Well this shall prove interesting…

Filed in National by on July 16, 2008

Boy would I love to see some of the names on this list baby…

Hundreds of super-rich American tax cheats have, in effect, turned themselves in to the IRS after a bank computer technician in the tiny European country of Liechtenstein came forward with the names of US citizens who had set up secret accounts there, according to Washington lawyers investigating the scheme.

Liechtenstein’s veil of secrecy was pierced five years ago when the disgruntled technician, Kieber, downloaded the names of foreign citizens connected to the secret accounts.

Kieber reportedly sold three CD’s full of names and data to tax authorities to 12 countries including Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and the United States.

The names of the US citizens are now in the hands of the IRS and Senate investigators

Washington lawyers say a number of prominent citizens have been subpoenaed to testify but have already indicated they will refuse to testify, asserting their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Do you actually think they’re going to audit Dick Cheney?

  2. Pandora says:

    Dis, I never even considered that! Thanks for making my day. 🙂

  3. Truth Teller says:

    When will we get to see the names.

    I am willing to bet never

  4. anon says:

    “Boy would I love to see some of the names on this list baby…”

    Tax authorities in Italy published the full list of names.

    Get busy, paisano.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I’ve been looking and can’t find the names…

    I wonder if Cindy McCain’s name is on the list. That would make Jason correct on his prediction that John McCain wouldn’t be the nominee.

  6. anon says:

    Three CDs will hold a lot of names… Either that, or lots and lots of scanned information about a few people.

  7. Disbelief says:

    You guys can’t find the names because they’re in Italian.

  8. RAH says:

    Secret accounts do not mean that they are all tax cheats. But there might be a lot of criminal enterprises funds that are there as well tax cheats. Considering how Soros has to avoid coming to the US because he has warrant out, his name may also be on that list. How many third world countries rulers’ names have sheltered money in these accounts? I agree this list will have a fair number of interesting names