Charles Lamot DuPont Copeland giving tools to yoots

Filed in National by on July 15, 2008

From “the speak of the devil and he appears” file, I just got a campaign email from Copeland…

While there are many things we can and should be doing to improve the economy of our state, there is one critical point that needs to be made if we are to make our state great again. We must provide our kids with the tools they need to succeed in life – tools that they can use to obtain good jobs and provide for their families.
– Charles Lamot DuPont Copeland

All I can say that I’m glad he did not pass out any tools to these youths. From the looks of it, they would have planted them in his oversized noggin.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. RickJ19958 says:

    Because… why?

  2. jason330 says:

    Body language..

  3. Dominique says:

    It looks like they may have had Ambien for lunch.

  4. Dom hits one out of the park. WTF?
    The post implies an audience with pent up annoyance not somnolence.

  5. anon says:

    They wish they were at the mall.

  6. Rebecca says:

    That’s an awful photo — did his campaign actually put that out? The kids’ attitude says it all, “Mr. Rich White Guy” who has nothing to say to us.

  7. InfoDepot says:

    No, his campaign did not send that picture out.

    They did send this:

    Giving Youth the Tools They Need to Succeed

    Last month, the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that Delaware is one of only three states where the economy contracted in 2007. Moreover, the report ranked Delaware last among all 50 states in economic growth.

    While there are many things we can and should be doing to improve the economy of our state, there is one critical point that needs to be made if we are to make our state great again. We must provide our kids with the tools they need to succeed in life – tools that they can use to obtain good jobs and provide for their families.

    In the late 1990s, I co-founded a non-profit organization called the Challenge Program. The Challenge Program’s construction apprenticeship program allows youth in New Castle County the opportunity to learn construction skills and provides many youth with tangible skills that they can use for years after they leave the program.

    Recently, the Challenge Program was featured in a News Journal article entitled, “Youths help build a better life for others just like them.” I wanted to share this story with you because it is critically important that we provide our children with the education and the experiences they need to be successful in life. The Challenge Program is just one example of a program that has been successful at doing just that.

    Challenge Program Home Dedication in Wilmington in May, 2008

    The joint program noted in the article is noteworthy because it benefits both participants in the Challenge Program as well as the children in foster care who may otherwise be left to fend for themselves after leaving foster care.

    Most importantly, the program provides a sense of accomplishment to all participants.

    It is the ability to learn a trade and to help others that makes this program such a success. These positive stories are a direct contrast to the negativity we read about daily and are a reminder to all, that with opportunity comes hope and the ability to succeed in life. We need to provide our youth this ability and the opportunities that come with it.

    As lieutenant governor, encouraging this type of program will be high on my agenda. Providing opportunity, both through non-profit programs such as the Challenge Program and in reforming our schools is not just a policy idea – it is a necessity if we are to improve our state, both now and for future generations.
    Please join me in promoting opportunity for youth in Delaware by signing up to volunteer on my campaign. The more Delawareans that hear of these great stories will allow more people to realize that there is a better way for Delaware. There are ideas and programs that exist that can benefit all Delawareans – starting with the most needy and extending to all corners of our society.

  8. G Rex says:

    Well, guns are tools, so maybe Charlie wants to give them guns.