terrorists.

    Why would I support communism?